Returning to MFP, looking for friends :)

I have been back on MFP for a month, after getting a clinical diagnosis for gout. Doc is not sure which one (pseudo or standard) because my lab reports say I have the internals of a 27 year old (I am 43) and low purine levels. However, after hopping around for 6 weeks with a flare up that put me on crutches while my kids where outside on Christmas... it felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I have disavowed the meds the doc wants to put me on and researched how to handle gout through diet and natural supplements. To be honest, limiting myself to 5 oz of meat in a day is a bear. Going cold turkey on caffeine, sodas of all kinds and fried foods has been difficult. Oh the caffeine/aspartame withdrawals were murder.

I have dropped 20 lbs in my first month and started C25K over the weekend, Day 3 is tomorrow. I am going to start up on some personal weight resistance programs this weekend (pushups, crunches, etc). My short term fitness goal is to finish C25K in March and start TapouT. My second goal is to finish TapouT. I do not have a weight goal, I am looking to hit 15% Body Fat.

Lookingfor some friends for support to be sure. Not just that, but any advice on gout maintenance while losing weight would be a huge boon. Just losing weight I am dumping purines into my bloodstream and fighting to keep the next flare up from occurring.


  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I am a runner, feel free to add me if you'd like some support!

    Good luck on the C25K :smile:
  • tehdux0r
    tehdux0r Posts: 41 Member
    I started the C25K as well, and my Day 3 is also tomorrow! Good luck!