
gracienkaidens_momma Posts: 379 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I'm just frustrated. I have 10lbs to lose and the scale won't budge. I'm starting to believe that I'll never reach my goal weight of 115 (I'm just 5'0). I watch what I eat, exercise almost daily and still no changes. I"ve been on here 20 days with a loss of 1lb! At least the scale is not going up, so for that I am thankful! I'm just wondering if I should try something different since I'm not getting any new results.

Here's some of the ideas that I have-

-Eat less bread/pasta (carbs). Even though I am not going over in my calories, I still seem to love these foods. I need to cut back.
-Eat less sugar. I always seem to go over on my sugar with the most unsuspecting foods.
-Drink more water. I need ideas on how to love water more. I flavor it with these vitamin packets from walmart that taste like strawberry and kiwi and grape, but I always seem to fall short of my 8 cup water goal.
-Spend less time on the computer. I already deactivated my facebook so I'm spending way less on the computer already.
-Clean the house more
-Be more active (I just ordered a Polar F4 HRM watch, so that should help me keep track of calories)
-Possibly workout in the morning instead of the evening to jumpstart my metabolism
-Take Women's One a Day Active to help increase metabolism
-Workout at least 5 days a week and stay consistent.
-Start working out for fun using my Wii Fit like I did last year. Weigh myself on Wii Fit. It seems more accurate than my current scale.

I believe if I consistently did all of these things the scale would move. Any feedback or comments on this would be appreciated!


  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    I'm having a similar problem of UNBEARABLY slow weightloss! All your ideas sound great - may well steal your facebook idea! Vegetating in front of the computer is probably not such a good idea for me...
    I've got a few more for you if your interested?
    - Switch strength training from before cardio to after (or vice versa, or introduce it if you haven't)
    - Make sure you track every single little calorie, including those 3 grapes that "probably don't count" (this is what caused my first "plateau" - was actually just underestimating my calories)
    - Calorie cycle
    - Eat at maintenance for a few days (this sounds really scary but so often works!)

    Have you tried measuring yourself? You may have actually lost quite a few inches and there's just been no change on the scale! Good luck :smile:
  • I suggest you have a day of no exercising, and maybe having a cheat day, don't be to crazy and eat everything in site, and then the following day get back into what you were doing beforehand, you need to keep your metabolism guessing, believe it or not you can do such a thing as to much exercising and dieting thats why your weight will not budge anymore, good luck :bigsmile:
  • Once I hit the 10 pounds to go mark, it took forever to lose them. Try eating very lean protien (seafood, fish) and lots of veggies, instead of a whole serving of bread cut it to half. Look at where your sugar is coming from, if it is from fruit you are fine, sweets not so much. Also give your workouts a change, if you run alternate it with elliptical or biking every other workout day. I found that if I have two rest days that I usually will lose a pound from giving my muscles a break.

    This is my opinion and not supported by mfp but I don't eat my exercise calories unless I have burned more than 400. I don't have a lot to lose and on my set deficient is only .2 pounds a week so I use those to get it closer to the 500 deficient mark.

    Good luck and keep it up you will make it. Even when I started I only lost 1-2 pounds a month, but it came off and by losing it slowly it is easier to maintain it.
  • I have not tried calorie cycling, but I'm about to read an article about it. Thanks so much for your great suggestions!
  • simply_healthy
    simply_healthy Posts: 175 Member
    Try following... They surely worked for me... Hope they will help you too :)

    - Less Sodium
    - Less/No Carbs after 6 pm
    - Have protein before going to bed. (casein - cottage cheese etc.)
    - A glass of warm water with lemon zest and lemon juice before lunch and dinner.

    All the best !!! I m sure you will get there.. Dont give up and hang in there... :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks, simply healthy! I'll definitely try all of your suggestions. I'm making a list of all of these to print out and carry with me to read and reread to motivate me to help with the weight loss!!
  • sounds like my scenario!!! you seem to be doing what i'm doing but measure yourself i have lost some inches and my clothes fit better .....good luck!
  • In your opinion, does it really matter if I work out in the morning or the evening? I am so not a morning person and am a teacher. I have to wake up at an ungodly hour anyway. I find that I can more easily fit it in in the evening. I heard though that it's better to do in the morning. I enjoy exercising in the evening though because it tires me out and I sleep better.

    Does anyone take any weight loss supplements? I was taking Stacker 3 but they just gave me the same results as if I drank a cup of coffee. No weight loss. I was only taking one a day though. I heard to stay away from them so I think I will.
  • sounds like my scenario!!! you seem to be doing what i'm doing but measure yourself i have lost some inches and my clothes fit better .....good luck!

    I lost my measuring tape! I am going to pick some up at the dollar store later! I'm definitely going to measure myself once a week and track the results in a notebook!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I suggest you have a day of no exercising, and maybe having a cheat day, don't be to crazy and eat everything in site, and then the following day get back into what you were doing beforehand, you need to keep your metabolism guessing, believe it or not you can do such a thing as to much exercising and dieting thats why your weight will not budge anymore, good luck :bigsmile:

    Actually this worked for me on my last plateau.
  • lmburi
    lmburi Posts: 22
    I don't know that it necessarily makes a difference when you're working out, as much as whether you're working out. I like to do it in the morning, but I'm a morning person and NOT a night person AT ALL. If it's going to be too hard for you to work out in the morning, I'd say stick with what has been working for you.

    Also, I hate to say this because it might not be what you want to hear, but it's possible that you're not losing weight because you're body really doesn't want you that skinny. Your high school, pre-baby body may simply be too much for your body to reach. Getting firmer, though, is a great goal. I agree with the person earlier who said to increase strength training; I read somewhere that healthy weight loss and maintenance occurs most easily with 60% focus on strength and 40% focus on cardio, and since trying to up my strength, it's made a huge difference. Finally, I felt like I had hit a plateau a while back, so I started to primarily do interval training during my cardio, and my heart and lungs are so much stronger, and my legs are crazy strong now, too, since interval training naturally tones your legs.

    I always like to remind myself that health, and not weight loss, is my goal. Sure, weight loss is a natural byproduct of being healthy, but I hate that my weight can make or break an entire day, and it shouldn't have that kind of power. If I care more about being healthy, keeping my heart and body strong, making solid choices for eating, then my body will naturally find a place where it wants to be, even if it isn't what I thought my body would look like when I started this journey. I say this to encourage you to keep your head up, keep working, and remember that exercise and healthy eating are worth doing, even if you never lose another pound. And, let me say, remember how many women in America work full time, have a child, and NEVER make time to work out--I'm impressed that you are making the consistent time to do that, and you can remember those good things that you're doing, rather than just the weight loss. Keep it up!
  • I don't know that it necessarily makes a difference when you're working out, as much as whether you're working out. I like to do it in the morning, but I'm a morning person and NOT a night person AT ALL. If it's going to be too hard for you to work out in the morning, I'd say stick with what has been working for you.

    Also, I hate to say this because it might not be what you want to hear, but it's possible that you're not losing weight because you're body really doesn't want you that skinny. Your high school, pre-baby body may simply be too much for your body to reach. Getting firmer, though, is a great goal. I agree with the person earlier who said to increase strength training; I read somewhere that healthy weight loss and maintenance occurs most easily with 60% focus on strength and 40% focus on cardio, and since trying to up my strength, it's made a huge difference. Finally, I felt like I had hit a plateau a while back, so I started to primarily do interval training during my cardio, and my heart and lungs are so much stronger, and my legs are crazy strong now, too, since interval training naturally tones your legs.

    I always like to remind myself that health, and not weight loss, is my goal. Sure, weight loss is a natural byproduct of being healthy, but I hate that my weight can make or break an entire day, and it shouldn't have that kind of power. If I care more about being healthy, keeping my heart and body strong, making solid choices for eating, then my body will naturally find a place where it wants to be, even if it isn't what I thought my body would look like when I started this journey. I say this to encourage you to keep your head up, keep working, and remember that exercise and healthy eating are worth doing, even if you never lose another pound. And, let me say, remember how many women in America work full time, have a child, and NEVER make time to work out--I'm impressed that you are making the consistent time to do that, and you can remember those good things that you're doing, rather than just the weight loss. Keep it up!


    I have thought of this too that maybe my body just wants to naturally stay at this weight because that is the weight is wants to be. I totally agree that it's more about my health and not my weight loss. I come from a family that has a lot of overweight and obese people on both sides. I'm actually one of the smallest adults in my family both height and weight-wise! I want to prevent diabetes and arthritis (also rampant in my family) as much as I can. My grandma and best friend was overweight and died of a heart attack at only 69 years of age. I want to live way longer than that and meet my daughter's grandchildren!

    Also, yes it is hard to find time to workout when you are a mommy and work full-time. It's all about making time and time management. I find that since I deactivated my facebook that I have way more time to do other things - spend time with family, read, clean and workout. Instead of wasting my life on facebook, I am going to devote 30-45 minutes in the evening and do something for me and my body and life - workout!
  • How did you put up the before and after photos?
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    Sometimes to lose we have to boost our calories not reduce, I bet if you add some more ( like 200 or 300) you will see a difference sometimes our metabolisms get so used running on a certain number of calories they need a jump start!
  • Sometimes to lose we have to boost our calories not reduce, I bet if you add some more ( like 200 or 300) you will see a difference sometimes our metabolisms get so used running on a certain number of calories they need a jump start!

    Jrlenig - I definitely boosted my calories yesterday by probably eating close to 1,000 over my calorie goals! It was Thanksgiving dinner! lol
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