I'm getting REALLY frustrated!



  • bslaf
    bslaf Posts: 249 Member
    Ok I'm going to start with I'm not here to tell what to eat or what to do but maybe this advice would help. You seem to be going over in fats a lot and none of those fats are from nuts, olive oil, flax seeds, egg yolks, raw seeds or avocado's. You have some great choices but seem to be thinking prepackaged fruit cups, jam, popcorn and other non raw foods are ok but i'd try sticking with foods with only 1 ingredient
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Took 6 weeks when I started for the scale to move in the right direction. You've lost 4 lbs in a month. That's rock solid loss. I mean, if you were still 202, I could see being slightly frustrated.....But REALLY frustrated at a 4 lbs loss....that's a bit much.

    Keep at it. You'll see more results. Walk away and you'll likely be back over 200 in short order. Depends on how much you want it.
  • I have to work hard to lose my pounds and I don't see much when it comes to losing weight. That is when I started to change the way I think of weight and how I weigh. Sure we all would like to be skinny but it took me years of unhealthy eating, being sluggish, and not taking care of myself to get me in the condition I am in now. So I think of how good it feels to sweat, how eating is changing my energy level and how getting good sleep keeps me alert all day. These changes don't seem like much to other people they mean the world to me. I love feeling good. Keeping on working out and eating right is the scale I live by now. Sounds like you are stressed because of a number. Get away from that negative thinking. It isn't doing you any favors and keep living healthy like you are doing now. In the long run you will see the pounds come off. Change your goal to 4 pounds a month for a year. That way it isn't so overwhelming. Stopping means you will get further away from a idea instead of closer to it.
  • JCM1969
    JCM1969 Posts: 141 Member
    Oh my.. no wonder you are frustrated... You are HANGRY girl... I agree... you need to eat back exercise calories... I know you tried that but maybe try it again... have you considered getting a heart monitor.. it can give a little more accurate calorie burn... not perfect but it is a good guideline. I have a polar 4 .. (there is more to the name than that) it was about $60 on amazon...
    Hang in there....
  • I don't plan to stop. I am just frustrated. As for the fats unfortunately, I am allergic to nuts, so that as a source is out. I try to use olive oil as my fat most days when I eat a salad. I will occasionally eat an egg, but I don't really care for eggs. I might make a piece of French toast with an egg and some whole grain bread.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    Hang in there .. it will come off

    If you burn more than you intake, you will lose weight. the weight loss path could look like an EKG reading but from beginning to end, it will eventually be lower.

    Even though you are weighing/counting everything review it and see if there are opportunities to fine tune. A previous poster mentioned your package food intake, did you know a package food label by law can be off 20%.
    “A food with a label declaration of calories, sugars, total fat, saturated fat,trans fat, cholesterol, or sodium shall be deemed to be misbranded under section 403(a) of the act if the nutrient content of the composite is greater than 20 percent in excess of the value for that nutrient declared on the label.”
    Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Sec. 101.9(g)(5)

    Again, hang in there. Going back to your old way wont work, eating nothing wont work, find your spot in the middle
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    You might want to approach this from a different angle. I've been reading the fat2fit website, and one of the recommendations is to calculate the range of calories you'd be eating at your goal weight with your current CHOSEN activity level and start eating that way now. It doesn't do any long-term good if you diet and work out like a maniac now if you aren't going to live like that for the long term.
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Patience. I know you've been working hard and doing everything right and it's so frustrating when the weight falls off your hubby and won't budge on you, but it's pretty early too. I am 47 and eat between 1600 & 1800 depending on my workouts. I have only lost 20 lbs since starting in July or whenever it was that I joined. It is a slow process and sometimes extremely frustrating when the scale hardly budges and you've been doing everything you are "supposed" to do to lose weight, but it does eventually move. So give yourself credit for adopting a healthy lifestyle, make changes you can live with forever and mostly give yourself a break and some patience. If you are eating at a deficit, it will come off.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    My frustration isn't so much that I lost 4 pounds in January, it is that I actually started this in November, gained a few pounds at Christmas and am now right back where I started after struggling through P90x for a total of 9 weeks, on top of all the extra cardio. What is making it even worse it that I am doing this with my husband and he looks amazing and lost close to 10 pounds and has gained some really nice definition. If I gage this by my actual starting weight, I haven't even lost 1 pound. I started this program before I discovered this website.

    I'm gonna tell you some stuff tht you don't want to hear, but remember, you started this thread.

    You sound as if you aer trying to rationalize that "you started this is November" when really in the very first post you said you ate too much around the holidays. Own it. Deal with it, don't use it as an excuse to give up and think that now in Feb you are "rigth back where I started" cuz the only one who put you there is YOU. so now move on.

    You DID, as many have pointed out, lose 4lbs already in January. That's good. That's progress. Focus on the good and the trend now that is downward movement on the scale. Screw Nov and Dec, cuz they ain't coming back, but the lbs sure will if you give up now.

    Good luck to you.
  • It sounds as if you are doing all of the right things. What I didn't notice in any of your posts are comments/reference to your bowel movements. Are they regular? In order to get the nutrition from the foods you eat and to lose weight, one must have a healthy gut. Talk to your doctor about using Konsyl. It is a natural supplement that acts as a laxative and a bulking agent. Once your bowel movements are regular, add a pro-biotic. By the way, I do NOT work for, sell or are otherwise affiliated with the company who makes Konsyl. I am just a satisfied consumer of the product.

    Good luck to you!
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    What is making it even worse it that I am doing this with my husband and he looks amazing and lost close to 10 pounds and has gained some really nice definition. If I gage this by my actual starting weight, I haven't even lost 1 pound. I started this program before I discovered this website.

    This to me is the most unfair part about being a woman! We are the ones obsessed with being thin, but it's guys and their danged testosterone that can lose weight and gain muscles so much faster than us.

    BUT WHOAAAAA HOLD ON---YOU ENDED THE HOLIDAY SEASON AT 0.3 LBS LESS THAN YOU STARTED! That is worth a high five!!!!! That took some serious willpower and determination. Don't discount it!

    If you are doing P90X, you are probably building up some muscle. Are you tracking your body measurements and body fat%? That might show what is going on more than the scale. A few years back, I lost 30lbs doing a bootcamp type program, but it took 3 months before the scale even budged (I didn't cut my calories too much, was eating 1750-1850/day back then). However, in the meantime, my body fat% was going way down and my muffin top disappeared. Once the scale started moving, it felt like the inches started melting off (but the scale still only showed 1-2lbs a week loss).
  • DeliD25
    DeliD25 Posts: 19 Member
    I briefly looked at your diary. One observation I would make is to perhaps try moving to more clean eat and more whole foods. I noticed that some of your meals consist of quick to go items that are generally low calorie, but my have higher sodium and lots of additional chemicals that your body doesn't need. You are doing great. I too am slowing down in my weight loss, but don't get discouraged. Many of the other posters commented on age and menstrual/menopause, as well as waste which will all impact on the scale. Another suggestion I might make is try completely different workouts to change your exercise routine. Water fitness might be a nice change. Maybe book some sessions with a personal trainer. A trainer friend of mine also challenged her friends to stop doing cardio if you have hit a wall and do more weight and calisthenic type exercises for the month of February. Do you have a strengthening regimen?
  • Izoralee
    Izoralee Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 49 also and the weight is horrifically slow to drop! so I changed my perspective :) Add in strength training to build up some muscle. I've actually gained 6 lbs but my body fat has dropped to 31%. I'm stronger and drastically increased my endurance, PLUS the bursitis in my hips does not bother me as much. People have been commenting on how healthy and better I look.

    So forget the scale! work on health and fitness, the weight loss will happen in the background :)