Cheaper Chocolate Shakeology Alternative?



  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Oh please....

    "The quality of the ingredients."

    Yeah.. Uh huh.
  • I don't know how much Shakeology costs, but I love Syntha-6 (by BSN) in Chocolate Milk shake. It has like 29 g of protein & about 200 calories (I don't know the specifics b/c I had to take the label in to my nutritionist...she said it was pretty good) I drink it with skim milk, a banana & a little peanut butter, but it is really good without the additives. It keeps me going from about 6:30-7am until 1 pm. If you buy it on, it is much cheaper than GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. I think it is about $30 but it lasts a while. Hope that helps....

    Yea, it is quite good. And it goes on sale at GNC sometimes for around 30 but you have to look for sales.
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    The reason people get down on Shakeology is usually not the product but getting hammered by every "coach" the minute you mention a beachbody product. For example I mentioned I was doing P90X and got hit up by "coaches" wanting me to "get on the program".....I was on a few P90x forums and gave them up because of the ceaseless selling that went on. I finally found a group where its not allowed and am enjoying the camaraderie of others using beachbody to get healthier, without the intense selling tactics. I like beachbody and I like the program, what I don't like is being hammered by every coach trying to sell me something and blame every struggle I might have on not using their products.
  • techgeeksquared
    techgeeksquared Posts: 30 Member
    The reason people get down on Shakeology is usually not the product but getting hammered by every "coach" the minute you mention a beachbody product. For example I mentioned I was doing P90X and got hit up by "coaches" wanting me to "get on the program".....I was on a few P90x forums and gave them up because of the ceaseless selling that went on. I finally found a group where its not allowed and am enjoying the camaraderie of others using beachbody to get healthier, without the intense selling tactics. I like beachbody and I like the program, what I don't like is being hammered by every coach trying to sell me something and blame every struggle I might have on not using their products.

    Where did you find that it wasn't allowed?
  • MovaVie RVL Premier Weight Solution. I'm not sure the price (My grandparents are suppliers, so I get it for free), but I know it's considerably cheaper than Shakeology. They don't taste EXACTLY the same, but they are still good. They have Vanilla Cream, and Chocolate.
  • This protein shake recipe is truly delicious, and nutritionally comparable to shakeology as far as calories, protein, etc. But this has LESS sugar!
  • I am looking for cheaper I love the Chocolate Vegan but because I am allergic to dairy and can not do Whey of any kind. I have tried so many non dairy shakes and they taste horrible no matter what you put in them. Any suggestions???
  • Thank you for this post I think I will try this one wanted to try shakeology but its so crazy in price I cant afford it! Thanks again :)
  • I'm sorry you've experienced this bombardment of selling from so-called coaches on these sites. Fishing for customers is not allowed in forums and contrary to popular opinion, some of us actually want to help people. I give away free advice all the time. It's about helping people feel healthy and happy. I've been the one searching endless blogs for answers and conflicting reviews. Shakeology is a great product and the company has reformulated the flavors over the years. I would caution against buying it on eBay or other sites because it is not guaranteed to be untampered and doesn't come with a money back guarantee. If you are looking for a cheap alternative and don't care about the results, then by all means keep searching. There are thousands of low quality products that will give you minimal results. Trust me, I've used plenty.
  • Has anyone tried "Amazing Grass, Chocolate Superfood"? I am also looking for a shakeology comparison. I havent used Amazing Grass yet but I have heard good things and was wondering if anyone had an opinon?
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I use the RAW brand chocolate flavor, I can't say that it compares to Shakeology because I refuse to pay $120 for thirty beverages, but it is super yummy and has, I think, 17 grams of protein.
  • I am no longer a beachbody coach and have no intentions to renew my membership (currently)

    With that being said, I have tried a lot of protein shakes and I have invested a lot in supplements trying to get the same effect. Truth is, its not going to happen. I have given up on trying to find a replacement shake. I will say that adding some things to your shake might help. One of the leading helpers in shakeology is Maca Root. You can order this over the internet for a pretty low price.
    Maca increases your energy, endurance and libido. :wink:
    Also, make sure that you are taking the following supplements:
    Omega 3
    Calcium (to help absorb nutrients)
    Last but not least: Make sure that whatever you purchase has REAL ingredients and not synthetic forms of nutrients. I take a vitamin called Life's Fortune which is guaranteed to give you energy....and it does! Lot's of it!
    There just isn't another shakeology and if you notice, all of the people that recommend any other whey protein have never tried it. I also don't want to keep paying the price I was for it so I had to find other options. Beachbody people are like Pampered Chefs on overdrive, but then again, they also are health nuts and they are never too calm.
    If I were to do it again, I would just become a coach and cancel when I'm done. Other than that, stick with a good health regimen. Hope this helps

    To everyone else: You could be doing some deep knee bends while you are researching ways to argue. Hmmm, that reminds me...gotta go :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    chocolate milk.

    call it a day.
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    chocolate milk.

    call it a day.
    you mean like nesquick? Love the appeal of that:) Looking for something with all the 'magic' of Shakeology, but not that price:/
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you are looking for a cheap alternative and don't care about the results, then by all means keep searching. There are thousands of low quality products that will give you minimal results.

    And plenty of inexpensive products that you will get excellent results with, too. Shakeology or generic whey protein, you have to do the work to get results. If you look around at some of the most in shape people on this site, you won't find "Using Shakeology" as the common answer for why they look the way they do.
  • MattKenton
    MattKenton Posts: 4 Member
    Greens Organic Amazon Chocolate and Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Chocolate add in some Chia Seed and you are GOLDEN!!!
  • sarakee
    sarakee Posts: 1
    honestly, i'm totally struggling with this. I love shakeology but holy hell. if I start thinking about how much it cost....eek. I joined the beach body club (12 bucks a month or something) which saves me 10%....which is $13 a bag (we have two shakeology drinkers) so that's a little. The shipping pisses me off because unless you sign up for the auto stuff, it costs a billion dollars A BAG to ship it.

    But so far....i'm sticking it in. I do believe in the product as a meal replacement and not a protein shake (actually, there isnt much protein in shakeology). I have a more regular tummy on it. I do want ice cream less.

    So....i'm counting it as my $4 a day (that's how much it works out to be) latte and trying not to think about how much it costs for 90 days. After that....I might be singing a different tune.

    But honestly, if you keep your food clean, dont have cravings for sweets that kill you, and get the macro count in...I wouldn't worry about using it or not. Its a bonus, not a necessity and the fact of the matter is that the healthy lifestyle is 80% kitchen, 20% workout. I, personally, just know i'm pretty lazy in the kitchen. This helps. Plus, if i'm spending a billion dollars on shakeology, I dont often want to ruin it by eating crap.

    good luck!
  • TimeWillTell2
    TimeWillTell2 Posts: 126 Member
    I use the protein shakes by Nature's Bounty - takes away the cravings and adds protein in my diet. I order them from Puritan's Pride - free shipping.
  • vtownmom
    vtownmom Posts: 1 Member
    I bought the 21 Day fix and it came with a month of shakeology (I picked vanilla). I like it fine but the cost is just way too much on a monthly basis. So, I've been looking and reading and trying to be informed. I found this article and it has some really good info.
  • emeraldeyes_bc
    emeraldeyes_bc Posts: 200 Member
    If you want the best alternative, full serving AF greens and vitamins per serving, you want Nutrabolics Athletes Food. Fantastic product, amazing company, great price.