Love my FITBIT!

I just have to share that I love my FITBIT Zip! Who knew that this little thing could motivate me so much! This is my first week using it, so maybe some of the initial excitement will wear off, but I can't believe how my attitude has changed.

I've gone from "this is really hard, trying to eat so healthy, low in calories and exercise all the time, to hey, how can I get more steps in today"! I also love the "calories in vs. Calories out", etc. on the FITBIT tracker.

Anyway, just had to share.


  • 2bassets
    2bassets Posts: 193 Member
    I totally agree with you! I just got mine set up on Saturday and every nite it's fun to see how many steps and calories burned. I was just curious since I just got it synced with MFP, what time of the day do the calories burned go over to MFP?? Or do I enter them at the end of my day?
  • I agree as well! I got the Fit Bit Force last week and I am becoming borderline obsessed with meeting my step, calories burned and active minutes goals. I work in an office setting to where I sit at a desk all day and I was so unaware of actually how LITTLE I was moving. The first day I got it set up, I was only at 1,000 steps for the entire work day!! That really put it into perspective for me. I am now actually taking a lunch and running over to the mall and walking for 40 minutes to get my steps. Yes, I am totally a mall walker now, but I dont care, It helps me get my steps in. Everyone should have one of these in my opinion!!
  • maddiejaymes
    maddiejaymes Posts: 13 Member
    I got a fitbit flex last week. LOVE.
    They are so motivating! :bigsmile:
  • CC_Maam
    CC_Maam Posts: 45 Member
    Im waiting on my fitbit force and its killing me ... apparently they are back ordered ... :(

    I'm hanging in there though ... MFP does a good job if you log everything and I do but it would be GREAT at the gym!

    Impatiently waiting . . .

  • josstuff
    josstuff Posts: 24 Member
    Just throwing this out there. In my experience and from what I've read, the Force and Flex haven't been as accurate as the Zip or One.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 154 Member
    I got my FitBit ZIP a few days ago. I do love the number of steps tracked and especially tracking the miles. Who knew how far you truly walk everyday!! It makes me want to push myself to finish that lititle bit of that last mile!!

    I'm a bit confused about the high number it displays for calories burned, though. I get it that we burn calories even when sleeping, and given that, I know I'm not burning over 1,700 calories everyday even when I'm not being very active. They do say the tracker gets better the more you wear it and enter activities. So....I'll wait and see. In the meantime, any advice from other ZIP users is greatly appreciated.
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    I got my FitBit ZIP a few days ago. I do love the number of steps tracked and especially tracking the miles. Who knew how far you truly walk everyday!! It makes me want to push myself to finish that lititle bit of that last mile!!

    I'm a bit confused about the high number it displays for calories burned, though. I get it that we burn calories even when sleeping, and given that, I know I'm not burning over 1,700 calories everyday even when I'm not being very active. They do say the tracker gets better the more you wear it and enter activities. So....I'll wait and see. In the meantime, any advice from other ZIP users is greatly appreciated.

    The number that Fitbit is telling you is TDEE - total daily energy expenditure. If it's telling you 1700, then it's estimating that the total amount that you burned the entire day (including during sleep, waking hours, and exercise) is 1700 calories. On MFP, we're "told" how much to eat based on how much we want to lose and what we set our *general* activity level to. Then we add our exercise calories manually, which is why we're told here to "eat back" our exercise calories to get us to the same net total that we were at before we exercised.

    Fitbit incorporates any exercise we do into the daily number to give the one big total for the day. If you synch between Fitbit and MFP, then MFP will look at how much it estimated you burned in a day (including your exercise) and how much Fitbit thinks you burned in a day and make an adjustment to tell you whether you should eat more (or less if you have negative adjustments enabled) to get to that net number of calories that should allow the weight loss you said you wanted. Theoretically, the Fitbit is more accurate because while "lightly active" is pretty generic, the Fitbit would see if "lightly active" to you means 10000 steps a day or 20000, etc.

    No matter which way you cut it, they are all just estimates, and it will probably take experimentation to figure out what numbers actually work for you.

    Hope this makes sense to you, or sorry if I've just confused you more. ;)
  • rosebud233
    rosebud233 Posts: 25 Member
    That's It! I've read so many positive things on MFP about the FitBit that I'm getting one!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have Fitbit one and really like it, but it isn't always accurate on how many sets of stairs I have done. & I also would like to know what to do with the sleep data. I realize if it says you aren't getting much sleep, you could go to bed earlier. But not sure how to fix the restless times. Maybe I need a regular sleep study, lol.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I LOVE my Fitbit Force! What is so cool about is the social aspect as well. I joined a Fitbit group in my city and chose some friends that seemed to have a similar activity level as me, and boy does it get competitive! I'll look at my Fitbit towards the end of the day and see one that one of my Fitbit friend just passed me in steps by a few hundred . .then it is ON! My husband is like, "why do you keep running up and down the stairs? " :laugh:
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    This is my first week using it, so maybe some of the initial excitement will wear off, but I can't believe how my attitude has changed.

    I have had my force since 11/3/13 and I still love it. I totally agree with you....huge motivator and a big reason for the number below. Good luck in your journey.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I got a fit bit one on Feb 8, 2012. I got a Force at Christmas. I am using them both, but the Force is the one I have set up for my fitbit account. It is picking up more steps than the One, but they are pretty close.

    I absolutely love it. It is the best motivator I could have to get me moving more. I got my 2000 mile badge 1/13/14 and my UFO badge (14,000 floors) last Friday. It just gets better and better at getting me moving!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm glad this thread came up because I've been thinking of getting one. I'm debating between the zip and the one. Is the One really worth the extra 40 bucks?
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    I have also been thinking about getting a Fitbit Force. Does anyone that currently has one have problems with the strap (falling off or hard to close)? A majority of the Amazon reviews I've seen seemed to focus on problems with that.
  • I am confused about how these work. Is it just a bracelet you wear? I'm assuming you wear them to bed since they track sleep as well.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I have also been thinking about getting a Fitbit Force. Does anyone that currently has one have problems with the strap (falling off or hard to close)? A majority of the Amazon reviews I've seen seemed to focus on problems with that.

    Yes the strap is definitely flawed and you have to be careful that it does not fall off. I thought that I lost mine twice. Both times it was in the sleeve of the jacket I was wearing. Hopefully they fix that problem. A friend of mine was able to find her's by tracking it with her mobile device. Other than that I love my Fitbit!
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    I have also been thinking about getting a Fitbit Force. Does anyone that currently has one have problems with the strap (falling off or hard to close)? A majority of the Amazon reviews I've seen seemed to focus on problems with that.

    I've had it for a month now and never had a problem getting it on and off--or having it fall off. It's never once unclasped on its own, and I've been pulling layers on and off over it for a month of freezing cold weather thus far....

    As other posters attest, clearly everyone's mileage varies, but I would never have known there was a "problem" with the clasp if I hadn't read others' reviews. Mine works just the way it's supposed to as far as I can tell.
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    I totally agree with you! I just got mine set up on Saturday and every nite it's fun to see how many steps and calories burned. I was just curious since I just got it synced with MFP, what time of the day do the calories burned go over to MFP?? Or do I enter them at the end of my day?

    I think the calories burned goes to MFP every time it you sync your Zip.... It seems to show up periodically, so I think that's what is happening.
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    I am confused about how these work. Is it just a bracelet you wear? I'm assuming you wear them to bed since they track sleep as well.

    the Zip is a small almost round device that you clip on your bra, waistband, or put in your pocket. the FitBIT ONE also is a clip on. the Flex and Force are bracelet type devices. You can go to and see them all.

    the Zip is only about $50 and does not track sleep. I have no need to track the quality of my sleep right now, so it was the one for me. The other ones are around $100 to $129.
  • I agree!!! I've had mine for....not sure but have had to change the battery 3 times!!! I'm sure it's over a year. I wear it everyday and it does motivate me, when I see how close to my goal I am, I just get up and walk somewhere to hit it! Best thing I ever bought!