How do I record my P90X workouts on MFP?

How am I supposed to add my P90X workouts onto MFP. There are a few that I can add like the push ups and sit ups and yoga and stretching but what about the others? Anyone know besides getting a heart rate monitor and doing it myself???


  • saraewhite2009
    saraewhite2009 Posts: 28 Member
    Anyone have any experience with this?
  • nut4crew
    nut4crew Posts: 40 Member
    I added my own P90X workout to the cardio section database, and input the calories manually, based on HRM results or the P90X calculator @
  • saraewhite2009
    saraewhite2009 Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you so much that is extremely helpful!!!!

    I added my own P90X workout to the cardio section database, and input the calories manually, based on HRM results or the P90X calculator @
  • Purchasing a Heart Rate Monitor is extremely useful.
    I've done P90X and now doing P90X3.
    I pair my HRM with Endomondo which is an app that you can connect with MFP.
    It uploads your calories automatically.
  • blue265
    blue265 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree that a heart rate monitor works amazing. I have a polar watch and strap that goes around the chest for workouts. For me, p90x workouts can be anywhere from 400 to 650 calories burned. But depending on weight/age and if you keep up or not will all dictate how many calories you burn. A polar watch and strap only costed me about 120 dollars and the battery is still going strong on both for 2 years now. You can also buy an h7 polar heart strap that can connect to different phone apps over Bluetooth which may be useful as well. Until I got a heart rate monitor, I could only guess what calories I burned. This is a lot more accurate and actually fun to see