Pregnant Calories

Hi there!

I just found out I was PG a couple days ago. I am 5 weeks along.

I don't want to gain any weight, as I am pretty overweight as it is. But want to keep baby healthy.

I feel really great and am still able to exercise. No morning sickness yet!

I am just wondering if anyone conttinued with weightloss while PG. And if so or not how many calories would you reccomend?



  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Well, you can't and shouldn't purposely be losing weight while you are is necessary for the development and health of your unborn baby.

    You can always lose the weight once your baby is born.

    Continue your light exercise and eat is not just about you anymore.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Hi there!

    I just found out I was PG a couple days ago. I am 5 weeks along.

    I don't want to gain any weight, as I am pretty overweight as it is. But want to keep baby healthy.

    I feel really great and am still able to exercise. No morning sickness yet!

    I am just wondering if anyone conttinued with weightloss while PG. And if so or not how many calories would you reccomend?


    That is something you really need to discuss with your doctor. In most cases, it is not recommended to try to lose weight will expecting, however, in some cases, depending on how overweight, it is sometimes done while under a doctors care.
    No one here can give you a calorie goal, that is dependant on a lot of factors.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Depending on how overweight you are they might only want you to gain about 15 pounds. Nobody here is qualified to give you a calorie recommendation or total weight gain goal for the pregnancy though.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Don't worry about calories. As a now-pregnant woman, you'll be stressing over plenty of things without adding calorie counting into the mix. If you choose to track though, I would only track macros and micros to make sure you're getting enough protein, fats, and calcium for the growth of your baby.
  • Thanks, for the replies.

    I have my doctors appt next Friday.

    I wasn't looking for a long term answer! Just wondering if anyone had any advice.

    I am now eating 1340 calories trying to loose 1-2lbs a week.

    My growing baby is the most important and #1 thing in my life right now. This is why I am asking.

    I have always counted calories. So not sure what to go with now that I am PG. But I guess I will just up my calories until I see my doctor.
  • Don't worry about calories. As a now-pregnant woman, you'll be stressing over plenty of things without adding calorie counting into the mix. If you choose to track though, I would only track macros and micros to make sure you're getting enough protein, fats, and calcium for the growth of your baby.

    Thanks for this reply!
    It will help tell I goto my doctor Next Friday!

    I punched in what my calories should be consider my weight /height/ age and it said 3400! It seems so extreme....
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I lost some weight while pregnant in the first two trimesters, then gained 14 lbs in the third trimester when she was going through her growth spurts (it was all baby weight, because it was gone right after birth). I just ate like I normally did in the first two trimesters, and ate a little more in the third whenever I was hungry. I didn't go crazy with the ice cream, chocolate, junk food, etc just because I was pregnant.

    Drink lots and lots of water too, and keep the weight gain slow. It'll help you avoid stretch marks! (I just got one tiny one that showed up at the end when I was eating more to keep up with her, and I am VERY prone to stretch marks!)

    You should talk to whoever is managing your pregnancy and develop a plan with them. They know your medical history and body best, and should be able to give you tips on how to only gain what you really need for the baby. Good luck with your pregnancy, and hope you have an easy birth!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Eat at maintenance for your current weight until you have your appointment, and eat as many veg and proteins as possible. Your body is burning more than the minimum amount of calories because YOU ARE BUILDING A HUMAN BEING.
  • Eating for two is a myth if you're eating two *meals*. Doctors say to only eat about 300-500 more calories than normal, of course talk to your dr about your amount because that's just an average. I wouldn't try to lose weight during pregnancy, just maintain it, your body is already going through enough as it is. Maybe you could put in some light strength training which will help build muscle and help increase your metabolism. There are some really good workout and yoga dvds made just for pregnancy since you can't directly work your abs. Between watching what I eat, walking alot, doing some video workouts and working as a waitress (carrying food trays is a great workout lol) I only gained 27 lbs. Besides, if you're going to breastfeed you can lose a lot of weight that way.
    Just remember to get enough folic acid!!! I would also talk to your doctor about what your daily nutrient and vitamin requirements are that prenatals don't supply
  • Thank you thank you!

    I changed my settings to maintain and it is up to 2340 calories.

    This helps me alot. As I have always followed some sort of plan. This will help me tell I see my Doctor :smile:

    I want to keep my body as healthy as I can. Lots of veggies and water and good fats!

    Thanks again!!
  • MrsH06
    MrsH06 Posts: 159
    Congratulations! Babies are wonderful! My advice to you, that my doctor once told me, is to eat 300-500 extra calories a day and continue your exercise regimen. Watch you heartbeat. You do not want it to get to high because that can be unsafe. I was also told that when you ae expecting and overweight, to pay attention to your nutrients and of course don't over indulge. Your doctor will have better advice I'm sure but hopefully I helped a bit! :)
  • Oh, and this isn't a weight loss tip but it's useful. Start moisturizing your skin now! Preventing stretch marks is alot easier than treating them once they're there. Just be careful with cocoa butter formulas, some women can have an allergic reaction especially later on in the pregnancy even if they were using it before, something about hormones i think ( I had a reaction and i got these weird red rings about an inch across all over my stomach where i was putting the lotion). I used the burts bees mama bee belly butter and it was awesome
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Only times I have ever lost weight without trying was every time I was pregnant. I always ate according to doctors orders b/c of the baby which meant I wasn't over eating. So yes it can be done and can be healthy for both.
  • I was pretty overweight when I became pregnant, 250lbs at 5'6''. I was actually in a doctor monitored weight loss program at the time, and once I found out I was pregnant I was instructed to eat at least 1800 calories a day. When you are that overweight they do not recommend any more weight gain than about 10 lbs the whole pregnancy so you will need to keep an eye on what you eat and make sure the calories you take in are from healthy foods. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant with my third and have logged calories and exercised the whole way through. The advice is to keep doing exercise you already do, and at a certain number of weeks you stop doing exercises lying on your back, and stop abs exercises.

    I started off at 154lbs, a s size 6/8, BMI 24.9 (I'm 5'6). I was eating 1500-1600 calories anyway, and then I increased a bit to 1800 and now I'm in my third trimester I've upped to 1900, with the view that if i am extra hungry and go over it's not a big deal. This is still slightly below maintenance for me, but I can guarantee I am gaining enough weight!

    I exercise an average of 4 times a week, although I'm starting to get very tired now. I have a 4 and 2 year old already plus work part time as a teacher, so I'm pretty busy and active.

    I believe you know your body best and you'll figure out what's right for you.

    I'm in England, and unless your BMI is really high or really low, or you develop gestational diabetes, the midwife you see doesn't mention your weight at all.

    I had really bad nausea from 6-14 weeks in this pregnancy, and in my 2nd (both girls!) and found I just ate what made me feel better, so if nausea does kick in for you, don't feel bad if you eat things that take you over your carb allowance for example. I had a real thing for fruit salads in that time so got really bloated, and I also liked toast.

    I do worry about weight gain as I put on loads with my 2nd, but then I did lose it all and more.
  • Such great advice! Thanks so much!

    I feel like my heart rate is quite high today. This hasn't happened before. So I am wondering if it's because I am not eating enough.

    I will keep up the cardio, not to heavy, just what I have been doing. Maybe a little lighter. I do weight training, and will keep that up, but do lighter weights with longer reps.

    I need it for my sanity!

    I am going to buy some Burts Bee Coco Butter this weekend! Thanks for the tip!!
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I am going to buy some Burts Bee Coco Butter this weekend! Thanks for the tip!!

    The lotions and creams don't work for everyone, especially if you're prone to getting stretch marks. Lots of water to stay hydrated naturally, and gain the weight slowly so your skin has a chance to gradually expand. I didn't pay a penny for any product, and this is my postpartum tummy :) (Of course if you want to try it, definitely go for it! I just preferred to spend that extra bit of money on another cute outfit for my daughter :laugh:)


    My hand is cleverly hiding the huge stretch marks I have on my hips from my weight gain prior to getting pregnant. I'm just thankful pregnancy spared my stomach, lol!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
  • I am going to buy some Burts Bee Coco Butter this weekend! Thanks for the tip!!

    The lotions and creams don't work for everyone, especially if you're prone to getting stretch marks. Lots of water to stay hydrated naturally, and gain the weight slowly so your skin has a chance to gradually expand. I didn't pay a penny for any product, and this is my postpartum tummy :) (Of course if you want to try it, definitely go for it! I just preferred to spend that extra bit of money on another cute outfit for my daughter :laugh:)


    My hand is cleverly hiding the huge stretch marks I have on my hips from my weight gain prior to getting pregnant. I'm just thankful pregnancy spared my stomach, lol!

    Nice! I am hoping i won't get any stretch marks. I have some from weight gain back when I gained weight as a teenager. But they are pretty light now and barely noticeable. Hopefully I won't get any with my PG.
    I will prob try the creams anyways, as I use cream everyday already! But here's hoping I get an after belly like yours!
  • Hey! I'm due October 10th! I think we're close if you want to be buddies??