Diet Coke?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Actually yes, yes it is. Diet pops contain Aspartame, and we all know how bad that is for us!
    Please elaborate on what is actually bad about it with good evidence (not from an article, a "health" or "natural" site, but something peer reviewed).
    Let me rewind a little bit. My husband used to be a heavy diet Pepsi drinker for years and during those years of drinking that junk he suffered terrible stomach issues, was unable to gain or maintain a reasonable weight and had a lot of other issues as well. Finally after dealing with multiple different doctors, we found out the truth to his problems, and it was diet Pepsi. Once he completely quit it, all his problems have disappeared, he has been able to keep a decent weight now, and he is healthier. The doctor basically explained how the diet pops all work as a laxative and laxatives are known to cause digestive issues. It is all common sense now that I look back at it.

    Also, once I quit ALL pop, I have noticed a significant loss of weight, so that may be a good thing if you are looking to lose weight.
    This is nice an all, but it's anecdotal. Unless you tracked everything you or your husband did before and after, and were able to scientifically compare results, it's pretty much anecdote.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    What ever your take Aspartame is the most controversial food/drink additive ever. independent studies say its bad, industry funded say its good. I know with me if i have lots my eyes go blood shot and i get massive sugar cravings so i keep away.

    Please link to some studies. Thanks
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    My take on it is, your not suppose to be drinking pop lots, its like chocolate its a treat. If you think you need diet coke then the issue is your drinking to much pop replace it with all your body needs, water. There is still caffeine in diet coke so if you having lots you could be addicted to that too I have a real coke a few times a month and i really enjoy it. You should be able to fit 140 calories a few times a month into your plan.

    Diet coke is 99% precious life giving water

    (not sure on exact percentage)
  • maddiejaymes
    maddiejaymes Posts: 13 Member
    I'm drinking diet coke as I type this, btw.
    I love Diet Coke. Diet Soda, especially Diet Coke and Diet Twist Up is my vice. I have lost 64 pounds since September, and have not cut down on soda at all. Should I? Probably. However, I'm eating so much less and focusing on eating way less instead of worrying about my soda intake right now.
    I sleep just fine with all the Diet Coke I drink (maybe 3 diet sodas a day,) but I do take a sleeping pill for insomnia.
    There are no conclusive studies that I have found that say I am going to grow a third arm of have my eyes fall out or something, and until then I am totally allowing myself to drink what I want.
    Bottom line- maybe when I've lost my goal 170 pounds I'll cut back, but I personally have better things to worry about right now. I wouldn't worry to much.
  • Phill2488
    Phill2488 Posts: 97 Member
    I've read a lot of posts in this thread that says that diet coke makes them crave more sweet things but I'm the opposite. For me diet coke helps me stop craving for sweet things as diet coke is already sweet to begin with anyway

    if i'm craving for something sweet I just have a can of diet coke or Coke Zero and then those cravings go away