Nike+ Kinect Training buddies?



  • monie51
    monie51 Posts: 7 Member
  • runningindigo
    runningindigo Posts: 63 Member
    i've been doing everything else under the sun besides Nike Kinect training lol!! But i do like it!! I just don't like doing a lotta floor workouts and I think that's why I haven't been consistent with it! But I'm gonna get it back together and add y'all as friends..that way I can have some buddies to help keep me motivated and keep me in check!! ;-)
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    If anyone is working out on the Xbox or just wants to connect, add me.

    Obviously, you can friend me here (I'm on often) OR on the Xbox ("DigitalShamrock") there.

    I've just started using Nike+ Kinect as part of a series of games I'm testing for and I'm liking it. I could do without the burpees though. :)

    And yes, get a Polar HRM. The calorie counting in these games are wildly inaccurate ESPECIALLY if you have some extra weight on you (like me).
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Just got this, and it's pretty cool, going to use it as a supplement to my marathon training.

    Username: JoeHempel if you want to add me :)
  • teddy4linz
    teddy4linz Posts: 8 Member
    Oooo I Have Been Doing Nike Fit For 6 Wks And Love It! Although I Did Not Lose Any Weight This Week. I Blame It On The New Program Assessed After My First 4 Weeks. I Am Actually In Week 6. Add Me Please!!! Also, It Is Fruatrating Not To Be Able To Put It In MyfitpaL Effectively! :/ Oh And I Completely Agree About The calories!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    The calories burned with Nike+ Kinect are not right, nor are they at all consistent.

    50 minutes of strength burned about 150-200 calories, which sounds about right, but 30 minutes of cardio burning only 120 calories, and then 5 minutes of dodgeball burning 65 calories is just not at all comparable lol.

    I don't count calories, so it doesn't really matter to me, but the calculations are definitely not right
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    Yes, I think you're right, Joe. I'm just glad I'm not bothering about trying to figure out the calories anymore, but for those still in weight loss mode, I'm sure it's frustrating.
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    I just log the Nike + training as Calisthenics. When you look at the workouts they're giving you (Planks, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, running in place, etc.) it's the same as any calisthenics program you would be given.

    I found that plugging in Calisthenics for the calories burned to be more accurate and closer to what my HRM gives me than what the Xbox is telling me. Hope that helps someone.
  • azurefive
    azurefive Posts: 3
    Hey, just got the game last week so will set up my account and you'll to my buddy list :)... The calorie count is definitely off, my HRM (Scosche Rhythm) gives me a significantly larger number on the "calories burnt" count after my workouts. So don't be discouraged by Nike's numbers!

    Bigger question... Has anyone witness a significant weight loss on this program yet? I've bought this to "Get Lean" as they put it and I'm really hoping to see some good results. Planning a workout calendar that does 4 days of Nike Fitness Kinect and 2 days of Zumba Rush. First time into both these, so would love your views!
  • Juanwi
    Juanwi Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone still using this and seeing good progress? I'm considering using this program to supplement running and biking.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm thinking about restarting Nike + Kinect Training again today. Feel free to add me on here, Xbox Live or on Nike: keiraleejade (For Xbox and Nike)
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I just got this a few weeks ago. Went home over lunch to check it out...was "forced" to go through the assessment. I thought oh 5-10 minutes of running in place, some pushups and this will be done. 45 minutes later (still in my work clothes! and sweating) I get this score..but I have no idea what it means 66/55 is that good??? I didn't have time to go into depth with it and I haven't had a chance to go back, as I'm currenlty marathon training so my time for cross training is very limited.

  • I've been using this too and although great excercise and feedback etc. the calorie count is a waste of time really as my HRM reports way WAY more. It'd be good if someone added realistic values ot the Exercise database here on MFP?
  • t_welch11
    t_welch11 Posts: 52 Member
    Started on this today with my fitness assessment. Both my husband and I are doing it together. Anyone have any results or advice to share? Also doing Zumba core 2 days a week with it.
  • kimberlyfdr
    kimberlyfdr Posts: 1 Member
    I just did my assessment today and will be starting my first session on Thursday (with a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday training schedule). I'm KimberlyFDR on Nike+ if anyone wants to add me :happy:
  • g0at1982
    g0at1982 Posts: 89 Member
    30 minutes of busting my tail and 79 calories... at my size? shyeah, right... to the above poster about logging them as calisthenics... THANK YOU!!! Very nice and helpful
  • Well I figured I'd pick it up as I got it for a fraction of what it was originally. Great choice! I'd love some buddies. Ninjagrapher on both Xbox and Nike+. Just mention MFP for me. ocassionally I get some random ones on XBL.
  • g0at1982
    g0at1982 Posts: 89 Member
    Just plugged up my Polar FT7 and ran a routine last night.

    Nike+ Kinect reported 110 Calories
    FT7 reported 407 Calories

    Putting them in under 'Nike+ Kinect' under Cardiovascular Exercise.
  • GreenRemy
    GreenRemy Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I use Nike Kinect+ off and on. Would like to find friends for some motivation to use it more. Please add me on XBL: Remy1974