Question about quick weight loss.

Hey everyone, I'm Megan.

I really committed myself this week to eating healthily (for the most part) and staying under my calorie count which is 1350 I think?
Anyways. I've been sick with some prevalent sore throat, stuffed throat issues so I haven't been able to work out. My appetite has been pretty bad but I've definately been close to my limit regardless. Now, I SHOULD be losing a pound and a half a week. However in less then a week I've lost NINE pounds. My question is, how do you know if it's water weight, or if it will stay off?

Another question is, myfitnesspal automatically set me up to lose FORTY pounds in 4.5 months? Is that too fast? I'll be able to start working out as soon as I am feeling better but I don't want to lose my weight so fast and have uneven skin. I'm coming for a starting weight of 185 pounds.

Thanks for your help everyone :)



  • gabriellesimone
    gabriellesimone Posts: 10 Member
    About being sick, it might be your water weight if you were throwing up, i lost 9 pounds in two days from being sick, but i gained it back once i got better. so its probably water weight, but if you do end up keeping it off than great!

    Forty pounds should be fine to lose in four and a half months as long as you are working out and eating healthy, working out with weights a couple days a week will help to not have loose skin. maybe this helps? lol.

  • megan_elynsabeth
    I've never thrown up so that can be ruled out :) thanks for getting back to me though!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you :) It's wierd that Canada and the States have different days!