Moms with LOTS of kids?



  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    10 kids, 3 of them are step children, and we have custody of them. All 10 are 16 and under :) Fun times!

    That is so cool! I don't have any kids but it seems exciting =)
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Hi, I have 2 boys 7 and 9 - I can relate to how easy it is to put the kiddo's first and not keep any time for yourself!
    Some good advice here!
    You can do it!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My sister has 12 kids from 3-21 and if nothing else, tries to get a walk in.:smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Wow! I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant with my third. I go to the gym to escape the two I have lol. Without that 'me' time I think I'd go insane :happy:

    At the moment I'm feeling the third trimester exhaustion, so I do use that as an excuse not to go to the gym sometimes. As long as I do 4 times a week I'm happy.

    I also work part time as a teacher so have a planning and marking load.
  • I have four, lots by todays standards.

    Though I have split custody (my 3 sons are from my first marriage), and a step-daughter. Would like one more with my husband since we don't have any biological children, but we don't have intentions of having any anytime soon. My sons live mostly with their father, in their younger years I ran on my treadmill, now I do mostly home fitness programs by Beachbody (bodybeast, focust25, insanity, etc).
  • Hi!
    I only have 4- 6,4,3 and 1. And I definetly understand! Getting that extra time in is kind of hard. I am trying the workout program T25 right now. It works you out pretty good for just 25 minutes a day. I usually try do this either with the kids (which deosn't always work out too well, lol) or after I put them to bed at night. if I don't do the dvd, I put on some music and dance while I'm cleaning the house or something. The only other thing I might do is sit-ups or crunches on commercial breaks when I'm watching TV.

    Sometimes I don't do any of this in a single day- but I agree with saying don't beat yourself up if you miss a day or don't get a lot of time to workout.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    kcasey155 I remember those days. Still experience them frequently actually. My 2 year old still doesn't sleep through the night, and it's tough to make time for myself. but, gotta do it
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    koolaidsmile7 you win!! LOL Wow! That's incredible. Cooking for 12 people ain't no joke. Finding 15 minutes for yourself is an even bigger one!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    typing one handed (baby in arms) but gotta say, this would make a fun group - you ought start it OP. If you do, count me in. Mom to lots of kids, 5 biological (20d,18s,17d,17d,14s), one adopting (6d), and a few (short term) foster babies.

    I workout throughout the day, in short spurts, in my living room. My kids often join me doing pushups, etc.
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Show me how to and I will ;)
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    OK... not sure if this is how to share the group, but here's a link (I think) to the group...
  • KnewBGNG
    KnewBGNG Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, I have 4 kids under the age of Ten. Feel free to add me:drinker:
  • Feel Free to add me .. Mom of six here.. 17, 13, 12, 11, 8, and 4 and I still get in two work outs a day thank to my amazing husband! Looking to meet new people to get new ideas!!!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I only have four but we have always homeschooled too so I've had to make time for working out. When they were younger I'd set them up with schoolwork or something that didn't require my help and I'd pop in a DVD or do weights in the garage. Now that all three of the older ones are able to be left home alone/babysit I sneak off to the gym whenever I feel like it. The kids learned young that mom's time is mom's time and you don't interrupt unless you're bleeding, something is on fire or there is a real emergency. I love them but with homeschooling them I HAD to carve out that time or I'd gone crazy a long time ago!
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    HOW DO WE DO IT?? :)
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    Been seeing posts with moms with lots of kids so bumping this

  • I've got 5 girls: 28, 22, 20, 15 and 10. Only 2 left at home, but still having a hard time fitting in the workout time because of all the demands I've allowed others to put on me, like babysitting the grand kids, or driving someone to an appointment. I know I need to learn to say "No," but, well, I guess some , if not all, of you know how that goes. I've neglected myself too long! Nearly 100 lbs over weight and unable to work at a job I love and worked hard for (was a nurse in a very physically demanding long term care facility), can no longer do the things I used to do, especially camping and hiking, and I am NOT get any younger! (47). To the younger Moms here, please take my advice to avoid my fate- it's ok to say "NO" to requests from others that would take away from your time to care for yourself! You are every bit as important as everyone else who asks for your time! I know you may feel guilty about it, especially if it's one of your children, but saying "no" now may give you more years down the road to be able to say "yes". And the "yes" habit is hard to break if you don't practice "no" often enough.

    Good luck to all in their endeavour for a healthier life!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    I have 3 children 11, 3 and 1 and they are my workout , we play football and jog round the park and even when potty training we made up potty dances and things so anything is possible
  • Hi! I'm new here and I have 9 kiddos. it's yours, mine, and ours kinda deal, lol. I have 6 step daughters 22, 19, 18, 14, 7, and 12. Then I have 3 biological babies. 11 year old boy, 2 year old boy, 16 month old daughter. I'm in the boat with those struggling to find time for ourselves. I know it can be done, I just haven't figured it out yet. However, I'm in hot pursuit! Feel free to friend me and we can commiserate together :)
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    it is super tough to give ourselves permission to take care of ourselves, but we have to...