Forcing myself to eat because im not hungry?

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong please?

I am currently 169lbs after losing 17lbs. I know everyone says 1200 cals is too low but I don't do much exercise at the minute and STILL im struggling to even eat that much. Since cutting out takeaways, Fizzy drinks, Rubbish white carbs (I have PCOS) and general crap...Im struggling to even eat my 1200 cals. Im just not Hungry. I could probably go all day on 1 meal a day but I don't because i know its not the healthy so I force myself to eat.

I drink tons of water (the only thing I drink apart from the odd coffee) tons of fresh veg and lean meats but I rarely meet my 1200!

Please tell me what I am doing wrong? Why am I never hungry? How can everyone eat so much?


  • GoodbyeWeight123
    is it because im not exercising yet?
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Don't eat when you're not hungry. I think most people get into weight problems because they specifically eat when they're body isn't hungry
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You should be hungry at some points. Exercise more. You'll be hungry.

    Just a guess, are you English? I hear "takeaways" and "rubbish" and those words are so uncommon for us Americans. :)
  • GoodbyeWeight123
    If I didn't eat when I'm not hungry Id be living off 1 meal a day...surely that's not healthy? From the threads I have read on here even 1200 is insanely too low? I still have atleast 34lbs to lose so the fact im still in the "over weight category" surely my appetite should be better than what it is? I'm losing weight (which is a good thing I guess) Im just concerned im losing muscle rather than fat because im eating such a little amount and having to force myself? Or is this normal?
  • GoodbyeWeight123
    You should be hungry at some points. Exercise more. You'll be hungry.

    Just a guess, are you English? I hear "takeaways" and "rubbish" and those words are so uncommon for us Americans. :)

    Yes I'm from London.

    I think thats probably why im not very hungry. Im not actually burning anything. I walk about an hour a day for work...but I guess that isn't enough.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    You're 23 years old so you should be consuming more calories than you are, especially if you become active. Add in weight training too.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Maybe you should see a doctor for your loss of appetite.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Eat more fats, they're calorie dense so you don't have to eat so much volume of food.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    I often don't have an appetite either. But I'm trying to eat way more than you are.

    I still force myself to eat the calories I should. And so should you. I don't think there's a danger in forcing yourself to eat a healthy amount of calories (1200 is too low for you).

    You said you like to eat certain foods and avoid others. I don't believe in that. If you have trouble meeting your calories that may be your problem. Eat more calorie dense foods such as nuts and chocolate and cheese and 100% milk.
  • GoodbyeWeight123
    Eat more fats, they're calorie dense so you don't have to eat so much volume of food.

    Yes, that is actually what I am doing. I'm following the Atkins diet for my PCOS so im wondering if that is the reason why I feel so full because of the fats as its a high fat moderate protein & low carb diet? I'm so uneducated when it comes to dieting ect. I'm abit confused. I just don't feel my lack of hunger is healthy.

    As previously suggested maybe a doctors opinion would be good.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I don't think you should worry about eating 1200 calories. As long as you're eating normal meals and feel fine, easy only when you're hungry. I'm a 5' 11" male, I started at 310 and I'm now up to 250. I average 1200 calories a day. Considering that you're smaller than me, I don't think you need to worry.
  • Wandering_1
    Wandering_1 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm not sure if it's been suggested but start with a protein drink in the morning. Start juicing. You need to get fuel in your body. Good luck.
  • Vegan_85
    Vegan_85 Posts: 40 Member

    I have PCOS too. I lost 39lb by sticking to a net intake of 1,200 for a year, and I've kept it off for over 9 months now. However, the way I eat at the moment is a bit different. I tend to eat as much as I want when hungry (depending on how close it is to my period). For example, the week of my period, I under eat because I have no appetite and nausea for several days (so usually under 1,200), although the week before it, I'll eat between 2,500 - 3000 a day. It balances out and so far, I haven't gained any weight back. Doing it this way stops me from feeling tired or lacking energy.

    - Also I eat low GI most of the time (lots of wholemeal bread), don't eat a lot of fat, sugar or salt and I've been a strict vegan for 8 years.
  • Geribee79
    Geribee79 Posts: 11 Member
    Hay Im about 169kg also and am really trying to get my diet and exercise into balance. I know what you mean as I have my target set at 1000 calories (using the target as a minimum so I can aim to go 'red' by +200 instead of 'green' if that makes sense before everyone shoots me). However it seems that when looking at my Net calories im sometimes struggling to even get 1000!. However im exercising more eating 6 times a day (mixture of meals and snacks) etc

    The main thing is..............Im actualy feeling great right now! The weight is very slowley coming feeling is better and my IBS is improved etc

    So the point im trying to make is yes use MPF to help you regulate and get goals. Also use the MPF community for support and advice but seriously look at how you feel. If you where unhealthy you would feel that way.

    Lol thats just my two pence worth may be right may be wrong but good luck :-)
