I am so scared, I really need help :'( (URGENT)



  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. The morning after pill is effective for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, however the sooner you take it the better. You need to see a dr, not only for the pregnancy test, but honestly for other STD test, and they can start you on antibiotics now, as a just in case. I have been in your situation and it is scary and sad. But know that it is not your fault and if this person was any type of man he should have stopped when you said stop.

    You can message me if you ever want to talk. *gentle hugs*
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    you really need to see medical professional. You do not have to name the guy, but you should be checked out - this is rape - unfortunately, the guy's remorse is a little late. You are not responsible for him or his emotions - please seek assistance the hospital and rape/sexual assault professionals can provide direction regarding pregnancy, etc.

  • sutil
    sutil Posts: 3 Member
    plan b works for 72 hours...
  • I am sorry this hapened to you. I feel your pain despite the fact that I have never been raped before myself. But, I know that this a very serious situation and the first thing you must consider is yourself. I really admire you for being compasssionate to your friend, who hurt you, and being willing to care about his well being. However, he needs to be reported for what he did and even if you decide to not report for this is your choice and you have to do what is best for you. He needs counseling because he may have done this in the past or will do it in the future to others. Especially if he has some issue that is causing him to do this that obviously has not been resolved. Another thing don't hate yourself. Remember no one who is raped asked for this to happen to them. You have to understand that you were taken advantage of, violated, and you did not deserve this. Sometimes, victims, who have been raped feel like they did something to put themselves in this situation. However, you do not!!! I understand 100% you not wanting to tell your parents. I believe if I am not mistaken you have a muslim background, and I have researched and read articles about how people were raped , and still killed by their families despite this not being their fault. So, you are smart not to tell your folks. Being the fact that you are over 18 your medical information is confidential I am not sure if the HIPAA law is valid in England, but I am sure you go by something similar to that. Go to the clinic that someone else mentioned for rape victims, because these people are experts at getting you the resources u need such as pregnancy testing, std testing, and helping you make the right descision for you if are pregnant. I will be praying for you and I hope that you are not pregnant or have an std (which I am thinking u probably have neither problem). Take care of yourself and take advantage of the resources that are given to you that can help you through this process. Most important of all, have a support system even if it's friends outside your family you will definitely need them to help you through this process.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Honestly, I know this is a difficult situation, but if it were me, I don't care how well you know the person, GO TO THE COPS!!!! Having intercourse with someone that isn't approving IS RAPE!!! I hope you can get past this, but I would avoid anyone who raped me.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    You have done nothing wrong! You were raped. Your so-called friend is the one who did something wrong. You DID NOT "let this happen". All the advice given so far is spot on. I highly recommend you go to the nearest rape crisis center and let them help you. If it were me, I'd also report this to the police. If he's done this to you, he WILL do it to someone else. Perhaps you're not his first victim.

    Don't think for a minute that you can just try to forget this ever happened. Most sexual assualts are, unfortunately, commited by someone known to the victim. The longer you wait to get help, the harder it could be on you. I'm so sorry this happened to you. If I could, I'd fly over there right now and stick a knife in this prick's throat, but that's not an option. Sorry to vent........

    Above all, stay away from this guy. He's a rapist and you aren't responsible for his "guilt". He is. He was more than capable of taking care of himself when he needed to fulfill his sick desires, and he can take care of himself now. Wishing you all the best.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    I am so sorry you are going through this. I was molested as a child, and have had a large amount of contact with the abuse clinics here for phychological help. Someone upthread mentioned a rape crisis centre. I am in Canada, but the one that I worked with here was beyond amazing. They were free, had no contact to me or my family, and were amazing at helping with all the issues that I needed to work through. I would really recommend calling one, it was the best thing I have ever done. You do not need to leave your real name or any identifying information and they will only call you if they have your permission. They are used to dealing with people in situations just like yours, where there is real risk to your safety if anyone finds out.

    Someone upthread said that in London they can provide medical testing as well? You need to have a pregnancy test and full STD test run now and another STD test in a few months because some STDs can take a long time to show up. If the pregnancy test comes back positive, you will need to make some serious decisions about what you want to do. Your therapist at the rape crisis centre will be able to help you weigh the positives and the negetives of whatever you chose.

    As to pressing charges, I completely understand why you are reluctant. Who you chose to tell and when is completely up to you. There is nothing wrong with whichever choice you make. Again, a good therapist can help you make that choice and deal with whatever fallout occurs because of it.

    If you want someone to talk to, feel free to PM me. Lots of hugs to you, know that you did nothing wrong. There is absolutely nothing that you could do to prevent it. Good luck.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    One other note, HCG takes up to 7 days after conception to show up in your blood stream and conception can happen up to 5 days after intercourse. That means that you need to wait 2 weeks for a pregnancy test to be completely accurate sadly, even if it is a blood test.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    please make sure you get tested as well. What he did to you was wrong.
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