How to eat healthy if you HATE veggies?! HELP!



  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Seeing as it's marketed as a "cleanse", it's already a bad idea. Seeing as you hate the food they want you to eat, doubly so. Knock it off, just eat what you like at a calorie deficit.
  • me be like you. -_-
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I eat potatoes all the time, and fresh corn all summer. And I like grilled or roasted zucchini better than fried.

    I was never a big fan of veggies until I started grilling and roasting them. Olive or coconut oil and a little balsamic vinegar does wonders for almost any veggie, and roasting or grilling brings out their natural sweetness.

    Zucchini - slice it up, toss in some sliced red bell peppers, sliced onions, mushrooms, and toss it all with a little oil and a few shakes of balsamic. A little garlic powder, or herbs de provence, dried or fresh rosemary - whatever you've got, and a bit of salt and pepper, and roast it on a cookie sheet around 350º for 20 minutes or so, stirring occasionally. Also awesome on the grill in summer - just get one of those grill baskets or woks to go on the grill so the smaller veggies don't fall through (and go easy on the oil which of course will flare up).

    Butternut squash is so tasty roasted - cube it up (or buy the precut stuff), toss with coconut oil, salt & pepper and some dried sage. 425º, 20-30 minutes or so, stir occasionally.

    Sweet potatoes are super tasty - bake in their skin (microwave or oven), scoop out of the yummy flesh and top it with a little butter (yes, BUTTER!), and sprinkle a little cinnamon on it if you like. If you like it sweeter, a drizzle of honey.

    Check Pinterest or Google recipes for other roasted veggies - brocooli, squashes, green beans, asparagus - there's lots of good sources out there. And roasting/grilling them opens up a whole new world of flavor!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Cleanse what? You do not need to do a cleanse.

    Eat foods you like, within a calorie goal that gives you a deficit to lose weight. Of course you can eat more volume of "healthy" foods than high calorie "junk" food. But you can still eat those things in moderation.

    Don't plan a diet that you can't stick with for the rest of your life, otherwise you will just gain the weight right back when you stop.
  • beerey05
    beerey05 Posts: 80 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    Well good luck to you. I'm sure with that attitude you'll do terrific.

    ^^^ exactly what I thought! Not a very nice response to her simple question which I think was more a curiosity since there are other ways ie: weight watchers that seem to be more realistic since you hate everything you are supposed to eat on your cleanse. You could also just add fresh fruit& vegetable juice to a healthier diet to get the benefits and nutrients from veggies without eating them!
  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member
    Some people who don't normally like veggies find that they like them roasted. Try putting some olive oil on them and cooking them (sweet potatoes, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, even Brussels sprouts!) at 425 for about 35 minutes. You might become a veggie lover. :)
  • LeighTaylor97
    LeighTaylor97 Posts: 16 Member
    Why would you pick a diet full of foods you hate?! How is that at all sustainable?!

    I understand what this person is saying, even if it wasn't said very elegantly. I have tried many occasions to drop foods I like and try to eat food I don't like (e.g., salads, tomatoes, celery, etc.). In the end I just got angry and upset, and gained more weight after going back to my regular diet. Hence it isn't sustainable. I don't like veggies, especially raw. Right now I am content on eating steamed broccoli, carrots, and brussels sprouts with supper. And maybe that might lead my taste buds into a better direction in the future.

    I don't know what this diet is you are referring to is (never heard of it). But from experience, take it slow. Trying to completely change your eating habits cold turkey has never worked for me. Try finding foods you like that still are healthy. Make homemade pizza's out of pita bread, where you have control over the toppings, instead of buying one from dominos, for example.

    Like others have said, just track everything. Eat at a deficit, and try to have some kind of balance.

    That might not have helped you at all if you are set on the diet you mentioned, but I guess my response is just a warning that a lot of the time they just don't work out, and you don't have to put yourself through emotional turmoil to reach your goals.
  • No, sorry. The diet doesn't consist of just veggies. As I mentioned, it allowed egg whites, meats, seafood, and a few other "healthy carbs" such as rice. I'm not having trouble with this diet...I just am aware that it consists of veggies and would like to know how to prepare them as a side dish with my meals.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I've lost almost 100lbs in the past year & I absolutely hate veggies too, the only veg I have eaten the entire year is potatoes but very limited of those. So its def possible to do. I eat more fruit to accommodate my lack of veggies, I eat portions, I eat only chicken or fish for my supper, have cut out some foods entirely, allow take out only once a week & then only on my weigh in days & if I do good. There are ways around everything and yes I did try to get myself to like them but it just wasn't happening. My hubby can eat broccoli as a snack, I would sooner be shot :-)

    Good luck!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    Just looking for "better" foods than what you listed won't require a "cleanse" or even a huge, drastic change. Log your calories daily (and I mean EVERYTHING you put in your mouth) and maintain a deficit. There's not reason you can't eat pizza once in awhile if it fits into your daily needs. :)
  • aluethi1
    aluethi1 Posts: 97 Member
    Have you tried raw veggies or always cooked? I know I can't stand most vegetables, but I can eat raw carrots, peas in pods, cucumbers, green beans sometimes but once any of those are cooked I can't eat them because they've turned disgusting.
  • Going on one of those Advocare cleanses? Have fun sitting in the bathroom for the next few days. That's all water weight, no fat or anything substantial. Why not actually go onto Google or a website like to look up recipes yourself?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Because maybe I'm trying to find foods that are better for me instead of the regular pizza, lasagna, chips, pop & chocolate that I stuff in my face now. Thanks for not helping at all. I asked for specific recipes because I'm trying to better myself...not your irrelevant comments.

    maybe you should take the time to actually ponder some of the things that very successful people here mention. The point being that the most important aspect of all of this is going to be adherence and sustainability...if you can't do either then you are wasting your time.'ll just have to learn to like veggies...I mean my four year old can get away with that nonsense but you're an adult...cook them in different ways...I generally prefer mine sauteed or roasted....try different varieties and them raw with some awesome humus, etc. can't get proper nutrition through your diet without veggies, and that's just the way it is.
  • I have. Wasn't helpful.
  • JackieRL55
    JackieRL55 Posts: 144 Member
    Honestly I think you should just try every single vegetable until you find some you like. My bff was the same way and she had an open mind (as you say you do) and now she eats all kinds of new veggies she had never even tried before (even though she swore on a stack of bibles she hated ALL veggies). Obviously you can lose weight without eating a lot of veggies but I don't think it's sustainable and I really do believe you get the best nutrients from veggies. Try boiling, roasting, baking, sauteing, chopping it up in itty bitty pieces and putting it in meat sauce or mashes. Try skinnytaste . com they have GREAT recipes.

    At the end of the day, where there is will there's a way. Good luck!
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    I've discovered that one of the reasons that people dislike vegetables is that they have never learned how to properly cook them; I don't mean that to be mean or to criticize! Head on over to the Eating Well website for a huge collection of free recipes to help you out!

    As for specific recipes, you might want to try to reintroduce yourself to some vegetables (nothing fancy or unknown) by picking one and trying several different recipes for it. I would suggest something simple like green beans (I drop mine in boiling water for 1 minute and drain them!) or even carrots. I saw a lot of advice on broiling/baking, which are easy ways to improve the flavour by natural caramelization. I noticed in your OP that many of the foods you mention have been processed (by that I mean they have been transformed from their natural state to one that is different). It's a habit I've noticed a lot in North America and I've attributed it to less exposure to a variety of cooking styles.

    It's a tough situation and I empathize, but recommend that you stick with it. It takes a while to train your palate to recognize and appreciate new tastes. Stick with it! (PS: Most people did not like beer/wine/coffee the first time they tried it and yet...)

    PS: And try to undercook a little (reduce the cooking time); it tends to do wonders for the taste!
  • I couldn't agree with you more. I have to learn to like them and prepare them in different ways....which is exactly what I asked of others. What are some recipes/ways you prepare your veggies.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is the tuna a no-no, or the mayo? I eat tuna with mayo and add finely chopped onion, celery, radish and carrot.

    I would suggest roasting vegetables. Toss vegetables in oil and spices, spread on baking sheet and bake in hot oven until they start to brown. Almost any vegetable is good this way. Much tastier than steamed or nuked or boiled.
  • From the 'guidelines' I've read, the mayo is not 'allowed'. I agree, I think maybe baking them would be better. I'll definitely try it. Thanks!
    I don't plan on doing this advocare thing forever, just a nice way to kick off a new 'lifestyle' of eating.
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 152 Member
    I second the smoothie and roasting ideas!

    Smoothies are great for adding greens like spinach, lettuce, kale, bok choy, etc. to your meal. I suggest starting with lighter greens and working your way up. Romaine can taste surprisingly strong in a smoothie, and a little kale definiately goes a long way. Spinach and bok choy are both mild, and you can use them fresh or frozen. Add some frozen berries or whatever fruit you like, and they will mask the flavor of the greens. There are tons of green smoothie recipes out there. I don't recommend the ones with avocado to start, it's an aquired taste - even for this avocado lover!

    Roasting veggies is also good. Maybe start small with roasted potatoes and add carrots, sweet potato, or butternut squash - they are all sweet and mild and wonderful roasted. As you get more comfortable, you can add the scarier veggies, like brussel sprouts, which are fantastic roasted! You could also try baking kale chips (I go 350 for <10 minutes); start by adding lots of spices for flavoring, or a spash of balsamic for something more zesty.

    Grilling veggies outside or on a grill pan is also a good option. Bell peppers, mushrooms, and squash are delicious grilled. Just toss with a little oil and whatever seasoning you like. If you don't have time, you can go to Whole Foods and pick up their grilled veggies from their salad bar area.

    Best of luck, both on your cleanse and with your future food choices!