Unrealistic fitness assessment at gym?

Hey, I'm a newb so I hope I'm posting in the right category. I'm currently 5'7 141 and I recently joined a gym with the goal of toning up and dropping about 10 pounds. Included in the membership was a free assessment (seems like mainly to try and sell personal training). I was weighed, measured and had to do some fitness tests (push ups, running, ya know the deal). At the end of my assessment the girl told me that my goal weight should be around 115 - 120. I have to say I was a little shocked because with my frame (medium) that seemed pretty low :S

Has anyone who's had one of this assessments had a similar situation? I'd love to hear others experiences! TIN, and good luck with your weight loss goals everyone.


  • RowanJ13
    That is very low for 5'7". You'd be underweight, going by BMI. I'm aiming for 115 and I'm 5 inches shorter than you with a small frame.

    Edited to add that when I last joined a gym, I skipped the included fitness assessment because I'd heard from so many people that's it's basically just a sales pitch.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am 5'1 and my goal right now is 120, may go down to 115 after I see how 120 looks but it would seem small for someone 5'7 to me.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I think 140 @ 5'7" looks really good for an athletic build. 115-120 lbs is someone around 5'"3 or 4 if they don't exercise/lift