Any tips for reducing soda and getting more water?



  • baodell
    baodell Posts: 32 Member
    I was addicted to diet coke. I used to drink a 44 oz from the gas station every night! I cut it out cold turkey Jan 1. I've had one regular soda since then. My stomach is so much less bloated - it's crazy! and I feel better, too. I dont even crave it anymore.
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    I never was too keen on soda, even when I was a teenager. I only get soda/pop on the rare occasion that I get a meal to go, so in that sense it's seen as a "treat."

    What I suggest is the same as most others are saying here. Get a BPA-free bottle, fill it up and keep refilling it. You'll know you're drinking enough water when your pee is clear.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    I agree with the cold turkey recipe. It was hard at first since EVERYONE has soda EVERYWHERE, but it is much easier to just drink water then to try and limit yourself, at least for me it was. Admittedly, I take a sip off of my kids capri suns when they ask me to open them. Daddy tax you know.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Put down the soda. Pick up the water.

    Seriously though, for me it REALLY helps for the water to be cold and in a container I like. I prefer the big insulated plastic cups with a straw for some reason.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    I like soda too. Always went to it. Recently I found sparkling water that has flavors. It is like clearly canadians from back in the day (here in Georgia). This has helped me drink nothing but water.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    The chemicals in the "diet" sodas affect your hormones and can actually make you crave sugar more than regular sugar does.

    My friend has had great success with telling herself that she will only drink a soda after drinking 100oz of water a day. She has lost a bunch of weight in the last 2 months, and hasn't had a soda since she started that - not because she can't, but because by the time she's done drinking that much water she doesn't want the soda anymore!

    I've yet to see a credible peer-reviewed study that supported that first sentence.

    As far as the whole 100oz of water a day thing, your friend is probably overdoing it.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    ummmmm.....simple answer.

    stop drinking soda. start drinking water. The end. You will get used to it and you will learn to like it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Quit cold turkey and take some excedrine.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    have you ever poured a coke over a car battery that was corroded? if not you need to youtube so crazy how it strips all the yucky stuff away....only imagine how it effects your for thought. can anyone say ----no more soda----taste wonderful but is horrible for you
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    ummmmm.....simple answer.

    stop drinking soda. start drinking water. The end. You will get used to it and you will learn to like it.

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I was drinking too much and it was causing me problems(unique to me), one day I limited myself to one with each meal, and I was fine.

    For water, I put a squirt of Italian lemon juice in ice water or pelagrino. Sometimes I add organic honey or RosesLime juice.
  • katiemegcz
    katiemegcz Posts: 49 Member
    I was a 6-10 can per day diet cola drinker. I gave it up cold turkey a little over a year ago. I won't sugar coat it...the first 2 weeks were hard. Diet soda was my crutch, and my only addiction (besides apparently too many calories). I had withdrawal headaches, body aches and other symptoms, but I powered through because it was affecting my health. I am so glad I did. Here are the things that have gotten me through:

    1. Before I allow myself to drink ANYTHING else each day, I drink 20 ounces of plain old water.
    2. I got a Soda Stream. I make soda water and squeeze lemon into it (cheaper than buying in bottles and no waste). Sometimes I drop a little flavored Stevia into it (peppermint was my favorite over the summer, but vanilla is also surprisingly good).
    3. I never allow a day to go by without drinking 1/2 my weight in ounces of water (or homemade seltzer).
    4. I also gave up coffee and caffeinated tea...for me anything caffeinated is a gateway drug.

    The results (for me) have been almost complete elimination of migraines, tremendous reduction in sugar/carb cravings and slightly accelerated weight loss. I also notice that my skin looks much more hydrated, I sleep better, and I do not get the occasional fast heart rate I was getting before.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you notice headaches when you quit cold turkey, wean yourself off by drinking 50% less than whatever your average daily intake is for 2 full months.

    at the end of that time do the same.

    repeat until you are caffeine free.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Do this with the soda...

    Do this with the water...
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    So... you want tips for reducing soda and getting more water?

    Ok, here goes, this is a time tested solution.

    Drink less soda, and then drink more water.

    You see, by drinking less soda, you're reducing liquid intake which if you sustain for too long you'll get dehydrated. To avoid dehydration you drink water. Now, it's important to drink water correctly, it goes in a glass, or other container that you have in the home or office, once added to that container, you drink from it just as you would soda.

    Better yet, stop buying soda, and switch to water.
  • russellvolk
    russellvolk Posts: 102 Member
    Do this.

    1. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    2. Buy a Camelback water bottle. Keep filling it up with water. You'll be amazed at how much water you'll be consuming.
    3. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    4. Repeat everyday.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Ween yourself off of one and onto the other. If flavoring the water would help do it. I used to always have to drink flavored water, but not anymore.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Do this.

    1. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    2. Buy a Camelback water bottle. Keep filling it up with water. You'll be amazed at how much water you'll be consuming.
    3. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    4. Repeat everyday.
    What does water do for your body that soda - particularly diet soda - does not? Please clarify. It's not hydration.
  • Shonjikari
    Last month I decided to stop drinking soda to humor myself as a New Years resolution. I'm one of those people who drink about 5 cans a day of coke. I've done that for years since caffeine is the only thing that prevents me from passing out during the day since I have a sleep disorder. Plus everyone keep nagging me saying soda is the only reason why I have a sleep disorder so I also partly did it to prove them wrong. So I quit cold turkey for the most part, except the first 2 days or so when I had about 2 cans instead of my usual 5.

    It's been about 3 or 4 weeks now, and it hasn't been terrible. I've had some headaches, but nothing a quick nap and some advil doesn't cure. I asked my mother to stop buying soda because when I have access to it in my house I have no self control haha. When I crave something sweet and sugary, i'll eat a piece of fruit or drink a cup of juice. For the most part that curbs the craving for soda. When it's the carbonation I crave, I'll also eat fruit and focus on the pulp. I don't know why, but snacking on fruit is an absolute savior for me.

    When we go out to eat, I'll ask for juice instead of soda as well. I'm a weirdo who only can stomach room temperature water, and drinks so water at restaurants is out of the question since they seem to acquire water from Antarctica or something.

    Speaking of temperature, finding a temperature of water I enjoyed REALLY helped. What temperature do you like your soda? Everyone always insisted I drink ice cold water, but I don't even like ice cold soda. I hate ice in my stuff period! I've always drank my soda room temp. When I tried room temp. water I actually found myself enjoying it a lot more.

    Also: water bottles. If you are lazy like me, having something you can just grab as opposed to taking out a cup and pouring makes all the difference. If you absolutely can't do it cold turkey, I suggest buying a large bottle which requires pouring and then keep smaller water bottles you can just grab and drink. That really helped me at least hahaha.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Do this.

    1. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    2. Buy a Camelback water bottle. Keep filling it up with water. You'll be amazed at how much water you'll be consuming.
    3. Understand that water is good for your body. Soda is not.
    4. Repeat everyday.
    What does water do for your body that soda - particularly diet soda - does not? Please clarify. It's not hydration.
    You should totally tweet about it.