What do you do to help you lose weight?

I'm a 58 year old female and I'm interested in hearing what you do to encourage yourself and make weight loss fun.
Below are a list of some of the things I have been doing that have been successful for me.

1) I have an exercise bike and while watching a movie on Netflix, I exercise daily. I get so preoccupied with the movie, that it seems like in no time, I do 4 miles. I enjoy watching movies especially that have to do with weight loss. There is a super long movie called Ruby that is actually not a movie at all, but this gal who is overweight shares her feelings on what it's like to be big. I feel more motivated when watching movies like these.
2) I need to treat myself to something, so I make sure that I have different flavors of coffee cream in the fridge - like Coffeemate Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies flavor,etc. The calories sure are a lot less when you have a tsp of flavoring rather then eating the cookies.
3) It's nice to keep a picture around of what you looked like when you were super thin. It's a nice encouragement.
4) I also give myself a treat when I lose a certain amount of weight, like buy a new piece of clothing maybe a size smaller.

Share with me on what you like to do to help you lose weight.


  • ellenmja
    ellenmja Posts: 13 Member
    I set up a shelf/desktop for my treadmill and I can put my laptop on it. I go to the U-Tube site and look up virtual walking videos and 'walk all over the world' !! It is SO interesting and the time goes fast - can also use those for my recumbent exercise bike with a little table I have next to it! Some of the videos are really cool as the sound gives you the sensation of walking through fall leaves - you can hear the birds sing, horses hooves clapping on the street.... Try it if you are able! :)
  • madmish29
    I set up a shelf/desktop for my treadmill and I can put my laptop on it. I go to the U-Tube site and look up virtual walking videos and 'walk all over the world' !! It is SO interesting and the time goes fast - can also use those for my recumbent exercise bike with a little table I have next to it! Some of the videos are really cool as the sound gives you the sensation of walking through fall leaves - you can hear the birds sing, horses hooves clapping on the street.... Try it if you are able! :)

    great Idea! i think i will give this a try! Thanks.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I am 48
    If It gives me time to watch tv maybe I should get the treadmill out.

    I do home DVD series. Currently doing T25 and Combat while waiting for The 21 Day Fix to arrive.
    I work out in the AM before everyone gets up, otherwise every excuse hits (I'm not a natural morning person so getting out of bed is tough)

    I run accountability groups, so I Have to work out if I'm encouraging others too.

    I plan on getting New summer clothes instead of 2nd hand, which I've been doing while in the process of losing. although the 'thrill of the hunt' is pretty fun with the 2nd hand stores.
  • ShortStrut
    ShortStrut Posts: 22 Member
    I really like all of these thoughts so far!

    I'm also a big fan of Netflix while I walk. Usually I do TV shows, and a lot of them end on cliffhangers, so I WANT to watch that next episode. And the only way I will watch certain things is if I'm treadmilling while doing it.

    I'm always really pressed for time, and so I lie to myself a lot. I tell myself I will do _____ for 20 minutes. (This could be cleaning, working out, whatever) So I look at the clock, and promise 20 minutes. Once I get started, I either find that I have finished the task before the 20 minutes are up, or now that I'm doing it, I might as well finish it out.

    Another trick, when I work out, I have a particular pair of pants and shoes that I've dedicated to working out. So I force myself into the outfit, then my body knows it has to work out, I didn't get all dressed up for nothing. Other tricks with outfit is, sleep in your workout gear, that way when you wake up, you're ready to go; or put all your workout/gym clothes in a bag/hanger, right there ready for you.
  • Junctionbox
    Junctionbox Posts: 47 Member
    I listen to TuneIn radio, the comedy channel while I am doing exercise. You have to be careful in case you laugh so hard you fall off the machine or drop the barbell, but it certainly passes the time.
  • whitiwj
    I'm 62 and do Body Combat & Body Pump on alternating days when I'm home. I work 7-7 offshore so every other week I have to get innovative. I have some Combat & Pump on DVD that I can work out with but space restrictions make it difficult workouts to say the least. During the summers, fall and spring at least I can jog on the heliports
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    In addition to using this app, which has helped so much more than tracking the old fashioned way of paper and pen, I also see a nutritionist. I know what I need to do, but it helps me to have a third-party person to be accountable to. My insurance covers this, and I can justify paying one co-pay a month and skipping a restaurant meal with my husband.

    I also find it extremely helpful to plan out meals not only before going to the grocery store, but in the morning as well.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I used to watch movies as I ran on the treadmill at the gym. Except instead of weight loss movies, I used to watch Van Damme movies. Especially the training montages. That's what inspires me to move. If you can;t stand Van Damme, movies like Girlfight, or Rocky would have worked, too, I suppose. Guess I've always wanted ot be a boxer / kickboxer.

    Now I am motivating myself by trying different diets for periods of time (not really fad diets, just different approaches to macros and things like that). It keeps it different, which is what I need to keep my head in the game. I get sick of the same old things very quickly.
  • missyme10
    missyme10 Posts: 38 Member
    I've made a few changes that I think have really helped me.

    First, I parked up the car. I have a 3 mile rule, if where I am going is within 3 miles I walk and walk back. If beyond I will take the car, the only exception being the weekly grocery shop.

    I also decided to take on the NHS 5000 steps a day challenge, now with parking up the car, this just happened without even trying.

    Obviously I am eating controlled calories, but I also made certain general changes to my shopping.
    I switched sugary drinks to sugar free.
    Switches sugar for sweeteners.
    Chocolate and high calorie snacks for fruit and healthy cereal bars.

    I bought a smaller dinner plate and have a rule of 1/2 of the plates food must be vegetables/salad.

    I give myself Saturday evening off, I can have a drink and eat what I want, but I am sensible about it as I don't want to undo all my weeks hard work.

    It's working, I started up again in the new year, and I'm 9lb lighter than I was after Christmas.

    These are permanent changes I am making to my life, not just for my current weight loss aims.
  • CJB1124
    I find social interaction and accountability is a strong motivator for me. Right now I am trying a DietBet (diet better.com). It's an interesting system where you bet money with a group of people that you will lose 4% of your body weight or more in one month or 10% or more in six months. The winners split the money. Somehow this is not gambling, lol. Some legal mumbo jumbo on the site explains why. Anyways, its fun to have a little friendly competition, and everyone is always posting on the bet about things they've accomplished for the day or reaching out for help. I'm on my first one, but I like it so far (the one I am doing is a $25 1/mo. bet hosted by the winners of The Biggest Loser, season 11). Also, who isn't motivated by money?!
  • pinkhairgrl
    pinkhairgrl Posts: 2 Member
    I take my kindle and answer emails and set up my social media during my treadmill workout. As for keeping me motivated..I say to myself, if I get fat my husband will leave me! haha..just joking. My motivation is being healthy so I don't have to get dialysis later. (that part is true)
  • lookingforward2agreatlife
    Wow, thanks for all the suggestions.
    There is a neat online free generator at http://www.modelmydiet.com/ where you can see what you might look at at a certain weight comparing to the weight you are now. Give it a try.
  • lookingforward2agreatlife
    Another fun site is http://modiface.com/weightmirror/ where you can upload your picture and then see what you will look like when you reach a certain weight.
  • lookingforward2agreatlife
    How cool is that? I've never heard of virtual walking Youtube videos before! I'm going to try some of those.
    I'm going to do the bike riding videos.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I just download some new music and if they are songs I really like I'll enjoy the workout more. That or buy some new shoes or a new workout DVD program.