Late night cravings!!! HELP!!

So recently i have been struggling very badly with those late night cravings! and I always want something sweet! is there anyway to get rid of this feeling or any healthier snacks that will satisfy my chocolate and cookie and ice cream cravings!

Any advice will be helpful!! Thanks!!


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Let yourself have a little treat every day. Just fit it into your calorie goal for the day.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I usually save calories for evening snacks. Ice cream is my night time snack. As long as you're being mindful of your nutrients throughout the day, some snacks within your calorie goal won't hurt you ;)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1) leave yourself some calories for night snacks
    2) go to bed early
    3) look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you REALLY want to go over your goal for something that will be eaten in 20 seconds.
  • abbyjcpc
    abbyjcpc Posts: 13 Member
    I struggle with this also! I started to swap candy/ice cream etc for a bowl of cereal. Then I started changing my cereal to something with the least amount of sugar. It still satisfies me. I also do plain greek yogurt, fruit and granola when I get a night sweet tooth. But I know how you feel. Even if I have enough calories left in the day, I still feel like Im cheating and getting off track if I eat at night.
  • Sugar free jello or sugar free pudding cups are my go to sweet treats in the evening.
  • Terpasaur
    Terpasaur Posts: 4 Member
    A hot sweet drink is great for satisfying a late night craving. Maybe some tea with sweetened almond milk or diet hot coco from Swiss Miss (50cal). Does the trick for me!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I trained myself not to be a night time eater, I never eat after dinner, but last night, I felt serverly hungry, I felt like opening the fridge and eating a whole pizza like my old days, instead I turned to watching TV with chewing gum, sometimes I go to sleep with it in my mouth and get rid of it in the morning.
  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    I found that if I'm craving sugar , a serving of strawberries usually does the trick for me ! Also , usually I eat my meals in a breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner/snack pattern, so if I know I really want treats like chocolate I save up a few extra cals and use them on my last snack of the day. Good luck:)
  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    Also , drink a cup of water before you decide to eat anything, that helps me too, sometimes it fills me up and I realize I wasn't really hungry, at worst it helps clear the cravings for junk out of my head and I start thinking about healthier options.
  • EscamillaMom
    EscamillaMom Posts: 16 Member
    I have this same problem. For me I think that I get bored. I put my kids to bed, my husband is asleep, and I have nothing to do. I took my doctors advice and guzzle down some water and most of the time that does the trick but some nights I guess it a "real" craving. I have fallen in love with Dark Chocolate Almond Milk... do delicious and mostly good for you :)
  • natalie_journey
    natalie_journey Posts: 32 Member
    I'm the same way. I find myself craving something sweet or salty at night. I just try to keep myself distracted and watch something I like on Netflix, or get on MFP and read successful stories lol and sometimes if I have some calories left for the day, then I just eat something to kill my craving, but I try not to go over my calories.
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I have the same problem. I LOVE sweets and I always get a craving for them late at night. Sometimes I have Greek yogurt, honey and berries to satisfy it. If I'm REALLY craving something sweet I'll have Quaker Vanilla Yogurt bars which are super sweet but only 150 calories. Anyhow, if you plan for it and allow yourself a small sweet snack before bed and are within your calorie limit you're fine. The French eat sweet desserts all the time and are mostly thin - it's all about portion size.
  • viewerno6
    viewerno6 Posts: 2 Member
    I often crave something to munch on while doing homework or watching TV. I find that Multigrain Cheerios (dry) can occupy me and they have a lot of vitamins in them. 1 cup is about 120 calories so they aren't what I'd call a big-budget snack.