Looking for advice on a HRM

I'm looking into getting my first HRM. I was first thinking about getting a fitbit or waiting for the amiigo to come out, but the more I read into it, the more I think I would get better use from a dedicated HRM. I'm fairly new to regular exercising. I like to swim, so ideally I'd have something that will work in the pool. I also do DVD workouts (ie 30DS), I'm currently on the 2nd week of C25K, and I also use the elliptical a few times a week.
I'm trying to decide between the Polar FT4, FT7, and the Loop. I'm in college, but I'm comfortable saving and splurging on something if I know I'll use it. I have also looked at the Bluetooth transmitters because I have an iPhone. Some of the reviews I've read talk about using the H7 Bluetooth strap with apps on their iPhone. If I could do this without the watch/bracelet, I might do that first and look into getting a wrist unit at another time. If anybody has suggestions, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    I also would like to know :smile:
  • I have an ft7 and for what I need it for a cheaper hrm would have been fine. To be honest though most times I know when I've worked hard or had an easier session but it can be reassuring and motivating to see the numbers too :) I also know when I should have taken a rest day! The ft7 from what I can see just stores more sessions and you can upload data but need an accessory to do this which wasn't worth it for me. I didn't realise that when I bought it.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    I just bought the Polar FT4, it's good, made me realise i was burning more than the machine at the gym was telling me. Personally, it was motivating to see the numbers yesterday when i used it for the first time. I think there's a cheaper version, FT1 and that is the basic hrm, if you need it for just calorie info, then go for that.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I have a Polar FT80 and it can be used in water. However, you'll need to buy the strap for swimming along with it. :)
  • popo312
    popo312 Posts: 78 Member
    I bought the bluetooth Polar H7 and love it. I use the digifit app. I syncs here and it's a very slick set-up. Very happy with it.