
Ok I have to complain a little. I'm sitting here with my huge *kitten* roll hanging over my pants. I have been working my *kitten* off....and nothing. No weight loss.. nothing I don't get it. It's very discouraging though. And I feel disgusting.


  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hang in there hun!! Keep on exercising and eventually it will come off. Weight isnt the only thing that drops.. some people see inches lost before weight loss. Hopefully you are staying within your calorie limits each day too
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Have you seen your doctor? There might be something medially wrong if you're following the program and not seeing results. They can medicate it and you'll see mondo results right away (take it from me. I struggled for years, this is my second time on MFP, but I'm medicated this time and it WORKS!)
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    Have you seen your doctor? There might be something medially wrong if you're following the program and not seeing results. They can medicate it and you'll see mondo results right away (take it from me. I struggled for years, this is my second time on MFP, but I'm medicated this time and it WORKS!)

    I have epilepsy so a weight loss pill most likely won't be recommended. I can't even take sleeping pills, drink alcohol, get minimum amounts of sleep because it causes me to have seizures. I know I can lose the weight I just don't know why it's not showing as quickly as I would have liked.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's going to be difficult to get the weight off with trips to Wendy's McDonalds, Red Robin, Taco Bell, and 4,000 mg of sodium. You may want to carry your lunch a few times.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Are you eating enough? When I was trying to lose 1.5 pounds a week and was allowed 1200 calories per day I really wasn't seeing results. Now that I've changed to 1 pound per week and get a couple hundred more calories a day I find I'm losing at least a pound a week, if not more. I weighed in this morning and found I'd lost 1.3 pounds in the last three days. Everyone's bodies, metabolisms, and genetic histories are different and some of us need to eat more than others in order to stop storing fat.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Also, processed foods do not help weight loss at all. All the unnecessary sodium and artificial, chemical ingredients are not good for your body.
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    I cook for myself all the time and was in the same place. I have to work out and watch what I eat. I wasn't even eating 1200 calories and pumped it up to 1400. I started losing!
  • exercisesucks
    Easy on the sodium.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Those sodium numbers are shocking. I agree .. you have to cut that way back because it retains water and other bad things (raises blood pressure, but you know that).
    Burn off those calories :)
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    It's going to be difficult to get the weight off with trips to Wendy's McDonalds, Red Robin, Taco Bell, and 4,000 mg of sodium. You may want to carry your lunch a few times.

    If you notice, I am still under my calories. And this isn't an OFTEN thing. Family has been in town so we have been going out. It doesn't happen that often.

    AND I also under calculate my calories. So what I'm posting is at least 200 under what my hrm states.
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    It's going to be difficult to get the weight off with trips to Wendy's McDonalds, Red Robin, Taco Bell, and 4,000 mg of sodium. You may want to carry your lunch a few times.

    And I don't eat at Taco Bell...that's even beyond my type of eating.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    If you are eating under your cals that might be why you aren't loosing....I had and still have a hard time eating my calories, but I noticed when I don't eat them all, the weight tends to stick around...and make sure you are drinking plenty of water, atleast 8 a day I aim for 12 my weight lose is only 1 pound a week for the past 90 days, and yeah its slow but steady.

    Hang in there and make sure to eat all your calories :)
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    I noticed you had a few days recently with 1000+ calorie burns. Since i don't know what activity you were doing, i am just tossing out ideas, but are you sure your burn count is accurate? Some people do get super high burns like that some days, but its not a common # to be over 1000. Just wondering and trying to figure things out w ya....

    And, as hard as it is (and please don't take it personally) but you will need to introduce more fresh fruits, veggies, etc to your diet and cut out some of the prepared foods/fast foods/candy/cookie/soda. I know its hard, especially at first, so focus on just one area at a time and try to hit that goal. Say hitting your protein mark. Or being under your sodium mark...

    Also, IF your burn count IS correct (congrats!) you are probably packing on quite a bit of muscle and losing fat at the same time, but because muscle is denser than fat, you will lose INCHES and increase your metabolism but not neccessarily see the NUMBER on the scale change a whole lot. Once you get those muscles established (as a former couch potato myself, i know this from experience), you will start to see the #s move again. But again, the sodium and water intake is critical to watch.

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    I noticed you had a few days recently with 1000+ calorie burns. Since i don't know what activity you were doing, i am just tossing out ideas, but are you sure your burn count is accurate? Some people do get super high burns like that some days, but its not a common # to be over 1000. Just wondering and trying to figure things out w ya....

    And, as hard as it is (and please don't take it personally) but you will need to introduce more fresh fruits, veggies, etc to your diet and cut out some of the prepared foods/fast foods/candy/cookie/soda. I know its hard, especially at first, so focus on just one area at a time and try to hit that goal. Say hitting your protein mark. Or being under your sodium mark...

    Also, IF your burn count IS correct (congrats!) you are probably packing on quite a bit of muscle and losing fat at the same time, but because muscle is denser than fat, you will lose INCHES and increase your metabolism but not neccessarily see the NUMBER on the scale change a whole lot. Once you get those muscles established (as a former couch potato myself, i know this from experience), you will start to see the #s move again. But again, the sodium and water intake is critical to watch.

    Good luck with your weight loss!

    I do a lot of cardio and reflex driven kinect games. And I do work up a 150+ heart rate for the 95% of 1.5. Like I mentioned I do under calculate my calories, just in case this isn't correct. So if I put 1000 it stated about 1200 on my monitor. I don't know how to come up with a 100% accurate number. When I worked out on a machine it would tell me I did 11-13 calories per minute. So I take my time I worked out times it by 11. Take that time and add it to my HRM calories then divide by two to get the average. And I go based off of that. I dont eat a lot of fruit because people talk about all the sugars and how it isn't as good as one would think. I really don't know how to add a lot of veggies into my diet. I don't really like them plain and I don't know how to cook them. I've tried seaming them with garlic and spices and it just doesn't turn out well. It just shocks me that I am eating 1000 times better than I was (believe me....2200-3000 cals a day with NO exercise). But I don't see or feel any change? It just doesn't make sense to me. But like you all are saying I have to get under the gun. Thank you all!!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I do a lot of cardio and reflex driven kinect games. And I do work up a 150+ heart rate for the 95% of 1.5. Like I mentioned I do under calculate my calories, just in case this isn't correct. So if I put 1000 it stated about 1200 on my monitor. I don't know how to come up with a 100% accurate number. When I worked out on a machine it would tell me I did 11-13 calories per minute. So I take my time I worked out times it by 11. Take that time and add it to my HRM calories then divide by two to get the average. And I go based off of that. I dont eat a lot of fruit because people talk about all the sugars and how it isn't as good as one would think. I really don't know how to add a lot of veggies into my diet. I don't really like them plain and I don't know how to cook them. I've tried seaming them with garlic and spices and it just doesn't turn out well. It just shocks me that I am eating 1000 times better than I was (believe me....2200-3000 cals a day with NO exercise). But I don't see or feel any change? It just doesn't make sense to me. But like you all are saying I have to get under the gun. Thank you all!!

    THis will sound weird but it works for me, I'm not a huge vegetable fan, but I recently tried baby spinach and am addicted to it now...I don't cook it though, I eat it raw and just add to food that I"m already eating, or replace like the iceberg lettuce on burgers (not gross really) or in salads with alittle bit of spinach.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's going to be difficult to get the weight off with trips to Wendy's McDonalds, Red Robin, Taco Bell, and 4,000 mg of sodium. You may want to carry your lunch a few times.

    And I don't eat at Taco Bell...that's even beyond my type of eating.

    My bad, 500 calories/1,000 sodium from Taco Time; wrong name. You seem to have it worked out, so do you.
  • JLeeAlton
    I think you need to change your eating habits a bit. More fresh veggies and fruit and home cooked low cal meals. I try as hard as I can to make fresh meals daily and always use the leftovers so I do not waste. I do have a few processed foods here and there but I really try to be fresh. Maybe also watch fat intake and bump up more protein fiber and good carbs.
  • carmen1485
    I can't see your food calendar so probably should just butt out of this but just wondered. Are you wearing your HRM all the time? MFP is already calculating on you burning a set number of calories for your lifestyle, height, weight etc, but if you are adding in your 'activities of daily living' calories off your HRM to MFP, that might not help. Sorry if that's just really unhelpful.

    Really hope you find a way that works for you.
  • ToadallyHIS
    One thing that I have learned through this whole journey is that I cannot let the number on the scale be my driving factor. I have allowed too many failures in this area because of this. As of right now, i've been at this for almost 90 days, only blown it once in that time, I'm only down 16 pounds but i'm almost two full sizes down now. I'm losing more inches than I am weight. While there is one part of me that wants to be frustrated about the number on the scale, I am learning that it is more than that. I feel better than i have in years, i don't hate the person in the mirror anymore because even when the scale isn't showing it, i KNOW that i'm doing everything right.

    One thing I have to do is watch my sodium intake, i don't use salt much at all, i never use it when i'm cooking, but i realized that a lot of the frozen diet meals, diet soda, etc has very large amounts of sodium in it, i've been trying to to make better choices and stay away from the processed foods. For me switching to whole wheat bread and pastas have helped too.

    Whatever you do, don't give up and do NOT let the number of the scale be the reason you are making strides to change your life. It's about so much more than that.
  • tiffanyb73
    My daughter has epilepsy as well. As with any medical condition,I would suggest talking with your doctor. There are many epileptic medications that do not cause weight gain. Perhaps you can change. Also there could be underlying conditions,such as thyroid issues. BUT above all else please speak with your doctor about your depression and your weight gain.