Having trouble calculating calories....?

So, my box of cashews says 1/4 cup is 195 cal.
I ate 10 Tablespoons of cashews (not good,I know)
To figure out how much I went over, I calculated 16 tbsp in a cup, so 190 cal in 4 tbsp so about 50 cal in a tbsp, 50 times ten is 500 calories
But then i saw on MFP, its in oz so 2 tbsp in an oz (160 cal) , that means I ate about 5 oz, which is about 800 cal?!
So,which is more accurate, the 500 or the 800?


  • lumiris
    lumiris Posts: 9 Member
    Bump...(do people do that here)...?
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    It's more accurate to weigh the nuts. Invest in a food scale.
  • lumiris
    lumiris Posts: 9 Member
    id love to but i cant right now :(
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I guess I'd split the difference between the two numbers.

    But next time, weigh your foods. Especially high calorie foods like cashews.
  • lumiris
    lumiris Posts: 9 Member
    ok, ill just count on the higher end to play it safe,thanks for replys!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Or if you can't afford a digital scale, buy a cheap one (they're like $4). It's better than nothing.

    Or also, here's something you can do if you really can't afford a $4 scale. When you buy a bag of something like cashews, split it up into 10 equal baggies (or whatever). The packaging will tell you how much total weight is there in the entire package. So if the bag is 500g and you split it into 10 baggies, you'll know each baggie is, on average, 50g.
  • lumiris
    lumiris Posts: 9 Member
    Thats a good idea, I need to do that next time i buy nuts