Haven't used MFP in a year, I NEED NEW FRIENDS

I only have a few that are still active!

Please add me! :D


  • GlowstickGirl
    GlowstickGirl Posts: 28 Member
    I recently came back after about a year off and all mine were gone too!
    I'll send you a request. It's a lot easier when you have other people to help motivate you!
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I'm here if you need me! :)
  • Chillyfrog
    Chillyfrog Posts: 207 Member
    I recently did the same thing. I'll send you a FR. :smile:
  • Heidicour2
    Heidicour2 Posts: 7 Member
    Same here! You can all add me.
  • annetteh145
    annetteh145 Posts: 38 Member
    I am back here again and looking to stay! Even though I "only" need to lose 20 pound or less, once i am there I need to continue maintaining healthy habits...or otherwise my weight will come back on in no time. Ive been there too often and am really tired of complaining about my weight!
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    I'm in the same boat, feel free to add me!
  • ashleydawnm16
    ashleydawnm16 Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me too everyone! :)
  • shellhiggins
    shellhiggins Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all am new to this
    and have no friends yet offers welcome as support is much needed and feel free to add me as well !!
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    Let's be friends! I'm open to be friends with anyone - the more motivation the better is how I figure!
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    I've been in a similar boat. Sending a friend request. The support really helps!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    im always willing to be supportive to anyone at all...feel free to add
  • Same boat here - would love to be friends with everyone! I'll do the adding :-)
  • aimeefosz
    aimeefosz Posts: 1 Member
    Same here - been back on just a couple weeks. : ) I'll add you. : )
  • HSnyder1984
    HSnyder1984 Posts: 21 Member
    Same here - been back on since January and none of my friends are here any more :( Feel free to friend request me!
  • I recently started using MFP pal - I signed up almost a year ago, but never used it - and am looking for some buddies too!! I'll send a request your way