How much do you workout?

I have recently been doing the 30 day shred which I've now got to start back over because I really slacked off for a few days, but when I'm doing the workout it is hard, but after a while I feel like I really need to do more. How much do all of you workout, and what all do you do how much more should I be doing myself? How much have you lost with doing that?


  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Probably about 7 hours per week. Monday-Thursday I exercise 1 hour each, running on Monday and Wednesday and lifting on Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday I usually rest. On the weekends I will do a long run (90-120 minutes) and some yoga/stretching.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I try to exercise everyday. Weekdays I try to walk to work and home daily which is about 3km or a 30 minute walk each way. I usually get at least 4 out of 5 days weather permitting. I lift weights 5 days a week for 1 hour to 90 mins each time. Then I try to fit cardio after all that. I usaully do 1-2 sessions of non-scheduled cardio weekly like going out dancing or a long walk with a friend that type of thing. I try to go do scheduled cardio so gym machines, boot camp, classes, swimming that type of thing 1-3 times a week,

    Keep in mind aside from working out my life is pretty sedentary life. I am living with a friend so no house work or chores. My job is a desk job. You chase after kids all day, cook, clean, run errands and various other things.

    I would say do what every amount you can fit in comfortably, if it's hard to fit in you like won't stick to it. Make sure you challenge or push yourself in whatever time you get. IMO exercise should be progressive in strength and/or endurance.
  • TannerLouise
    TannerLouise Posts: 5 Member
    Monday through Friday I open a swimming pool so I workout on the sidelines for a little over an hour a day. I am lucky if I do half that on weekends.
  • jayclock
    jayclock Posts: 51 Member
    over the years I have go in the habit of doing a lot of exercise. I had to find things I like though so no gym work! I have been lucky to work from home, but now have 2-4 days working in London which is a 4 hr train trip return. I have had to work hard to slip in a 10k run across London tot he station, with clothes logistics being a real challenge

    So usual is
    Mon - 1hr swim with tri club
    Tues 1h20 turbo cycling session
    Weds approx 1 hr run or 1hr bike
    Thursday rest day or run
    Friday rest day run or bike (1 hr)
    Saturday one hour swim. Sometimes cycle there and back (1hr each way)
    Sunday long ride. Approx 2-4 hrs but if training for a long event may do more

    Rule is generally not to run 2 consecutive days. Summer time I start lake swimming midweek and Satrudays

    All that sounds a lot, but I am used to it and it allows plenty of food!
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    When I was doing 30ds and wanted to focus on it, I would start doing the workout twice, or level 1 directly after which ever level I was on. This gave me almost 1hr of workout without changing my focus. At the moment I do 5-6 workouts a week between 45mind - 1hr 15mins.
  • 3rdwoozie5
    3rdwoozie5 Posts: 46 Member
    for me, it varies day to day. Right now I'm doing the 100 burpee challenge so my morning starts with getting my day's count done before anything. Then 3 days a week I run. Sometimes at lunch, usually a long run on Saturday morning. Right now I'm also doing the P90X3. So I do the 30 minute thing when I get home from work, 6 days a week. My physical fitness has just become a part of who I am and my lifestyle.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have recently been doing the 30 day shred which I've now got to start back over because I really slacked off for a few days, but when I'm doing the workout it is hard, but after a while I feel like I really need to do more. How much do all of you workout, and what all do you do how much more should I be doing myself? How much have you lost with doing that?

    your weight control is 99.9% for weight control; exercise for fitness. exercising just allows you to eat more whilst accomplishing the same it's really good for you physically and mentally. what you do in RE to exercise should be a bi-product of your fitness goals, not your weight loss goals.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I'm on 4 days a week at a minimum, doing a training plan from the Sufferfest.

    That has me on my bike hm, 5-6 hours a week at a minimum?

    I need to add in swimming, climbing, and running of course. Not enough time in the day!
  • nmcguier
    nmcguier Posts: 27 Member
    I swim for 45-50 minutes 4 days a week and then play racquetball for about 45 minutes once a week. If you feel like you need to workout more, try working harder during the shred time.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I work out 6 days weekly. 4 days 30DS + treadmill for 20-30 min at varying inclines/speeds. 1 day week just 30DS -- the other day just treadmill. Once the nicer weather comes back I will resume outdoor running. I have a 10K scheduled 4/27/14.

    Do I like to exercise NO! But, it is a necessity because i LOVE to eat!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I work out 7 times per week. 7 days of cardio, and 6 days of weight training.
  • Whambam087
    4-5 days a week. My favorite training split is the upper lower body split and that is done 4 days a week. Monday and Thursday are upper body days and Tuesday and Friday are lower body days. Then I follow my strength training workouts with cardio which is typically running because I really enjoy it. Then depending on how I feel I may go for a run on Saturday.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    40 mins/day, 4 days/week, all strength training, every once in a while I throw in 30 mins of cardio once/week
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Workout 6 days a week (4 days Weight lifting with 6 days of cardio) and take 1 day a week off usually Sunday's. I listen to my body if I need an extra rest day I will definitely mix one in when needed...... Best of Luck
  • lisa4748
    How much have you lost with doing that?

    I've lost nothing from exercise - I went crazy for months and never lost a thing. Now I use exercise to be able to eat more while in a deficit. Oh, and I LOVE it now. I feel great after some good cardio, typically an hour 6 days a week. Good luck.
  • Tabitha_Faye
    I work out three days a week, 40-45 minute step/circuit training sessions. I have lost a steady pound to a pound and a half a week. Quality over quantity!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    3 hours a day every day.

    Hahaha no.

    I'm in the gym about 1-1.5 hours 3 times a week. I also play tennis, play racquetball, or ski for several hours a week.
  • jrose154
    I was doing 30 minutes of Pilates with with a little cardio and 30 minutes aerobic steps 6 days a week in January. Then upped it to 1 hour of Pilates with a little cardio and 30 minutes aerobic steps starting February 1st 6 days a week :) As of yesterday I have lost 12 lbs since January 6th :) Today I am also starting 1 hour of sweatshop boxing not sure how much I will be doing it a week yet though :)
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    Everyday I do something. Was lifting 3 days a week, now 5. I do cardio 6 days, including 2 spin classes, running and stairmaster. On my rest day I usually do some yoga or just walking because I don't see the need to be totally sedentary. Plus, my dog wouldn't let me anyways!
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    I started in November, my knees are delicate being as big as I am. I started doing walking for 30min to an hour. Now I rotate a 30min walk and a 7min workout with two 7min workouts. That combined with my diet keeps me under 1400 net calories. As I build strength I'll tune down the net calories further, goal is to get up to 1hr/day.