How much do I look like i weigh?



  • Yea i guess. i think I'm just going to have a goal of 5 and see how i feel. but i don't know if i will feel any different.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Your mother needs help and is going to make you end up with an eating disorder because of her issues. Your ribs are already sticking out so no you don't need to lose more.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Its just hard not too. I mean I really genuinely want to feel better about myself because so many things go back to how i feel about myself. I am really scared to go on this cruise in a month because i know i will look bad, and i avoid the pool. I mean I always feel bad about myself. i feel overweight but I'm not sure if i am.. its weird but i literally don't even know

    If you are overweight, then I must be obese, and I am pretty sure I left the obese category about 8 kgs ago.

    You are at a healthy weight for your height, and I assure you, that looking at your photo you do not look overweight at all.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I don't know if me loosing 10 lbs will make me feel better about my self. I would only feel better because my mom and others would probably compliment me

    Or berate you to lose more weight.

    Or start telling you that you are 'too skinny'

    Seriously, your mother has issues, and you losing 10 pounds is not going to solve them.
  • I don't know if me loosing 10 lbs will make me feel better about my self. I would only feel better because my mom and others would probably compliment me

    Or berate you to lose more weight.

    Or start telling you that you are 'too skinny'

    Seriously, your mother has issues, and you losing 10 pounds is not going to solve them.

    I guess that is true.. i feel like i should look a little better though..
  • I don't know if me loosing 10 lbs will make me feel better about my self. I would only feel better because my mom and others would probably compliment me

    Or berate you to lose more weight.

    Or start telling you that you are 'too skinny'

    Seriously, your mother has issues, and you losing 10 pounds is not going to solve them.

    yes, this is what I was thinking. you could lose the 10 pounds and it will just be about something else then.
  • get some time alone if you can and think (and maybe write) about how YOU feel and what YOU want.
  • eyleene
    eyleene Posts: 264 Member
    you look just fine to me . your mother and your sister obviously have some kind of mental problem , you can either ignore them completely or let them ruin your life . sounds like they are already giving you selfdoubt and you need to stand up for yourself and do whatever you want for yourself not because they think so .
    move out .....
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I think your mum is the one with the problems not you

    Chase her around the house with a scale and see how she likes it!!!!!

    Wow she seriously has some body issues

    You just worry about how YOU feel, YOUR goals and what makes YOU happy!!! Your spend your whole life being dictated by your mum and trying to lose weight for your mum, when she is probably the one that needs to seek help!

    So glad my mum always tells me to eat up, what have I eaten - But wanting me to eat more ; )
  • I think your mum is the one with the problems not you

    Chase her around the house with a scale and see how she likes it!!!!!

    Wow she seriously has some body issues

    You just worry about how YOU feel, YOUR goals and what makes YOU happy!!! Your spend your whole life being dictated by your mum and trying to lose weight for your mum, when she is probably the one that needs to seek help!

    So glad my mum always tells me to eat up, what have I eaten - But wanting me to eat more ; )

    Haha i don't think that would go too well. lol yea i guess thats true. but right now i still feel somewhat chunky.. and I've been really down
  • A mom should never pressure a child to lose weight unless they are at risk for heart desease/diabetes. You look great and are obviously at a healthy weight. Also your ribs look great too. We are the same height but I am 15 lbs heavier than you, my stomach is quite a bit bigger than yours and my ribs still "stick out". Ribs are a natural part of the human body! Sorry I'm not sorry!
  • A mom should never pressure a child to lose weight unless they are at risk for heart desease/diabetes. You look great and are obviously at a healthy weight. Also your ribs look great too. We are the same height but I am 15 lbs heavier than you, my stomach is quite a bit bigger than yours and my ribs still "stick out". Ribs are a natural part of the human body! Sorry I'm not sorry!

    my ribs are so annoying, but i like them. they don't bother me lol :) i know she thinks she means well but its been really affecting me and my view on myself.
  • NoLimitFemme
    NoLimitFemme Posts: 118 Member
    Take a look at this website .... Enter your height, age, and weight into the options and you will be able to see how other females your height and similar weight look. These are unedited and unphotoshopped photos of regular women. You will be able to see how each person carries her weight differently in their bodies.

    I agree with other posters, stand up to your mother/sister ... in the end the only opinion that matters about yourself is yours.
  • A mom should never pressure a child to lose weight unless they are at risk for heart desease/diabetes. You look great and are obviously at a healthy weight. Also your ribs look great too. We are the same height but I am 15 lbs heavier than you, my stomach is quite a bit bigger than yours and my ribs still "stick out". Ribs are a natural part of the human body! Sorry I'm not sorry!

    my ribs are so annoying, but i like them. they don't bother me lol :) i know she thinks she means well but its been really affecting me and my view on myself.

    I didn't even notice them! I was just replying to what another commenter said. Made me mad! I'm glad yours don't bother you because mine don't bother me either. They're just there where they're supposed to be.
  • Take a look at this website .... Enter your height, age, and weight into the options and you will be able to see how other females your height and similar weight look. These are unedited and unphotoshopped photos of regular women. You will be able to see how each person carries her weight differently in their bodies.

    I agree with other posters, stand up to your mother/sister ... in the end the only opinion that matters about yourself is yours.

    Thanks for the website, I'm going to check it out now.. and I really would like to stand up to my mom and sister, but I feel like there is no point. every time i have tried it never ends well between me and my mom. Its just a complicated situation, and I mean i like that she cares in a way. but she is so obsessive its almost weird.
  • ColD86
    ColD86 Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't mind looking like that.
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    She (your sister) says it because it hurts you, not because it's true. When I was young my brother would call me fat to be mean. I weighed 105 pounds at the time. My mom is seriously obese, and still points out when I gain even half a pound. I ignore her. Calculate your BMI, and next time your mom or sister say anything, just tell them "my BMI is in the healthy range and I am comfortable with myself".

    Oh, and if your boyfriend dumps you when he goes to university, it won't be because the girls there are skinnier. It will be because they are there, and you are not. Proximity to potential sex will be the deciding factor. Sad but true for teenage boys.
  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member

    Just might help

    Also - why do you even care what we think? Fishing perhaps?

    This is highschool Facebook level shizz!
  • She says it because it hurts you, not because it's true. When I was young my brother would call me fat to be mean. I weighed 105 pounds at the time. My mom is seriously obese, and still points out when I gain even half a pound. I ignore her. Calculate your BMI, and next time your mom or sister say anything, just tell them "my BMI is in the healthy range and I am comfortable with myself".

    Oh, and if your boyfriend dumps you when he goes to university, it won't be because the girls there are skinnier. It will be because they are there, and you are not. Proximity to potential sex will be the deciding factor. Sad but true for teenage boys.

    Yea thats true. and i actually talked to my mom like a week ago and told her that i did the BMI test and I'm in a healthy range for fat percentage. but she said i probably did it wrong. and the good thing is he will be in the same city. so I'm not too worried about that