I have been working extremely hard to lose weight. Today is day 26 and I have already lost 14 pounds! Here's the thing...

I'm going out for my birthday tonight and I was wondering what I can do to not gain weight from it. Or, at least, not a lot of weight that I can't work off in a few days. I had a good breakfast and will have a light lunch. For dinner I think I am eating out and will try to make a smart decision. But as for the alcohol... its gonna happen BIG TIME. (Please don't judge, I don't get out much being a single mom and turning 25 is scary).

What are your suggestions or dos/donts for drinking? Anything high in calories or "extra" bad for me I should steer clear from? Anything you've heard thats light and I can have a lot of?

Thanks for your feedback!


  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    Happy birthday:) Your best bet is to stick to spirits and diet mixers and slip a few glasses of water in here and there. Have a great night, don't worry too much, it's only one night!
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    My personal opinion is that one night of excess is not going to completely derail you. If it is just one night and you won't use it as an excuse to go off the wall with your eating for 2 weeks, and to not exercise because reasons, then just enjoy your birthday and do what you like.

    Yes, you may see an increase in the scale that lasts a couple of days. No big deal.

    Do what you want tonight, go back to your regimen tomorrow and don't weigh yourself for a week so you don't feel guilty.

    Happy birthday!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member

    Take a day off and enjoy yourself, I would :drinker: :drinker:
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    Its one day. If you want to drink then drink. It wont kill you.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I leave room for a drink every day. I need it to unwind and relax. I have children as well. Very Occasionally I will go out on a weekend for a girls night out and have way more than just one drink. It's okay. One night of drinking for me hasn't really effected my results. I do not suggest that you skimp on the food so you can drink more as you will likely end up way drunker than you want to be way sooner than you want to be. As long as it is not a regular thing I think you will be fine. I also don't think you will gain a significant amount of weight from one night out.

    Vodka mixed with diet anything is probably the least amount of calories in a drink.

    Steer clear of beer, more calories, and makes you feel bloated and full.

    Happy Birthday, have fun, be safe and please don't drive :)
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    It's only one night, don't worry about it and have fun
  • luhman
    luhman Posts: 12 Member
    You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    When I go out with my friends, I like to have a few drinks. I allot room for them in my food diary -and- dance the night away.

    It's your birthday, go have fun!
  • caraherch
    One day is fine. The problem with alcohol is not only the calories, but that it makes it harder to burn calories/fat for a day or two afterwards. So just eat super clean the next few days and enjoy your birthday!
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    It's your birthday. It happens once a year. Honestly, I'd say just do what makes you happy!

    But if you really want to not stress out: Diet Mixed Drinks + Bread to soak it all up (and water to avoid hangover).

    Besides that, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your standards can reach an all time low at the bar and nobody can judge you!
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    Like everyone says, don't stress about it.

    Chances are you will not eat enough calories to gain but a fraction of a pound. If the scale goes up, mostly likely it is water retention.

    Personally, I would probably chose to have a glass of water between drinks so that I don't drink too much. But that is more personal preference.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Alcohol hates my body and the fact that you have lost so much so fast makes me think this is going to be a bad thing for you. Try to drink a lot of water and I hate to say it but try to eat and drink separately. If you eat a big meal while drinking - all of the food will be sent to your thighs. Your body will burn the alcohol and store the food. When I eat and drink together - I gain 3 pounds per drink- not kidding.
    Also stick with clear alcohol and water or diet drinks. no sweet drinks- they are loaded with calories and most of the skinny stuff tastes terrible anyway.
    Good luck - and work your butt off the next week - it should fall back off.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Enjoy your birthday. Tomorrow is another day.

    I'm a little concerned about the notion that you've lost 14 pounds in 26 days, though; that's not generally a sustainable rate.
  • mteague277
    mteague277 Posts: 145 Member
    vodka soda, vodka on the rocks with a lime wedge, tequila on the rocks with some lime, rum and diet coke.
    My favorite is vodka soda or vodka on the rocks. Just the calories of the alcohol and nothing added. Its my birthday today too! Happy birthday! Have fun and don't stress too much, it is ONE night.
  • Twinmamamarion
    Twinmamamarion Posts: 33 Member
    Amstel Light! It's like 99 calories, and tastes like actual beer. If you're into beer. :)

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • richardositosanchez
    It's your birthday, enjoy yourself and don't worry about it. You have the next day and rest of the year to get back on track.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    flavored vodka and soda (not cola but soda water) is 64 calories. Shots = more bang for the buck calorie wise. Those are what I usually stick to when I go out to the bar.
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    Psh it's your bday! Enjoy a few shots!
    Otherwise, I tend to stick with white rum & diet coke, or red wine
  • mhyla001
    Its one day, chances are the amount of alcohol/food you consume wont even add a pound to your weight. Having a cheat isnt that bad either because mentally it will allow you to release cravings for a day. In the long run it might refocus because a lot of people quit the diet because its to much for them, one day will not damage you.
  • NatalieG525
    NatalieG525 Posts: 65 Member
    Forget the worries for one night, and just have fun :) You could always dance off the calories if going to a club after or something ;) lol