Postpartum mommas, let's be friends!

I would love to make friends with other postpartum mommy's for mutual support and encouragement!

LO is 5 weeks (born 12/30)!

I was 205 lbs when I got pregnant (down from my highest of 230). I gained 25 pounds during pregnancy and now weigh in at 208. I am working on a healthy lifestyle to nourish myself and my breastfed baby. I also have my third half marathon scheduled for September and need to get back into the work-out habit. (I ran/waddled until 7 months and then had to stop due to pelvic pain. After that, I pretty much sat on the couch!)

I also have an 8 year old, and (when I go back to work) sit at a desk for 40 hours a week. I know how hard it it to fit everything in with kids and jobs, but I know we can do this with support!

So let's be friends and get healthy. :D


  • KimmyJ30
    KimmyJ30 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me!!!! i had my second daughter December 13th:) I walked throughout my pregnancy and tried to keep up with my running as much as my bladder would let me lol. I'm back down to my prepregnancy weight plus an extra 5lbs down. I've been back running for a few weeks now and just getting back into strength training more by doing my Jillian Michaels workouts.
    I'm here for support and encouragement:)
  • G_Wiz87
    I sent you a request KimmyJ30!

    Congrats on the new baby and surpassing pre-pregnancy weight!!
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    Congrats on your new baby! I had my second baby back in September and I'm a few pounds below my pre-preg weight but I'm still looking to lose a few more. I'll add you :)
  • babinsiegel
    babinsiegel Posts: 38 Member
    I have a 9 month old and would love other moms for support and encouragement. When do you ladies fit in workouts? Being back at work full time, I am really struggling with this.
  • G_Wiz87
    It's too cold to take the baby running outside, so I have to wait for his dad to get off work and go to the gym. Sometimes he doesn't get off until really late, so I don't get to go at all those days.
    The plan for when I go back to work is to go to the gym or run outside in the mornings before anyone wakes up or after bedtime.