Half in one week

How crazy would it be to run a half marathon in about a week with no half training? I have run a half before (same race 3 years ago when I was in high school), however, during the race I did experience IT band issues causing enough pain to run the last 4 miles crying. After I finished I did go to physical therapy and my IT band issues have greatly decreased. I continue to work on mobility and foam roll daily to help it not get so tight.

Although I don't run long distances very often I get in sprint workouts normally weekly (200 repeats or 400 repeats) and I do Crossfit at least 4 days a week. I tend to work out 5-7 times a week, and every 6 weeks get a long run in (between 8-9.5). While I don't run as frequently as I would like I feel I am in ALOT better shape than I was 3 years ago when I ran. In November I PR'ed on a 5k with no training (I know 3 miles isn't that far, but in 2011 I couldn't complete a 5k without doing run/walk, this time I ran the whole thing and PR'ed). Last month I went out for what I intended to be a 3-4 mile run and ended up running 8.5 miles. Afterwards I felt I could have kept going.

Am I totally insane for thinking that I can do this race?
There is a 4hr time limit, so I have no doubt I can finish, even if my IT band should act up again (which hopefully won't happen), my only doubts for the race come from my friends (who don't share my love for being active all the time).
I just want to go out and enjoy the atmosphere and really take in the race not worrying about time like last time. I would go through a formal training period, however, I won't be able to run a half until next fall (because of my location and school) and I REALLY wanted to run one before May.


  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    How crazy would it be to run a half marathon in about a week with no half training?

    Am I totally insane for thinking that I can do this race?

    No training and you are risking major injury!!!
  • fast_eddie_72
    fast_eddie_72 Posts: 719 Member
    A couple of months ago I'd have said bat **** crazy. Now, I'll just say a little insane.

    I have a friend who swears she ran a half with no training. Kinda like you, she had a lot of running experience. My personal experience? I am in the middle of training for my fifth half, but man, since I dropped 16 or 17 lbs my runs are SO MUCH EASIER. I think I could cover 13 miles without dying tomorrow if I had to. As you know, a big part of running is overall fitness. But you do have to train your body for all the pounding.

    I bet you'd hurt after, but you *might* be able to do it. Sort of one of those things you have to judge for yourself. Can you try to get out for an 8 or 10 mile run tomorrow before you decide? I know a fair few folks who only trained up to 8 miles and ran a half.
  • jess__bat
    jess__bat Posts: 18 Member
    13 miles is a long way to go with out training.... I'm training for a may marathon and run 6 days a week, maybe about 25-30 miles a week. All that said, I wouldn't run a half right now, I haven't strengthened my tendons and ligaments enough. That sore knee I feel right before mile 10? Who knows what injury that could be if I pushed through it right now.

    Do the training and complete a race you know you are prepared for. Training is 90% of competition. If you know you're prepared you know how well you can do, you can push yourself to that standard, and be proud of the results!!! Find a few 5/10ks until you have the time for a bigger race. :)