Need running friends trying to eat right!

Hi I'm a runner and I'm trying to lose a few pounds before spring training seasons starts. I just started MFP this week and I'm liking the accountability but I'm so hungry! I usually like to run ~30 miles per week and strength train 2x/week, but this week I've felt too weak to get my workouts in. I'm wondering if I just need a week to balance myself out. Anyone else have this experience or have tips?


  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Nice. 30 miles a week - you am serious runner! Good for you! I'm training for my 5th half marathon right now. Welcome. Looks like there's a lot of runners here.
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    You should open your diary so we can see what you are eating now
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Are you eating enough? If you follow the MFP method then make sure you add your exercise calories back. Especially since you do quite a bit of mileage each week. Or if you are consistent each week with running then look up TDEE and take a cut off of that. If you only want to shed a few lbs take a 5-10% cut off TDEE or make sure MFP is set at 0.5lb/week loss if using MFP the way it was set up.
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    Add me if you like! I run 3-4 times a week (+yoga and strength training, when I can fit it in) and eat pretty clean. I'm not obsessive about it though - I like my treats and wine, too! And I'll never say no to the occasional "pizza night". :wink:

    I really love to cook my own meals out of fresh, wholesome food though. My diary regularly reads more like an ingredient list, or recipe box than anything else, lol!
  • Hi, great job doing 30 miles a week. Impressive. :drinker: I'm training for my second 1/2 marathon in May. Lost weight over the winter and now trying to maintain rather than lose myself. It's still a challanging balance. Some days I find myself ravenous after a workout and am still trying to find the perfect pre and post workout foods.
    How many calories are you consuming? I'm wondering if you set yourself too low for the amount of running you are doing?
  • RunnrMike
    RunnrMike Posts: 14 Member
    Make sure you're getting enough protein; essential for muscle recovery.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi! I'm also a runner. I'm not putting in the kind of mileage that you are at the moment, and I run mainly for the joy of running itself. I'm trying to lose a few pounds also and was eating at the MFP recommended 1200 per day plus eating back around half of my exercise calories. I felt weak and cranky, like I wasn't eating enough to fuel my running. I also wasn't losing much weight.

    I raised my calories to 1500. I started eating back more of my exercise calories also. Lo and behold I started losing. It's only a pound a week loss but I've got to say that I feel great! I feel strong and ready to take on the world. Not only that, I'm amazed that I'm eating this much and still losing.

    When I took the focus off of weight loss and put it on fitness, everything fell into place. You haven't given specifics of what and how much you're eating, so I can only speak for what is working for me.
  • Hi! I'm also a runner. I'm not putting in the kind of mileage that you are at the moment, and I run mainly for the joy of running itself. I'm trying to lose a few pounds also and was eating at the MFP recommended 1200 per day plus eating back around half of my exercise calories. I felt weak and cranky, like I wasn't eating enough to fuel my running. I also wasn't losing much weight.

    I raised my calories to 1500. I started eating back more of my exercise calories also. Lo and behold I started losing. It's only a pound a week loss but I've got to say that I feel great! I feel strong and ready to take on the world. Not only that, I'm amazed that I'm eating this much and still losing.

    When I took the focus off of weight loss and put it on fitness, everything fell into place. You haven't given specifics of what and how much you're eating, so I can only speak for what is working for me.
  • I think this hits the nail on the head- when youre factoring in workouts, you have to maintain enough intake to keep yourself fueled. I have set my calories higher that MFP would recommend, but I use my bodymedia data to keep it balanced with the work I'm doing.
  • tcat100
    tcat100 Posts: 33 Member
    I am more of newer runner. I ran one 5k and looking to add a second this Spring/early summer. Would be nice to have someone more experienced to get tips and advice. Add me if you like.
  • I'm a runner and have been my whole life, but havnt been eating healthy. Now I've been eating right and taking my running more seriously running 4-5 miles everyday!
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    Running friend and also anyone else looking for some active FitWarriors to build up your support group. Swing by the FitFam Friday Free-4-All ( and start adding friends who are ready and willing to offer you motivation, laughs, an attentive ear and support.

    OP, my request has been sent your way. I'm training for a 5K, then Tough Mudder and finally the Spartian race. Oh its gonna be fun!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    I typically do about 15 miles a week at the moment and strength train 3x week.

    Depends what you think "Eating right" is, however. A lot of people would be horrified by what I eat - yet it's generally all working as expected for me, possibly even better. I do follow specific macros and don't bother to log salad, however.

    Currently debating whether to break my normal 'no food before 1am' rule for a 6k cross country tomorrow morning.
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    I run also, but nowhere near 30 miles/week! I'm training for a half marathon in April and have 2 10k's between now and then. Why did I agree to run winter races? This has not been a great year to run outside :). I love to hear from other runners, so anyone can add me!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Hi I'm a runner and I'm trying to lose a few pounds before spring training seasons starts. I just started MFP this week and I'm liking the accountability but I'm so hungry! I usually like to run ~30 miles per week and strength train 2x/week, but this week I've felt too weak to get my workouts in. I'm wondering if I just need a week to balance myself out. Anyone else have this experience or have tips?

    Run, eat, rest, repeat.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm a little behind you in mileage, and about 5 lbs over my ideal racing weight. Unfortunately, my mileage has been MISERABLE since the beginning of the year. Artic temps and way tooooooo much snow has hampered my running (and I can't do the treadmill). I find that once my mileage is set....I can lose weight when I net around 1500 cals a day. Quality calories. I do push protein and good carbs. But let's be honest....I like to eat, so sometimes weight can be an issue. I have 3 half marathons in 6 weeks this spring. Hopefully, by the 3rd one, I'm at a more reasonable racing weight! Good luck!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi I'm a runner and I'm trying to lose a few pounds before spring training seasons starts. I just started MFP this week and I'm liking the accountability but I'm so hungry! I usually like to run ~30 miles per week and strength train 2x/week, but this week I've felt too weak to get my workouts in. I'm wondering if I just need a week to balance myself out. Anyone else have this experience or have tips?

    Run, eat, rest, repeat.

    Pretty much this. You may be slightly lacking in the "eat" and/or "rest" aspect of this which would cause you to feel like you do. 30 miles a week plus strength training...not saying you can pretty much eat what you want but there's definitiely more leeway for you. I recommend eating more peanut butter and pizza immediately to remedy the situation :).

    Edit: Feel free to add me. My advice is typically no worse that no advice at all.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    a half runner here..someone said protein..yes very important. when I started psleep the first week was well weak. stalled on my long run ..I adjusted my carb levels and it was fine. you'll have to experiment to find that balance
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Feel free to add me, though I don't run nearly as much as you! I alternate running and circuit training every-other-week. Got a couple of 5K races (race for life) in the summer - hoping to get my time as close to 30:00 as I can by then as it's currently at around 33:00.
  • Thanks for all the comments! I looked into the TDEE that people recommended and it looks like 1800 kcal a day is better goal for me if I'm going to keep up my running. I'll probably have to adjust it on weeks that I plan to run more or less. MFP had my daily goal at 1240kcal (not including any exercise calories), and I just think it was too low for me. My goal is to lose 6 lb, and I'm realizing it's going to be trial and error with the diet/exercise balance for a little while.

    It's great to hear there are so many runners out there! I love me some running support:-) Looking forward to this journey!