
What do you usually have for breakfast? I never had breakfast before, just a cup of coffee and maybe a sandwich sometimes. I want to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast that will keep me energized throughout the day. What do you fitness buddies enjoy having for breakfast?


  • gunshowgreg
    gunshowgreg Posts: 169 Member
    Depends. I try to workout in the mornings before work. When I do I usually drink my protein shake and that's my breakfast followed by a nature valley bar for a snack. If not working out I usually eat oatmeal.
  • fasy1
    fasy1 Posts: 52 Member
    I usually work out at night because I am always rushing in the mornings. Do you use skim milk with your oatmeal?
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Avocado and tomato on toast, and a soy latte. I can't handle sweet food in the mornings. This is my fave breakfast, and something that is quick and easy to make at work :) it also keeps me full until (almost) lunch time.
    Having said that, you can have anything you like for brekkie! Even non-breakfast foods. Have leftovers from the previous dinner, or whatever else floats your boat. The more delicious your brekkie is, the more likely you are to eat it.
  • fasy1
    fasy1 Posts: 52 Member
    Avocado and tomato on toast sounds yummy, now i want to try it :) You just cut the avocado, tomato and put it on the toast, nothing else added?
  • Molly__bean
    Molly__bean Posts: 6 Member
    I love to have 4 egg whites with one slice of american cheese, and some frozen onions and peppers. I usually eat this around 7 AM and it keeps me full all morning!
  • summergirl212
    summergirl212 Posts: 91 Member
    I eat cereal every day. My favorites are fiber one almond clusters or special k protein plus. I make sure to measure it out so that I only have a cup and then use skim milk.
  • candlechick27
    candlechick27 Posts: 14 Member
    Multigrain cheerios are good, as well as I have oatmeal with Omega 3. When I am home on the weekends and have more time I have an egg white omelet with ham or spinach, veggies, and weight watcher toast.. SO yummy!!
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Avocado and tomato on toast sounds yummy, now i want to try it :) You just cut the avocado, tomato and put it on the toast, nothing else added?

    Yep! :happy: I add salt to mine, and pepper is good also. I also have Nuttelex (olive oil spread) on occasion but I should probably consider skipping that, it doesn't really need it at all...
    If I'm having the same brekkie at home I will sometimes add extra things- egg, spinach, mushrooms, fetta... whatever's in the fridge. But I like to sleep in so it's more of a brunch/lunch thing on those days. Delish :smile:

    Also I have a coworker here who makes 'scrambled eggs' in a mug. I think you just crack an egg or two in a mug, add a little water/milk, whisk a bit with a fork and then nuke it. Not sure of the time but I'm sure others will know. Doesn't take long anyway. Boiled eggs are another alternative. You can boil a whole bunch and just bring them to work. Just depends what you like and what is convenient for you :flowerforyou:
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I do a green smoothie - four cups kale or spinach, two cups unsweetened almond milk, one cup frozen fruit (I like to use berries or mango). Sometimes I throw a banana in for thickness. It's delicious, full of nutrients, and keeps me full till lunch. Plus it only takes 30 seconds to make and 2 minutes to down and I'm always in a rush in the morning.
  • amberflo143
    amberflo143 Posts: 94 Member
    I usually have 1 egg and 1 egg white or Greek yogurt
  • EvenThatNameIsTaken
    Usually I have cereal (right now I'm eating Coconut Chia Granola) with fat free milk and a low sodium V8. The cereal is perhaps high in carbs, but I like sweet tastes so it helps with cravings. I've taken to weighing my cereal and now I'm actually eating the correct portion!

    I like to have breakfast for lunch too, I think. I often have a whole wheat english muffin with 1 egg and a slice of cheese, sometimes with some avocado. Yummm. I've broken my habit of going to McDonald's for breakfast by making my own, much healthier version :happy:
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Protein shake made with almond milk. So good!
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    I tend to vary my meals quite a bit, but I like to have Greek yogurt and granola (the amounts I eat it ends up being 290 cal), but I also like instant oatmeal made with skim milk. Not as nutritious as homemade, but I usually need breakfast to be something very, very quick.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    My best breakfast is adjustable depending on how much protein and fat I need.
    1. Nuke a bag of frozen veggies for 3 minutes.
    2. Heat a skillet to level 6 or 7 while they're cooking.
    3. Dump the veggies in the skillet. Add a teaspoon of olive oil, butter, or both.
    4. Beat an egg or two while they're browning. Add it to the skillet and stir to cook the egg.

    Optional: Add ham, turkey, bacon, and/or cheese to taste and calories.

    Takes under ten minutes to make, starts around 200 calories minimum and can go as high as you like. Mine usually has ham and a little cheese, adding up to about 400 calories. It's great to start the day with 30-40 grams of protein in your belly. :tongue:

    ETA: My no-time-to-cook go-to is usually deli ham, cheese, crackers, and an apple. Heavy on the ham, pretty light on everything else.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I love breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I couldn't start my day without it.

    My favourite is porridge oats with crunchy nut peanut butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yummy!!!!!!!!

    Omelettes and boiled eggs are really good

    Greek yoghurt and fruit

    Fruit salad/smoothie
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have whole-grain cereal with dried fruit and/or nuts and soy milk and black coffee just about every day.
  • popo312
    popo312 Posts: 78 Member
    Quick breakfast is a whole grain bagel and Greek yogurt. If I have a bit more time I'll cook some eggs and if feeling frisky an omelet of some type.
    Y2KBABE Posts: 14 Member
    2 boiled eggs and fresh tomato... with a little salt and a cup of tea.
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    Oatmeal with fruit
    Spinach & egg white muffins
    Cottage cheese & fruit
  • bluetuesday5
    bluetuesday5 Posts: 99 Member
    2 fried eggs on toast, with a can of baked beans if it's a heavy lifting day.