Is it Just Me?

Is it just me, or does any other newbie find this site totally confusing? There are SO many headings, so many Blogs/Community/Help/Introduce Yourself links - where are on earth do we start? I've filled out my profile but am now totally stuck. I get how to add a food but that's about it. Consequently the target I've been given is now out of date because I haven't started yet! And even if I get any reply to what I'm typing now, I don't know where to find it when I next log on! All I wanted was a simple, quick and easy way of logging foods and keeping to targets, but all this just seems SO much hassle. I just don't know where to start and I'm not a stupid person. Yet everyone swears by MFP. I've asked various questions so far but have no idea where to find the answers!


  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    I think it's pretty easy.

    The MY HOME is your home page. Start there. Look at the tabs at the top. Add food and your exercise as needed.

    COMMUNITY is where you are typing - you obviously figured out that. Go to My Topics to see what you have posted and any replies

    There is also a search button so you can search for answers.
  • VegGirl62
    VegGirl62 Posts: 35 Member

    Welcome to MFP! Yes, it can be confusing...I find it best to join a group or two and have a few friends. To find where you posted before click community, then message boards then my topics. My Topics are posts you have posted to. You can set your account to get email notifications when someone posts to a topic you posted to. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you like. Your friends post on your own homepage. Kind of,like a Facebook page. You can also set privacy setting in your settings tab.

    Hope this helps!

  • einstein86
    einstein86 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree that there is a lot going on with this website. I think people lose weight so successfully using this website because they spend all of their time figuring it out instead of eating. =-) I am also new to this but am just sort of clicking around using trial and error. Good luck to you.
  • morcal36
    morcal36 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I sent you a friend request, hopefully you get it ok.

    I am sure you will ge the hang of the site in no time, just play around with it xx
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    If you click on "my home" then "goals" you can edit your goals so it will update to your current weight, age, activity level, etc

    If you want to enter a recipe to use in your diary click on "food" and then "recipe" and "add a new recipe" (on the right a small green box) enter the recipe (be sure to weigh and measure all ingredients and put the proper serving amount at the top. To enter recipes you just search for the ingredients in the database as you add them when you are done you save it.

    Entering exercise is the same as entering food but I enter the stuff manually as MFP estimates are over on the calorie burn.

    If you go to "My Home" you can hit profile and there you will see links on the right of the threads you have posted or replied to and if you click on a specific thread it will take you there.
  • Thanks! At least I know it's not just me! However, as I seem to have spent so much time in the last few days trying to figure out the site, I've decided to give it a miss for the time being. Perhaps it's just not for me. I wanted something quick and simple and have realised that I can follow the same principles doing it for myself with a notebook and pen! Maybe it's better with a community support, but i'm afraid frustration gets the better of me and I just don't have time for that! I may come back to it at some point down the line, but in the meantime, good luck with your progress, and thanks again.