Thoughts on swimming to lose weight?

So I'm 19 and weigh about 115kg and my ideal weight would be 80kg eventually maybe 75kg . Now I'm not looking to rush this I can take my time and do it properly. I signed up for a YMCA membership and much prefer swimming then going to the gym so I wanted to know how effective that was in terms of weight loss? I plan to do roughly 45 minutes - 1 hr 4 times a week or so starting friday. Any advice helps! Also Haven't swam in a while so yeah..


  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Benefits of swimming are that it is much easier on your joints than any other cardio exercise, and in order to stay afloat you need to use muscles from all over your body. So yes, a great workout option if you are keen. Depending on your swimming abilities 45 mins could be a challenge to start off with but hell yeah, go for it! Good luck
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I .... much prefer swimming...

    Swimming is great exercise and can burn a lot of calories. While other people may suggest you add additional forms of cardio/strength training it will be good for you to start with something you enjoy (such as swimming). Doing so will help you remain consistent with your exercise.

    You can (and probably should) add strength training at a later date.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I agree swimming is a great place to start. If you really put the effort in your can really get your heart pumping. Likewise, if you are feeling a little low on energy you can have a slow steady swim that will still burn some calories and work some muscles.

    Plus... if you prefer swimming over other exercises you are much more likely to stick with it and not find excuses to avoid it like you might if it was something you didn't enjoy.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 123 Member
    Smart choice. Those are my thoughts.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Brilliant choice and certainly if you haven't swum for a while you will build some specific strength as your body adapts to the new movements. Make sure to use as many different strokes as you can to increase muscle employment.

    It has been suggested that at some point you may want to bring in some strength training and why not start now alongside your swimming, but you don't need weights to do that. Look up "progressive calisthenics" for some strength work that will compliment your swimming - no weights there and impressive applied strength.

    People who know me here would be surprised if I were to post without giving a plug for Yoga so - for strength and suppleness for your swimming, why not try some yoga as well. :smile:

    Swimming - brilliant choice!
  • Swimming is great! I recommend using all four strokes (Freestyle, Breast, Butterfly, Back) to use all your muscles and to make sure you're kicking while you're swimming. I used to think I could never do the Butterfly, but I kept practicing till I could make it across the pool (all 25 yds!). Now it's my favorite stroke, even though I can do only 75-100 yds. at once, but I fly! I hope I can work my way up to 200 someday. The 2012 Olympics certainly inspired me to get back into it and I'm looking forward to watching swimming in 2016.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Swimming is great exercise and is a terrific way to improve your fitness.

    The weight loss side of the equation relates more to what you eat. You can lose weight without exercising at all (not my personal preference) - think of the health and fitness improvements arising from exercise as a bonus!