1200 min

Well I am 5`2 and around 125lbs! 20 years old.
How many calories should I be getting? I'm currently aiming for 1200!

Although today this is my food intake:

Breakfast: Special K ( I love Special K, not eating it because of that kick challenge thing) 30g with 50 ml skimmed milk (I like my cereal crunchy)

Mid-morning snack: Special K 30g (It wasn't enough earlier :P) 50 ml skimmed milk

Lunch: Crunchy Sweet Salad 9100g) with 60g chicken breast

Snack: Alpen Light bar , pear

Dinner: 100g White Pollock Fish, 25g cous cous, 100g mixed frozen vegetables, 1 cup boiled cabbage (weird combo I know)

Snack: 150g Onken Strawberry wholegrain

Excercise: 1 hour walk around 2.5mph (I think)

My total intake today is 879!...I'm way under 1200 but I feel like I'm eating loads ><

Should I eat more before going to bed, up to 1200 cals? (It's 8:30pm now)

Thanks a lot!


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you are under for a day here and there it does not matter . . . but don't do this consistently, it is very unhealthy.

    Make sure you are getting in at least 1200 calories per day!

    Try to incorporate a few calorie dense items to get to your daily target, a handful of nuts, some avacado on your salad, some natural peanut butter. Another alternative is to switch to 1% milk instead of skim.

    Basically you need to eat more for sure!
  • wittlemunchkinx
    I'm getting hungry now actually
    I'll be going to bed in around 2 hours, should I eat something?

    If so what should I eat, I was thinking yoghurt, but the only yoghurt I have has wholegrains in it and I was told not to eat carbs at night?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I'm getting hungry now actually
    I'll be going to bed in around 2 hours, should I eat something?

    If so what should I eat, I was thinking yoghurt, but the only yoghurt I have has wholegrains in it and I was told not to eat carbs at night?
    Calories are calories before bed - they impact you the same way, unless they upset your stomach, which can make sleep difficult.
  • wittlemunchkinx
    Oh well I'm eating the yoghurt then! :]
    Tanks for that info
  • MariaAlexandra
    MariaAlexandra Posts: 126 Member
    Whoa! That is a lot of snacking! haha it isn't a bad thing, I just don't eat a lot. Maybe you should try foods that are high in calories! A light breakfast and lunch is fine because i do the same, most of my calories go to dinner! For example. In the morning when I'm at school, my breakfast is usually something light, such as cereal or my Ensure! For lunch i either have a salad if i'm REALLY hungry, if im not hungry then i just skip it (I have classes to deal with anyway)..that's why i carry around water with me. For dinner, i can have rice, chicken, mashed potatoes, or something else, you know?

    You can even mixed them around, you can have a heavy breakfast but a light dinner and like that. : )

    I hope i helped! Add me if you want! :)
  • sapphire983
    I would definitely aim for 1200 calories, no less! Your body needs energy and fuel to get through the day, and that is where the minimum of 1200 calories comes from. Definitely don't worry about eating late, our bodies digest the same way whether we are sitting at a computer, on the couch, or sleeping! You will not gain weight for eating late, just no late night binging! Also, if you are having trouble getting enough calories, I would suggest eating an ounce or two of nuts, specifically almonds (tummy fat burners!). They have about 160 calories per ounce (about 24 pieces) and very good fats.

    Snacking is not bad at all, as long as you are snacking on healthy foods, not chips, chocolate, candy or donuts!
  • TeresaAnne38
    TeresaAnne38 Posts: 17 Member
    It sounds like what you are eating is right on track. You do need to up your calorie intake to a minimum of 1200 though, when you go below that too often your body goes into starvation mode, making it harder to lose weight in the long run because it slows down your metabolism.

    As for a few of your other questions, if you snack within the 2 hours before bed, a protien is usually best, because it takes the longest to metabolize, meaning it will keep your body satisfied for longer while you sleep. This is what is recommeded for backpakers, and mountain climbers, to help keep their bodies warm and well functioning while they sleep in less than ideal conditions.

    And I noticed another person comment that you have a lot of snacks, don't worry about what they said. Lots of snack are a good thing. It is better to eat 6 times a day then 3, and the one thing to really avoid is consuming all your calories at dinner time - that is hardest on your metabolism.

    Someone once described a human metabloism like a campfire. If you take one large log and plunk it on a campfire, what happens to the campfire? It goes out, it can't burn it all at once. What happens to a campfire if you add little peices at regular intervals? It can last forever.... And this is what our metabolisms are like, they function much better with smaller pieces more often, then they do with one big chunk per day.

    Hope this info helps :)
  • wittlemunchkinx
    Thanks a lot for the advice!
    I don't want to be going under 1200 ever again. I did in the summer (I went from 127lbs to 112lbs in 2 months which is pretty bad!) I ate only 800 cals....and as a result, my hair started falling out :S!

    I've just ate 2 bowls of yoghurt (the first didn't fill me) that should do me for the night. I've reach 1200 cals! :D!

    However I did burn around 170 by walking earlier, and it says I am under my total? Does that mean I should be aiming to eat what I walked off next time I log?
  • TeresaAnne38
    TeresaAnne38 Posts: 17 Member
    I know I've heard a lot of debate as to whether or not you should eat your exercise calories. Some say yes, some say no. Personally, I use them as flex calories, if I am hungry the extra calories mean I can eat a little more without feeling guilty. However, if I'm not hungry I don't eat my extra calories because it will mean more weight loss. I think you should eat them sometimes, but don't have to all the time. It comes back to the concept of not going below the 1200 for starvation reasons, if you are below occasionally its ok, but too often and your body will start to starve. Listen to your body, it wil tell you what it needs, you just have to know to listen and learn to interpret what it means.
  • wittlemunchkinx
    I've also noticed that a lot of people say the minimum is 1200. But a lot of people go below it? :S
    Not sure why I feel like eating a tonne when eating 1200.
    Maybe it's cos I'm eating every 2-3 hours so my mind thinks it's receiving more :\