Genetics Be Damned



  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
    Weight, Body composition. That's what we're talking about after all.

    how is weight genetisc?
    I said it's a bit genetic. Your genetics influence your weight, how easily you can gain or lose it, and where a healthy weight range lies. It's not this simplistic every-body-is-the-same thing. The ideal weight for everyone isn't 120 lbs. For some people it's 110lbs, for others it's 140lbs.
    That said, while it influences your weight, it's not the single determinant. Environmental factors (excercise, food) are also important (this is what we call phenotype, which is the combination of genotype and environment). Somebody who is 300lbs didn't get there by genetics alone.
    So it's a bit genetic. Not entirely. Just a bit.

    What she said...

    Just as it's narrow minded to blame your entire situation on genetics, it's just as narrow minded to assume they play no part at all.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    It's not genetics.
    It is a bit.

    which bit?
    Weight, Body composition. That's what we're talking about after all.

    how is weight genetisc?
    I said it's a bit genetic. Your genetics influence your weight, how easily you can gain or lose it, and where a healthy weight range lies. It's not this simplistic every-body-is-the-same thing. The ideal weight for everyone isn't 120 lbs. For some people it's 110lbs, for others it's 140lbs.
    That said, while it influences your weight, it's not the single determinant. Environmental factors (excercise, food) are also important (this is what we call phenotype, which is the combination of genotype and environment). Somebody who is 300lbs didn't get there by genetics alone.
    So it's a bit genetic. Not entirely. Just a bit.

    What she said...

    Just as it's narrow minded to blame your entire situation on genetics, it's just as narrow minded to assume they play no part at all.

    Yes. This. Thank you.
  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    There may be people on here who are going to disagree that genetics has anything to do with it, but I disagree with those people, sort of. I think it is a partial factor. My whole family tends to be heavy (starting with grandma, heavy since her childhood in the 1930's and 40's when there wasn't even junk food and fast food everywhere you looked like there is now). By heavy I mean obese, by the way.

    There are exceptions in my family who are thin. Want to know why they're thin? They exercise, exercise, exercise, and watch what they eat. They are not perfect, but they constantly strive to be fit and healthy. All of them used to be obese, but are not anymore. I used to be 100 pounds heavier and still have 20 pounds to go, and I have exercised faithfully for 6 years now.

    I came to the tough realization a long time ago that while, yes, genetics plays a role, that's life. It's not always fair. We all have our struggles, and we have to deal with them. So I have to eat less to lose weight than others do, oh well! So I have to work out for the rest of my life- I've learned to love it!

    Embrace what you've got and do your best with it!
  • bassaniobroke
    bassaniobroke Posts: 36 Member
    There may be people on here who are going to disagree that genetics has anything to do with it, but I disagree with those people, sort of. I think it is a partial factor. My whole family tends to be heavy (starting with grandma, heavy since her childhood in the 1930's and 40's when there wasn't even junk food and fast food everywhere you looked like there is now). By heavy I mean obese, by the way.

    There are exceptions in my family who are thin. Want to know why they're thin? They exercise, exercise, exercise, and watch what they eat. They are not perfect, but they constantly strive to be fit and healthy. All of them used to be obese, but are not anymore. I used to be 100 pounds heavier and still have 20 pounds to go, and I have exercised faithfully for 6 years now.

    I came to the tough realization a long time ago that while, yes, genetics plays a role, that's life. It's not always fair. We all have our struggles, and we have to deal with them. So I have to eat less to lose weight than others do, oh well! So I have to work out for the rest of my life- I've learned to love it!

    Embrace what you've got and do your best with it!
    I would second you. why DNA test tells one is prone to this and that while other is not. Human body is complex chemical factory and each body have slightly different machines and catalysts in them. So same food eaten by different people will be processed differently due to different quantities of catalysts
  • badwolf4
    badwolf4 Posts: 49 Member
    Actually obesity has a LOT to do with some genetics! I just did a paper on this in my BioTech class and it's fascinating. That chemical in plastic bottles you're always ignoring every yelling about? It causes your children to have more obesity prone genetics.

    There's a bunch more too, but everyone above did a great job explaining!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i think genetics can give you a tendency towards being overweight if you parents were and such, they may have a influence, but it doesn't mean they control the out come.. its your choice to take care of your body.. learn how to eat and how to move your body,
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Actually obesity has a LOT to do with some genetics! I just did a paper on this in my BioTech class and it's fascinating. That chemical in plastic bottles you're always ignoring every yelling about? It causes your children to have more obesity prone genetics.

    There's a bunch more too, but everyone above did a great job explaining!

    So on an epigenetic level, how can you change your genetics to better your life as well as the lives of your future children, and their children?

    Don't be a slave to your genetics.