AMAZING flourless, high-protein pancakes under 300 cals

Easy, gluten-free, healthy, high-protein pancakes! Sounds like a weird combo but I promise that you will not taste the protein-rich eggs, just the banana and a hint of vanilla! AMAZING!

One banana (the more ripe, the better)
Two eggs
1 TBS flaxseed meal (optional)
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
Dash of cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


If you have a food processor, combine all of the ingredients and pulse until mixed into a smooth texture. If you don't have a food processor, mash the banana well and mix in the rest of the dry ingredients. Gently whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and then combine well with the banana mixture.

Preheat a small pan over medium-heat and spray with cooking spray or use butter. Use a half-cup measurer to pour each pancake on the pan (if small pan, will make about 3 sizable pancakes). Be patient and wait for the pancake to cook through enough so you can flip it easily. Then flip over and cook for about a minute on the other side.

Enjoy topped with fresh berries, some maple syrup, or better yet, melted peanut butter (nuke it in the microwave for a bit and pour over pancakes).
