Depo Provera... anyone having issues losing weight?



  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    This is my first post, would like to say thankyou to the OP for posting it because I suddenly realised after 5 years on depo, I was actually ten days late for my injection!! first time ever.
    So managed to book it and get it done.

    Thing is, the first year on depo was not fun, constant bleeding etc, but the pain was significantly less than what I suffered anyway each month and the bleeding was greatly reduced, so I considered it a decent trade off and stuck with it. As somebody who suffered debilitating mind crushing soul destroying periods since the age of 8, for 17 days a month Depo has been nothing short of a miracle.

    I would not ever want to risk returning to the levels of pain that I suffered before that, but that being said, I also have no intention of having any biological children so that issue wasnt put into my personal risk assessment. These days, I suffer no pain, no wildly fluctuating emotions and certainly no bleeding at all.

    As to the weight loss thing, without going into a long story, 2 years ago I lost ten stone, and this was while I was on depo I put it back on again due to other personal issues but am working on it again now, and have absolutely no doubt in my mind that it is not only going to be possible but is going to happen. And since depo did not prove to be an issue the last time, I do not forsee any issues with it this time.

    Everybody's different, I tried MANY different kinds of pills before depo, friend tried depo and it didnt work for her. Just got to find the right solution for you.
  • TraceyDonna
    TraceyDonna Posts: 60 Member
    Having read all these responses everyone clearly has different experiences with Depo.

    Personally, I had it for around five years. It was excellent for me and solved the gynae probs I had experienced in the past. However, I did gain a substantial amount of weight. The nurse told me it was due to the drug increasing my appetite and therefore it clearly was my own fault for not curbing it! If you're sensible Im sure you'll be ok on the weight score.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks so much for all your responses.. well I bought the script today and dependent upon the results I get on Tuesday and Thursday.... I'll be getting the injection on Thursday morning. I am planning on keeping an eye on my diet and limiting sodium as much as possible as well to limit water retention, etc...

    I'm hoping it will help me... I'm not expecting it to happen overnight... as this problem has been happening for too long already... anything will be a bonus...

    Thanks again guys :) much appreciated.
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    I gained weight at the end of the first year on Depo. However, when I first went to get it they told me that I have to stay active exc. or else I would gain weight. I didn't stay active; so it was basically MY fault I gained weight. I just got back on it a month ago, and have lost 7 pounds so far.
  • I've only been on Depo for about three months. So far I haven't noticed anything drastic. It made me break out a lot at first, but that's calmed down. I did gain a little bit of weight a month or so after I got the shot, but I think that was just from getting off track.
  • I was on Depo for two years. At first I was fine, but after 14 months I literally started to go crazy.

    I couldn't regulate my emotions, was hungry, tired, grumpy, moody, etc *all the time*.

    If you have any other option, I really wouldn't recommend it.
  • Cool. Thanks for that. I've been looking into it and yes, cos it's the only one that only contains the one hormone is why my gyno has said that's the go for me (results pending...)... sigh. Just hope that I don't gain anymore weight.

    Thanks heaps :)

    Also - I used to have a problem with the combination pill (kept having migraines where I'd lose all vision), which is why I went on depo. However, while I live in the UK, there is a new single hormone pill available, but it might be different if you're in the US. Sorry you're having problems, hope it gets worked out soon!
  • I was wondering how it was coming off of it. I have also had two shots and came to the conclusion that this year of trying to lose weight has only made me gain because of this stupid shot. I'm healthy, workout everyday and make almost every meal I eat not to mention the amount of fruits and veggies I eat everyday are like candy for me. I did a bit of research, some of the lbs for other people have just dropped completely and others have an extremely difficult time still losing weight. I was wondering how coming off depo was for you...

    If you could get back to me I would GREATLY appreciate it!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am on Depo and have had no problems losing.
  • Well I do blame the depo. I took it because I was suffering hormonal migraines so couldn't take the pill anymore. I had first shot In 24 weeks I'd gained nearly 2 stone! Didn't take the shot in October and I reckon I've lost 7 pound and now it won't shift. I used to work out 10 hours a week, I know healthy eating. Normally it would fall off me, but it's not shifting. I'm going to get water tablets today and see if that helps. Now I'm on nothing to get everything out my system. Still not had a period, heard it's once you get that things start to change. Depo didn't affect my mum this way but it has me, never again!!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I was on it for 3 years, switched to the implanon (worst experience EVER), then have been back on the depo for 2 years. I'll never get off it. I have had no trouble losing weight, I didn't gain weight, and it's more effective than getting your tubes tied (my friend who had her tied told me her dr flat out told her the shot is more effective)
  • ashiunia
    ashiunia Posts: 4 Member
    I couldn't lose any weight on Depo. Once it left my system and I started getting my periods the weight has been coming off easily.