Hello new friends

Hi Fitness Pals. I am 59 years old and in the best health I have been in for years. I have a maximum heart rate of 189 and a resting HR of 46. My doctor tells me my fitness age is ~30 years old. I am at my goal weight of 150 pounds. I have 16% body fat. I bicycle, walk, run, and spin for exercise. I pretty much eat a low fat diet (not perfect) and practice portion control with everything I eat.

I am looking for friends to encourage and be encouraged by. My diary is open to my friends for accountability. I strive to log my food and exercise daily. I had another account a while back. I started this one because I cannot do this alone.

So, will you be my fitness friend?


~Dale :smile:


  • kabennett22
    Hi how are you? Im looking for a fitness pal too, someone also to help me with motivation and different exercise ideas