1200 with workouts and no weight loss?!?? Help

I'm sticking to 1200., working out at least 5 times per week doing 50ish mins of 10k interval training . Eating very nutritiously with occasional treats but generally very balanced! Bit I've not lost any weight this week!!!! Help please check my diary and let me know what I'm doing wrong?!? Thanks


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm sticking to 1200., working out at least 5 times per week doing 50ish mins of 10k interval training . Eating very nutritiously with occasional treats but generally very balanced! Bit I've not lost any weight this week!!!! Help please check my diary and let me know what I'm doing wrong?!? Thanks

    Nothing for one whole week....?!

    Maybe try waiting a bit longer... You didn't put all the weight on in a week after all!
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    Not just nothing I actually gained 3/4 of a lb
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Not just nothing I actually gained 3/4 of a lb

    If you are worried about a 3/4 of a pound gain, (and goals of being underweight, skinny thighs and bikini hips) there is more going on and nobody on the forums will be able to help you. I suggest seeking a professional.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Am I reading this correctly...your ultimate goal weight is 95lbs?

    I got nothing...

    Your food diary wasn't open so I can't comment on that.

    Good luck though...
  • Give it some more time and try weights... nothing more than 4-5 pounds. Building muscle will help weight come off especially since it sounds like you've reached a plateau with just watching calories and completed cardio with running.
  • kbl6318
    kbl6318 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you eating any exercise calories?

    Are you weighing and/or scanning everything?

    I'm on 1500 calories and eating back the exercise calories and losing 1.5 - 2 lbs a week.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Without knowing all the history and details - one week of essentially a plateau is not too much to worry about in my opinion. If you think that not losing any weight is particularly unusual it maybe that your body has become familiar and more efficient at your current routine - maybe time to mix it up and change something to challenge your bod a little more. Also if you have been eating around the same calories each day I would recommend perhaps a higher calorie day (eat something your enjoy) followed by a fast day (dinner to dinner). Your body may have adjusted its metabolism to a constant calorie intake and it likes to stabilize things.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    ,,,Idon't usually work in lbs (being Australian) - you may also want to review your 95 lbs (OMG 43 kg!) - lean muscle will build over time. If you are full of energy feel and I expect already look great then just keep doing what you feel motivated to do and enjoy life.
  • Tagwild12345
    Tagwild12345 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I'm always the same. Keep going and it will move on the scales soon. Just make sure you eat no less than 1200. I'm on 1200 too x
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    Not just nothing I actually gained 3/4 of a lb

    If you are worried about a 3/4 of a pound gain, (and goals of being underweight, skinny thighs and bikini hips) there is more going on and nobody on the forums will be able to help you. I suggest seeking a professional.

    Oh god no way! I'm 5 ft. I used to be 7 stone and I was a healthy bmi! But I had no muscle now training I don't expect to get anywhere near my old weight as I will be all muscle! And I'm not worried about a gain although I am at the very top of my healthy bmi... I'm just checking that I'm doing it all correctly as I have never trained properly before and would prefer to start correctly rather than find out after a few months I've been doing it all wrong!
  • Oh god no way! I'm 5 ft. I used to be 7 stone and I was a healthy bmi! But I had no muscle now training I don't expect to get anywhere near my old weight as I will be all muscle! And I'm not worried about a gain although I am at the very top of my healthy bmi... I'm just checking that I'm doing it all correctly as I have never trained properly before and would prefer to start correctly rather than find out after a few months I've been doing it all wrong!

    Don't just go by BMI. Especially if you're gaining muscle. Find a tool that also considers your measurements.
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    Are you eating any exercise calories?

    Are you weighing and/or scanning everything?

    I'm on 1500 calories and eating back the exercise calories and losing 1.5 - 2 lbs a week.

    You see I have always been confused by this to eat or not eat exercise kcal!!
    Yes I am weighing and scanning and generally being very careful about amounts particularly not to go under 1200 at all!
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    Fab!! Got zero help! Cheers
  • Cozmetick
    Cozmetick Posts: 94 Member
    I'm doing the same and last week I gained 3lbs. Didn't log my gain but this week I lost six lbs and logged my 3 lbs loss! So just keep it up! Don't be discouraged:) feel free to add:)
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I've been stuck at the same weight for over two weeks. I actually gained THREE at first and now have been very slowly working those off.

    It's a bummer, but it's part of the weight loss game.

    Edit: I just peeked at your diary; you're not tracking sodium, which is fine, but you might have had a bit extra in the past few days. It will work itself out.
  • yogacat13
    yogacat13 Posts: 124 Member
    You did get some help, so listen to what they have said. Your goal is really too low. I'm 5'1" and would look frightening at 95 pounds.

    Now, are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, do that for a week or two and see how you feel.
  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    Now then lass!

    Had a quick look through your diary and I'll share with you what I reckon..

    1: exercise calories - if you are going by what MFP tells you then be wary that they overestimate quite a lot.
    2: Them pesky digestives...you might want to eat proper food instead of them if you can (see my diary - I don't always manage :) )

    You might also want to try and go slower with the loss - slow and steady wins the race. If you have bugger all to lose then go for half a pound a week, maybe less.

    You can do it - so don;t be downhearted. I learned to run using C25K - last July>August time. I ran my first 10k in october and my most recent on Saturday (it was cold, wet and windy)

    So - keep at it, review your goals for losing so fast and try to avoid "wasting" your calories on biscuits :)
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm sticking to 1200., working out at least 5 times per week doing 50ish mins of 10k interval training . Eating very nutritiously with occasional treats but generally very balanced! Bit I've not lost any weight this week!!!! Help please check my diary and let me know what I'm doing wrong?!? Thanks

    Make sure you have calculated your TDEE and eating enough calories (you not be eating enough so metabolism slows down). Are you doing any resistance training? Dont forget - muscle weighs more than fat so you may be losing body fat but scales say otherwise.

    Give yourself at least one treat meal a week to 'trick' your body.

    Also, having just looked your diary - cookies for breakfast isn't exactly healthy and nutritious! If you're trying to lose body fat, try to keep refined sugar to a minimum, including no cakes, biscuits, etc. Some will tell you to eat that sort of stuff if your calorie goal allows, but consider 'good calories' and 'bad calories'. You're not going to eat a load of cake each day just because your calories for the day allow it...allow yourself these foods as a treat
  • I'm confused. Do you want to lose weight, or gain muscle? They're two different focuses. To build muscle, you need to be eating at a caloric surplus. If you want to lose fat, you need to be at a deficit. You can't do both.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Are you eating any exercise calories?

    Are you weighing and/or scanning everything?

    I'm on 1500 calories and eating back the exercise calories and losing 1.5 - 2 lbs a week.

    You see I have always been confused by this to eat or not eat exercise kcal!!
    Yes I am weighing and scanning and generally being very careful about amounts particularly not to go under 1200 at all!

    Your best bet is to calculate your TDEE (theres loads of calculators online). Take off 250-500 calories from TDEE to lose 0.5-1lb per week. Input this figure into MFP and eat that number of calories each day, whether your are exercising or not. If you use this method do not log your exercise. TDEE is basically the number of calories you need to eat based on your lifestyle, this includes exercise. That's how I do and find it the easiest method as I know exactly the number of calories I should be eating each day, no matter what form of exercise I do - working for me, I've lost an inch off my waist and hips this week :happy: