Some of us are just not made to be *that* skinny

I need some help here...I'm 5'5 and I'm currently at 158lbs, and my goal weight is 145lbs. I just need to vent. I am SO tired of the society telling me that I need to be 120-130 pounds according to my height. I used to suffer so much about this and it got the point where I *almost* had an eating disorder because I was obsessed with being skinny.....until I realized, I will never be what is considered "skinny". The lowest I've been is 130 pounds, and people told me I looked *sick*. My body is naturally very curvy (not chubby, curvy), and at this weight some parts of my body were very skinny while the others remained the way they were meant to be; so I just looked disproportionate and ill. That's why my goal weight isn't even in the 130s. Some of us are just not made to be super skinny and have a gap in our thighs.
How have you dealt with the pressure society puts on us to look "skinny"??


  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    You are doing this for yourself to make yourself healthier and happier - ignore "society's rules" and keep doing what makes you happy.
  • AngeliaDR
    I'm 5'5" as well and look great at 165. (Currently 191, trying to get back to 165) I am busty with a proportionally big butt to go with. At 165 I look healthy and great in a pair of jeans. I was 118 at my lowest in high school. Literally looked like a stick with boobs. I think your 'ideal weight' is whatever you feel good at. I trust my mirror more than my scale.
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    I've never heard that at 5'5 you have to weigh 120lbs. I'm 5'2.5 and that's my goal weight. 145lbs at your height seems perfectly reasonable. I'm just not one to even pay attention to what's going on "out there" so maybe I'm oblivious to it, but I have never felt pressured to weigh any particular weight. Honestly who cares what 'they' say...whoever they happen to be.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Healthy and happy is what matters not some "ideal" body size. 145 at your height is still within the healthy BMI range. I'm sorry you feel you are being pressured to be smaller than you'd like to be, the best advice I can give is to be confident in yourself and be the best *you* you can be.
  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    I'm also 5'5", but at 158 lbs, I still feel that I need to lose about 20-25 lbs to feel really healthy. I should say, I have NEVER been there - around 150 is the "thinnest" I've been, and I use quotes because even though I am heavier now, I have been working with a trainer for the last year and a half and my measurements are actually smaller than when I was at my lightest..

    The point that I wanted to make though was this: my goal weight WAS 125, until I started using a Withings scale. It (supposedly) measures fat mass and lean mass as well as weight. When I saw my "lean" weight, I realized that my goal number might be off, so I googled healthy fat mass percentages instead of weight ranges. The healthy weight range for my height, depending on age, is somewhere between 120-140 lbs. My lean weight is around 106-109 lbs, and I figure that 20% fat is within a healthy range (it's something like 18-22% depending on what you look at). So with my calculations, I'd actually be better off (if I can maintain this muscle) at 133-135, 8-10 lbs heavier than my original goal. So I have about 20-25 lbs to lose. I've never been closed to a healthy weight in my life, and I finally feel like all of the pieces are coming together and have really "clicked" for me this time.

    I think we need to find a healthy weight that works and focus on maintaining fitness.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    It seems as though you are taking a sensible look at your options and aiming for what seems to be a more realistic goal. We are all different and while some people who are to the low end of the BMI healthy range look amazing, others look too thin. Similarly some at the top end of the healthy BMI look fabulous and others look a bit chubby. It really is an individual thing. You will know yourself in your heart of hearts, what works best for you. Maybe set a series of smaller goals and when you reach them, you can always revise them (up or down). But don't feel pressured by supposed body or weight ideals. Take it a few pounds at a time and see how you feel. The main thing is you are getting healthier and fitter in the process. :o)

    I am 5ft 4" . My GP and I had a chat about my goal weight when I was having a few MOT checks, and she suggested that I aim for 11 stone (154lb), with the possibility of trying for 10 1/2 stone (148lb) if it feels right, but that that would be the least she wanted me to weigh for my body shape (I am quite busty and have a decent sized bum as well).
    That makes sense to me as it is around the weight I was when I was leaving school.

    When I told my Dad I was initially aiming for 11 stone, he seemed shocked, saying I should surely be aiming for around 8 stone. Once I stopped laughing, I explained that I don't have the willpower or the body type to pull that off and that I was aiming for long term health he seemed to get it (but I think he thinks I should be the same weight as my mum who has more of a boy figure). I guess other people's expectations can sometimes get in the way of what we know is right for us.

    I want to retain my curves but get to a healthy weight. I am content to be at the top end of the healthy range. My long-term goal is to get to this target weight but also to get strong and healthy, so I hope that my muscle mass will increase over the years, but by then I will be relying on how my clothes fit and how I feel rather than just the numbers on the scales.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    actually 120-130 for a woman who is 5 ft 5 is on the cusp of being underweight.

    I would stick with your goals.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    actually 120-130 for a woman who is 5 ft 5 is on the cusp of being underweight.

    The guideline I've always seen: For a woman, 100 lbs for the first 5', plus 5 lbs. for each additional inch. For a man, 106 lbs. for the first 5', plus 6 lbs. for each additional inch. Don't know how it works for people under 5', or the really tall.

    According to that formula, a woman 5'5" "should" weigh 125 lbs. The BMR for 120-130 is 20 to 21.6. Underweight doesn't kick in until a BMI less than 18.5. So, no, hardly on the cusp of underweight.

    That said, I agree with the OP. I'm 5'5" and look/feel best around 135-140.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Stop caring so much about what you think other people think about you... As long as you are happy and healthy ignore the rest.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,871 Member
    <<<<<<I am also 5'5" and when this profile picture was taken, I weighed 125. (I am in the black tank top). I hardly look too skinny. My muscle composition wasn't very developed, so the fat to weight ratio was fairly high. I am trying mightily to ignore the scale (this morning 132) and develop more muscle so that I can look more lean. The number on the scale is just one measurement, if you have nice muscles you will weigh more and look better.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Good lord who even uses the word SKINNY anymore? Sounds like you are the one still torturing yourself to be SKINNY- not society. Society doesn't care to be honest. And anyone in society that cares isn't worth your time. With that being said, strive to be fit.:)
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    By the way, Cancer and holocaust victims are/were skinny. Go for healthy and forget the scale for a minute.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    How have you dealt with the pressure society puts on us to look "skinny"??

    I look at the utter idiots who compromise the section of society who think they can dictate what people should look like...and think "the hell with that.."
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I'm 5'5" and have weighed, at various times in my life, 115 to 210. I feel my best at 150, so that's what I'm aiming for. Do what works for you. Ignore "society."
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    It's not about society. It's about me. I'm not losing weight for society. Beyond being sick of always being the biggest person in the room, I try not to even think about what others think. I'm kind, funny, generous, and a really great person. That's what defines me.
    I think that lots of people need to change their inner talk. Shut that negative talker inside you right up! Skinny- no. Healthy and active and strong- YES. Skinny doesn't make you happy. Having an active life full of the people and things you love makes you happy. Being where you want to be with people who want to be with you- YES! Don't settle for skinny.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I'm almost twice your age and one thing I've learned over my lifetime is that people always have opinions but that doesn't mean you have to listen to them.

    Seriously, it sounds like we have a similar body type. I'm descended from generations of big-hipped Irish ladies and look positively bony if I'm at the lower end of a "healthy" weight range. I'm aiming for 135-140 so I have a little wiggle room, mostly because I'm sure I'll gain on my vacation this fall.
  • skyfall91
    I dont really care what "people" think I should look like anymore. Im 5"5 and 152lbs (gained 10lbs over 3 months due to xmas and birthdays/new year) and my goal is 130lbs then see how I feel. When I was weighed 3 months ago by my dr I was 145lbs and she said I was perfect and didnt need to lose more weight for my height/build. Iv started running on the treadmill more and doing different workouts again so Im hoping get back to a uk size 10. I have some jeans that are now too tight when in october they were loose, so I know I need to get stuck back in. I think as long as I look nice in my clothes and dont feel like a whale naked Im happy. Chin up and do what you want with your body, dont let anyone else decide what it should look like x
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Have you heard the term 'skinny fat'? I agree with the poster who said concentrate on Lean Mass and body fat % and the scale number will take care of itself. Oh and don't worry about what other people 'think' you should be. What do you think you should be? And how much effort are you willing to put into to being that?
  • alphabetsoup2013
    alphabetsoup2013 Posts: 208 Member
    I have decided (finally) that I'm the one in charge of how I feel about myself -- and I feel really good at about 154 lbs. That's what I'm aiming for this time. I'm 5'6". Even now, I'm feeling pretty incredible (at 177 lbs.) Why aim for a weight that's lower and unsustainable for me?
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Totally agree- my cousin just lost her baby weight but had never been slim but always looked good. Whilst she was loosing the baby weight, she decided to loose a bit more- aiming to be on the slimmer side of what she used to be. Before she even got to her goal weight our grandmother told her she looked ill and not to loose any more.

    Looking at the how my family is, wide hipped for a start and even with a slight belly no matter what the size (another cousin, always been slim, is a size eight and has the 'lodge podge'), so I doubt I'd be skinny! I'm hoping to be fit and healthy.

    At the end of the day, I'd rather be curvy then skinny anyway!