Smoothie Help

BreatheAshley Posts: 130 Member
I want to try and make my first smoothie tomorrow but I am not sure how to do it with the measurements and what taste good together so I wanted to list what I have and maybe you guys can help me.

- Grape Fruits
- Bananas
- Activia Yogurt
- Milk
- Ice/Water
- Hersey's Chocolate
- Peanut Butter
- Vanilla Extract

Those are what I have and what I think would taste good in a smoothie but I am sure not all of them will taste good together so I need some help. Thanks. :)


  • jhroper
    jhroper Posts: 8 Member
    Looks like all those ingredients go together except for maybe the grapefruit BUT I play around with my smoothies. I just throw things that I think will go together.... Such as pineapple, cilantro, almond milk, stevia in the raw, and water - one of my favorites. I would make it simple to start like one banana, 2tbsp peanut butter, 1tbsp Hershey syrup, then thin it down with milk will probably be at least a cup but if still too thick use more liquid, too thin add banana. Soon you'll get a rhythm and start really experimenting and that is tons of fun!!
  • BreatheAshley
    BreatheAshley Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks. :)