The scale is EVIL

It's true!!! So, in the last two weeks my weight hasn't changed. I've been (mostly) good, and I've averaged about 1427 cal over the last 2 weeks (per day) with some days being up, and others being down, and that doesn't include two days I didn't track and am sure I was over. I've decided that 1350, which was my MFP goal originally, isn't enough for me, so I'm playing with it a bit.

However, noting that I am below (on average) what would be considered me maintenance goal, you'd think I'd lose weight.


Granted, I could say that "well, maybe it's just all the water I drank" or "maybe it was my clothes" or "must have been an upward day for normal fluctuation of weight..." blah blah blah. The scale is evil and does not show the full picture.

I get my weight and tape done by the same person, so the measurements are consistent. The scale is consistent. So, the scale didn't move in two weeks. I didn't do anything differently today than I did two weeks ago. However, based on the BF calculator the Army uses, I've gone down 2% in two weeks. Woot!

Measurements (previous/current):
Neck: 14.25/14.25
Waist: 37.75/36.75
Hip: 51.5/51

So! I'm getting smaller. For me, this is great! Sure, I would love to see the scale go down, but so long as my measurements are going down, I don't care. So there.

Starting today I'm also going to measure other areas as well, just to see where I'm losing size the most (curiosity is a weakness of mine). I'm going to be tracking upper/lower arm, chest, and upper/lower legs.

Don't let the scale fool you, you're probably doing better than you think if that's the only tool you're using to measure your success. <3


  • professor210
    I agree. I hate the scale!

    Something my trainer suggested to me is to take a picture of yourself now, which it looks like you did. Then take one each month until you get to the weight you want. I printed out my pictures because I like holding something in my hand as I look at myself. I did it in bra and panties so I can have an accurate look at my entire body.

    Compare yourself from month to month in your photos so you can see where the loss is happening.

    I think that looking at yourself along with how your clothes are fitting is better motivation.

    The scale makes me want to quit more often than not!!

    I support you and we are all trying our best on this journey!
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I agree. I hate the scale!

    Something my trainer suggested to me is to take a picture of yourself now, which it looks like you did. Then take one each month until you get to the weight you want. I printed out my pictures because I like holding something in my hand as I look at myself. I did it in bra and panties so I can have an accurate look at my entire body.

    Compare yourself from month to month in your photos so you can see where the loss is happening.

    I think that looking at yourself along with how your clothes are fitting is better motivation.

    The scale makes me want to quit more often than not!!

    I support you and we are all trying our best on this journey!

    I do pics once a week, on the days I get taped. ^_^ I've got some pretty high goals, but I did notice a change from my first pic to the one I took yesterday. I think the scale exists solely to toy with us. Evil machine.