Caloric needs with long college days?

Hello all,

I've recently gone back to calorie counting to try to shed 10lbs I gained after temporarily being on an anti-depressant. I am no longer on the antidepressant (lexapro) and would like to get back to my original weight of around 150-155lbs no that I am in better health. :)

I am trying to figure out my calorie needs while I am trying to cut back down. I am a full time college student, and work 2 jobs, so often I am out and about during the week from 7:30am until about 1 in the morning (I usually get more sleep on the weekends). I do get to go for walks at times, and I enjoy doing yoga and other light exercise in my spare downtime during the day. My question is, when using MFP to calculate my caloric needs, what should I enter for my activity level. When I am on campus I usually am standing/walking around. Also, my two jobs (about 10 hours a week) are lightly active and involve me standing for my whole shift, and walking around/cleaning. Do you think it would be save to say I am lightly to moderately active when calculating my calories?

Right now I am trying to eat around 1800 calories a day to lower my body weight over the next few weeks. I feel if I eat less than this (the 1800 usually consisting of 3 small meals and 3 healthy snacks) I feel "spacey", can't think clearly, and have trouble performing work at my best. Because of this, I do not think I should eat less than 1800 calories. Do you think 1800 would be a 'happy-compromise' caloric intake with my long, lightly-active days that would allow me to lose between 1-2lbs a week while keeping my energy consistent enough to study, work, and practice/perform (I am an opera major in college; I also find it difficult to sing at my best when I do not eat enough calories thereby not having optimal energy).

If its worth noting, I am a 6' 3" male of small frame (lanky) and weight approx 158-160lbs (haven't weighted in a few days). Over the next few weeks (2+ months or so), I would like to try to return to a weight range between 150-155lbs. Sorry for the long post, just trying to be specific. Any thoughts on if an 1800 caloric intake sounds about right? Sometimes I eat less if i feel I do not need the calories, but other (LONG) days I sometimes need more food in order to not feel starving/spacey, so I allow myself another 100-200 calorie snack etc. Just curious if anyone who is more enlightened on caloric intake could advise me if an 1800 calorie goal in conjunction to listening to my body's energy needs on particularly demanding days, seems like a good plan.

Thank for the help and comments :)


  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    I would classify that as moderately active. Try eating 1800 for a week or to, and try to listen to your body. If you feel low on energy, try eating a bit more. Additionally, you will notice a difference in your energy depending on your balance of carbs/fat/protein. For long days, I'd definitely urge you to stay away from sugars and simple carbs and go more for protein/high in healthy fats like fish and such. :)
  • zombiemuffins13
    Thanks! For now that is what I have been trying. I try to eat a little healthy carbs during my main meals, such as 1/3 cup oats for breakfast, light wheat bread for lunch, and organic brown rice for dinner, but aside from that I go for the healthy fats a good proteins sources like olive oil, nut butters on veggies, and low fat Greek yogurt. Thanks for your advice. I just wanted to run my thinking by someone else :)