800 calories



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !
    And do you exercise too? Because if you do, then you're netting less than 800 calories a day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bonnieforbez
    I suggest eating 800 calories a day is not healthy we can reduce our weight gradually.I would like give some natural weightloss
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    Don't think I could do 800. I did just under 1,000 one day this week, and about 1,100 another. But no way I could keep that up for more than a day here or there.

    I will say, I had a week losing nothing, and decided to try cutting way back a couple of days. I'm down almost 3 lbs. this week. So, I dunno, maybe a day here or there of really low intake can get things moving. But 800 over the long term? Just doesn't seem like it can be a good idea. If you're not making TV show drama, why be in that big a hurry anyhow?
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I had over 800 for dinner. Doing fine. Happy..not hangry. 800 a day for more than a few days is nuts...IMHO.
  • Everburg16
    Do you actually think that show is about health, at all? No. It's about losing weight at any cost, even if it's dangerous.

    Here's an article with an interview from someone from the Biggest Loser: It will give you an indepth look at what they go through.

  • Psysix
    Psysix Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on an 800 calorie diet right now. I've been on it a little less than a month and I have lost about 25 pounds. I feel great. I get my stats checked about once or twice a week - all looks good and getting better. I've gotten two blood tests this month, one at the beginning, one at the end of the month, all is fine. I take multivitamins, and my diet is formulated to have a balance of carbs, protein and fat but is protein based. I exercise for about an hour, three times a week. Mostly just walking.

    If anyone is doing an 800 calorie diet, i suggest they check in with their doctor often but it can be very healthy if done right. We had one girl in our group on the 800 calorie diet who was on blood pressure medication and was able to quit it after two weeks of dieting. =)

    Aside from being overweight, I don't have any major health issues but some people who have gone on an 800 calorie diet have and their health improved. Just have to take it easy on the intensive exercise and talk to a doctor to be sure everything is balanced.
  • mcflat29
    mcflat29 Posts: 2,159 Member
    A friend's boyfriend is morbidly obese and doesn't take care of himself or his diabetes. His blood sugars and several other things got so out of whack he was locked in ICU with nothing but a saline drip and one can of an Ensure drink a day for several weeks. He could have all the PLAIN water he wanted. The doctor said it was drastic measures and not something they recommend, but it was the only way they could save his life. He had to stay that way until his levels came back into normal.
    Yeah, he lost a ton of weight but it was more about trying to stabilize him. He was doing well when they released him, even started exercising and eating right... but old habits die hard and I'm pretty sure he had to be hospitalized again a few weeks ago. So, long term, probably not.
    When I realized people on biggest loser were no longer losing weight in a sound way and it was all about pushing ratings and products, I stopped watching.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Sorry but protein alone won't get you through, you also need carbs and fat to support nutritional needs.

    True about having some fat in the diet. Carbs are the least important nutrient, because the body can adapt by shifting to different energy substrates. The RDA doesn't mean we NEED those amounts - they're just recommendations that the masses can realistically stick to, since people enjoy eating carbs.

    Not true. You need carbs because your brain cannot function on anything but glucose and glucose only comes from carbs. Some people on very low carb diets for long periods of time develop crippling depression. Some have developed dementia-like symptoms which seem to be irreversible.

  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I can't imagine the amount of stress those contestants go through. Do they release full blood work periodically to the public for all the contestants?
  • MarKayDee
    At 16 I ate 750 calories a day.

    A bowl of frosted flakes with 1% milk, a couple packets of fruit snacks, and something else I don't remember, because I was so hungry and exhausted.

    I also tried to exercise a half hour on an elliptical and an hour of cheerleading.

    Clearly I ended up healthy and trim for life.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !

    Joined Oct 2012, 6 pounds lost. Seems legit. -_-

    Instead of having a cheat day once a week and having 800 calories the other days, wouldn't you be better off spreading the cheat days food throughout the week and logging them all ?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    So I was reading a Bob Harper book the other day and he said as part of the 14 day jump start you should only eat three small meals totaling 800 calories each day. I also met one of the Biggest Loser constants in August (as you can see by my profile picture) and asked him what it was like and he said they are told to only eat 800 calories a day the whole time they are on the ranch.
    I can't believe this...if it's so unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories why are they promoting it?

    In short...Darwinism.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !

    Joined Oct 2012, 6 pounds lost. Seems legit. -_-
    Nice catch
  • IrishGabriella
    IrishGabriella Posts: 48 Member
    I think the only time you do should be on 800 cals a day is under a doctor's supervision and if you have a large amount of weight to lose. I did 12 weeks on 900cals a day & lost 3 stone (42lbs) I just used it to lose a big chunk of weight to get me started.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I'm on an 800 calorie diet right now. I've been on it a little less than a month and I have lost about 25 pounds. I feel great. I get my stats checked about once or twice a week - all looks good and getting better. I've gotten two blood tests this month, one at the beginning, one at the end of the month, all is fine. I take multivitamins, and my diet is formulated to have a balance of carbs, protein and fat but is protein based. I exercise for about an hour, three times a week. Mostly just walking.

    If anyone is doing an 800 calorie diet, i suggest they check in with their doctor often but it can be very healthy if done right. We had one girl in our group on the 800 calorie diet who was on blood pressure medication and was able to quit it after two weeks of dieting. =)

    Aside from being overweight, I don't have any major health issues but some people who have gone on an 800 calorie diet have and their health improved. Just have to take it easy on the intensive exercise and talk to a doctor to be sure everything is balanced.

    Genuine question - why? Why deprive yourself when you don't have too and also be forced to limit exercise etc? I'm eating double a day that you are, feel great, know I have a lifestyle that I can sustain when I reach goal and exercise as I want most days (in fact heading out for a 5k Park Run shortly in a gale and pouring rain - I must be mad LOL). I don't feel like I'm 'dieting', food planning is easy as my calorie constraints aren't very tight and I'm losing around 1.5lbs a week. I'm also retaining as much muscle mass as I can by strength training regularly (as a percentage of my body weight my MM is slowly increasing so whilst I know I'll lose some muscle I know I'm losing more fat) It may take me 18months+ (from when I started last March) to get to goal but that's still about 6 times faster than I put the weight on. I couldn't envisage doing all this on 800 cals a day and keep the weight off when I finished, nor train for a half marathon like I am currently doing. So I am interested in your reasoning for choosing 800 cals a day (and not to be snarky!). :flowerforyou:
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    I eat 800 calories a day and I eat five times a day - Its very easy to stay satiated all day with 800 calories if you know what to eat. You also will get the proper nutrients as well. I will give you a rough run down on what I eat - breakfast consists of one whole egg and three egg whites with lots of veggies to make and omelet - very filling and black coffee - Lunch - is either cottage cheese or a greek yogurt both with good protein and I also have a pc of fruit usually a banana. then I have a mid day snack which is either a super greens drink or a antioxidant drink if I have the greens drink i have a pc of fruit (orange, grapefruit or apple) if I have the antiox drink I have a both big bowl of raw veggies with it and spray a little dressing on it. DInner consists of a 5 ounce piece of either fish or lean meat and a cup of a green veg and a cup of other veg (any) steamed. Night snack - sf jello with cool whip and if im still hungry I pop some air popped popcorn. I drink 64 ounces of water a day and take a few vitamins. I have read on here a few times that your body goes into starvation mode if you only eat 800 cal. a day - that is not true if you are eating, healthy foods and you are eating five times a day. People think you need to eat bread and such to get carbs - you can get a ton of carbs from fruit and veggies - just healthy carbs thats all. I personally can not lose weight on a higher calorie diet - everyone is different. The same plan is not going to work for everyone. You have to try things out and see what works best for you. I do have a cheat day once a week. I think thats important to continued success :) Good Luck everyone !
    And do you exercise too? Because if you do, then you're netting less than 800 calories a day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I don't think they would have the energy to exercise on the foods they eat. What they described was not lunch but a snack.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to provide a brief explanation for locking this topic.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Community Manager
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