Easy Lunch Ideas for Work

Hey everyone, I was wondering if you guys had some good lunch ideas for me. I'm trying to stay at about a 1200-1300 net calorie/day lifestyle. I typically have egg salad (made with greek yogurt) in a pita, but I'm starting to get really bored with that. I also tend to enjoy an apple as well. I work at a lab, so I can't eat in the lab, so I eat in the hallway. I do have access to a microwave/refrigerator. I'm looking for something that is very filling because I tend to get hungry relatively quick. Also, if it is something I can prep multiple days at once, that is always good too


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Soup, stew or chili - fix a large pot on Sunday to take all week.

    I bring leftovers from last night's dinner most days. I just prepare a little extra dinner and put it in a container for tomorrow's lunch. Easy peasy.

    Sandwich wraps are pretty easy too - basically just put anything you would put in a salad - leafy greens, some type of protein (leftover meat/fish, canned tuna, hummus, etc.), other chopped or shredded veggies, some type of dressing (hot sauce, bbq sauce, vinaigrette, etc.) and roll it up in a high fiber wrap. I generally use Flat Out brand wraps which are 90-100 calories.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    -Weigh out about 4oz.-6oz. chicken , get a pita bread or wrap, 1-2 servings of carrots, and a greek yogurt.

    -Scramble 5-6 egg whites, put a serving of oatmeal in a container and prepare it at work (if you can) and add sweetener.

    - Tuna with some light mayo on a wrap, carrots, greek yogurt

    - Chicken or steak 4-6oz. fried up with onions peppers and seasoning ontop of a serving of rice

    - crockpot a 3-5lb bag of chicken in chunky salsa overnight..... weigh out about 4-8oz. WITHOUT SAUCE when done and throw in containers. Add rice.
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    Might be worth investing in bulk buying protein such as chicken, beef and eggs. What I tend to do is Sunday night boil my eggs grill the chicken breasts and roast some beef. Then let it cool and portion it into decent sized portions (2-3 eggs, 150-170g chicken and 100g roast beef for example) and put into tupperware or zip-lock sandwich bags. This way you have lots of food prepped for a wekk/2 weeks etc.

    Also look at microwave veg steam bags on amazon and buying microwave brown rice. Experiment with spices and vinegars as these will aid weight loss. Any other help needed give me a shout! :)
  • leighann881
    I make 3 pounds of shredded chicken and then freeze them in 2 cup packages. Microwave and throw into almost anything to make it a meal.


    mini meatloaf

    chicken muffins

    egg cupcake

    stuffed peppers
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    Already been said pretty much, I usually take a tortilla wrap with some chicken, cheese and BBQ sauce. Have a salad on the side and good to go. They are both pretty easy to pre-assemble as well.
  • jessicameadsstephens
    I like to use flour tortillas a some no fat refried beans and little bit of cheese and heat up for a few seconds in the microwave. Keeps me full and satisfied for quite awhile.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    A big change I've made in my eating is to cut down on processed foods and take-out. I shed some weight pretty quickly just by doing that. I make easy meals (slowcooker, stirfry etc.), freeze individual portions and take them to work, along with healthy snacks such as yogurt, fruit and nuts to keep me going in between meals. I'm not particularly fond of sandwiches and I don't want to spend time putting together a meal at work.