Feb 1, How Many New Years Resolutions Still Here?



  • briendM
    briendM Posts: 8 Member
    I started tracking on MFP January 1st as part of a resolution. Today is my first day on the forums :) I just got my FITBIT today (my second resolution) and am now aiming for getting a scale next so I can actually weigh myself! Gah! I want to see that ticker MOVE! LOL!
  • I started tracking on MFP January 1st as part of a resolution. Today is my first day on the forums :) I just got my FITBIT today (my second resolution) and am now aiming for getting a scale next so I can actually weigh myself! Gah! I want to see that ticker MOVE! LOL!
    Cool! Which Fitbit did you get? I have the Flex, and had a One for a long time before that.
  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    I had a fit bit pro? whichever was before the one. I just recently updated to the FORCE and LOVE IT!!
  • frankysgurl
    frankysgurl Posts: 51 Member
    Still here and still motivated. Wish the weight was coming off faster but I am trying to do a lifestyle change this time and no fad yoyo diets like the past.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I started losing weight January 2nd, 2011.. came here in March 2011 and still going strong :) Joining this website was one of the best decisions ever.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Actually enjoying the exercise 6 days a week. I'm doing okay with not feeling hungry. MFP has helped me keep on track I think.
  • Cool_Ginger
    Cool_Ginger Posts: 19 Member
    I'm here... not a formal resolution though just needed some structure around goals I already had floating around. I wish I'd been adopted but I was worried I'd get someone that would be judgemental of me (silly right?)
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I adopted 10 resolutioners as part of the adopt a noob thing and they're all gone...good for you guys; just keep bangin' awyay

    I need to be adopted! I have been around for awhile, but life got in the way for a bit. I made the resolution this year to get myself back on track. I didn't exercise last week, but I didn't eat crap either and still logged my food.
  • NKoz82
    NKoz82 Posts: 25 Member
    My actual resolution was to schedule and take better care of myself. I have followed through and there is no going back. I love my Kosama fitness and eating cleaner has allowed me to eat a ton and lose weight. I am loving my new life!
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    Started my LifeStyle change in Dec If that counts. Still here and down 4 lbs. :happy:
  • secret1386
    secret1386 Posts: 2 Member
    Started Jan 6th as a personal goal to rejuvenate myself! Feb 5th now and still going strong with a 10lb weight loss. Feeling accomplished and motivated. Haven't had any desires to cheat or add in extra calories. Pulled my office into the mix of things for a 2014 healthier you goal and everyone is doing fantastic! Slow and steady wins the race. Congrats to everyone for sticking to it and digging in for the lifestyle change as apposed to a fad.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I started Jan. 7...2013.

    Like the OP, I didn't make a New Year's resolution; I just decided in Dec. 2012 that I needed to lose weight (high cholesterol, blood pressure inching up, and lower back pain), but that the winter holidays were a bad time to start. On my way home in early January I read about MFP in my sister's copy of Consumer Reports, and on Jan. 7, the first morning I was home, I stepped on the scale and started to count calories.

    It seems to be working!
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    I am still here! I am inches thinner and a few lbs lighter, and have some muscle showing now. :3
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    Still here!
    Decided I needed to track my food and was sick of not liking any of my clothes in my wardrobe on me anymore. Chose to do it after Christmas, not as a resolution, but didn't eat much over Christmas anyway since I was unwell.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    Even more determined as I was on Jan 1st. I have a wedding to go to on Feb 22 and I want to lose another 5lbs before then. That's basically 3 weeks - do-able??????

    You bet????????????????????????????

    Same! I have a wedding in April to go to and that's even more motivation- to look good in my clothes because I know there are going to be cameras everywhere. And we all know what they say about cameras.....
  • I'm still here too, and another one that just happened to join in January rather than a real resolutioner - I'm not much of a new year resolution type.

    I'm so glad I joined! The site has been so useful, both for tracking and for learning about how to become more healthy. And I've discovered (for the first time ever) that I actually enjoy exercise and eating well. It's amazing. One very happy noob, and planning on sticking around. :smile:
  • piejin
    piejin Posts: 41 Member
    I'm here! I just joined the site last month to help keep myself accountable for what I eat. I haven't made any visible progress yet in losing fat, but I've been sticking to my 1200 calorie-a-day goals on a weekly average, and I'm hoping if I keep up with it I'll start seeing changes in this next month.
  • stephsmom93
    stephsmom93 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Yay! I'm still here and 12 pounds lighter! :happy: It takes 6 weeks for something to become a habit! Yay! I'm almost a habit! A healthy one at that! :heart:
  • Woo hoo! So good to see so many hanging on into February! If we all make it through March, that's 25 percent of the year down.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Any of us still here? :)