Home cooking.

Hi there, I've just joined and am starting on the 5-2 feast/fast system. I live in deepest rural SW France and tend to cook everything from scratch. My nearest shopping facilities are quite some distance away so I try to shop (other than for topping up fruit and veg) only once every two weeks.. Also, ready/chilled meals are not hugely available in these parts (and those that are available are not comparable with e.g. M&S or Tesco in terms of quality) plus home cooking is in any case cheaper and allows me to be confident about exactly what I am eating!.

How do I go about guaging the calorie content of home-cooked meals/portions? I tend to batch cook and freeze lots of soups and casseroles. :happy:


  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Try using the recipe feature in your food log where you put in all the ingredients, how many portions you'd divide the whole recipe into, and it will calculate the calories, etc., per portion. It makes it easy to save that and recall it any time you need it. And preparing your own meals is healthier than buying the frozen/prepackaged meals...so good for you!
  • Gardou
    Gardou Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks very much for the advice.