
Currently, I am working full time and I am taking a college course on my lunch break so I am only able to eat lunch at my desk everyday. I have found that lean cuisine meals or something similar helps me get back to my desk quickly so others can go to lunch and is not messy for me to eat while I work.
After this class is over, I want to try not to stick with those as my main lunch, but I really don't know what else to eat that is low in calories and quick to prepare and transport. ( I do know that I will probably be eating more calories by the time school is over since I won't have as much to lose so that will allow me bigger lunches)
What do you all eat for lunch? If I don't have something easy, I won't take my lunch and then I get tempted to go fast food hopping.


  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    I make a big pot of soup most Sundays and divide it up for lunches. I'll make some pasta separately and then throw them together when I'm ready to eat them. Just a few minutes in the microwave and it's much more satisfying than anything out of a box. You just need to find a little time on Sunday to prepare.

    If I get sick of soups by Thursday or so, I'll freeze whatever I've not eaten and come back to it another week.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    For this one, I'm going to direct you to my favorite source of recipes: Pinterest. portable lunches
    Check that out. Look through some of the boards.
    Look at this one too, which I found... guess where.

    If you have time and access to a microwave, you can basically make anything. You can bake a potato, have pasta/rice/quinoa, steam vegetables. You can even heat up pre-cooked meats like bacon and hot dogs (or low-sodium veggie and turkey varieties for health!).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I make a big batch of pinto beans with tomato, onion, bell pepper, and garlic in the crock pot every Sunday night. It is a staple in my family. I have that for lunch probably 3-4 times per week. I put a little Hatch red chile in mine and some cheese and eat my bean bowl (1 cup) with a tortilla and half an avocado.

    This time of year I also do a lot of soups and stews at home, so I'll bring a bowl of leftovers when I have them. I have a sandwich about once per week, I do them more in the summer.

    I don't think a lean cuisine would ever satiate me and frankly...and this is just me as I am a foodie...they're not really very tasty. I would also have a hard time with their outrageous levels of sodium as I am hypertensive.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Today I really liked the lunch I brought to work with me. I usually go home and cook and/or eat with my husband since I work near home but it's snowy/icy so I stayed here and enjoyed...

    1 boiled egg, chopped & mixed with 1/2 TBSP. light olive oil mayo and some black pepper on a multigrain Sandwich Skinny with a small pile of Boston lettuce
    8 baby carrots
    1 medium banana
    1 TBSP. natural peanut butter

    471 calories. I usually eat a lunch that is between 350-500 (personal preference) as I do not snack in the mornings or afternoons.

    Yesterday I had a big bowl of leftover lentil soup made with coconut milk, onions, and spinach, and a butterscotch oatmeal cookie (homemade the night before also). And of course my 8 baby carrots...that's a lunch habit for me!
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I usually make extra of whatever I had the night before and bring it for lunch the next day. "Baked" potatoes are easy to do in the microwave. Sometimes I have an egg sandwich (egg cracked into a bowl and microwaved for about 45 sec on an english muffin or whatever). And of course, there is always the old standby of a sandwich (which I don't do because I hate lunchmeat). A wrap with hummus and veggies is easy to make and eat. Hope this helps!
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    my lunches are almost always leftovers or sandwiches. I'm tiring to make more salads though. last week I did manage to cook up a large chicken breast and cut it into strips for salads latter in the week. However I only remember to make a salad twice LOL
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Leftovers. Assuming you prepare a healthy dinner, just make a little extra and tomorrow's lunch is taken care.