Starting today - need friends to make it the last 'day 1'

Hoping if I post rather than lurk I will find some friends who will stop me deleting my account and starting over when I have a not perfect day! I am 34 and from the UK. I don't have lots of weight to lose (I am about 5' 8" and 130lb) but would like to lose some fat and gain some muscle and feel good in my skin and clothes!

I love the head space I get from working out and try and do something most days. I love gym classes like body combat, body pump and cardio but from what i'vecread I need to find confidence to use weights in the gym if I want to get more toned and keep my metabolism up!

Today won't be the 'perfect day 1' as I am going out for a few drinks with friends later but it seems a good day to start and accept that this will be a journey with a few bumps! So, I should still be here tomorrow to log and work out :)


  • Kyog
    Kyog Posts: 32
    It's ok to have 'day 1''s annoying, but a fresh start is always good. I'm on day 5 of my fresh start, after 4 naughty days.

    You can still have day 1s without deleting your account though, you'll feel better if you can look back on stuff :) x
  • RamonaMoon
    RamonaMoon Posts: 321 Member
    Hiya! I feel that I am constantly having day 1's too but this site does help keep me in check. I just need to keep my motivation up :) I'm 32 (on Wednesday) and from Ireland. Feel free to add me :-)

    I have about 20lbs to lose and have a new sense of determination to get them off this year. We can do this!
  • Errinlynn
    Errinlynn Posts: 3 Member
    I've had multiple day ones as well!! I lost 20 pounds last year and was only 5 pounds away from my goal. Of course then life took over and now here I am starting over again :) Hoping to make it more of a lifestyle change this time. Good luck!
  • Thanks for replying :)

    I agree fresh starts can be great - just need to feel like completing each mini challenge first rather than starting all over again. You are right tho it's a waste of logging to delete it all before I can track or see any patterns. I will try and remember that if temptation strikes!

    I am determined this time too and feel much more positive! We can do this :)
  • tlksoupgrl
    tlksoupgrl Posts: 2 Member
    I'm friendly:)
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Hiya! I've been here for a month :)
  • Another day 1 for me too! I was 5 lbs away from my goal last year and just completely fell off and here I am starting over but with a new found determination to make it my last day 1! I could always use some motivation on bad days and would love to give some too! so anyone feel free to add=)