cal burned by housework

Does anyone have any idea how to judge calories burnd by cleaning house. Vaccuming, laundry, dishes, mopping....that sort of thing.


  • magickclaire
    you can put it through your exercises under light cleaning I believe : D
  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    It is listed in the database im sure.....under cleaning .......moderate......light.......vigorous
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    It's in the exercise database - quite a few people use it (I don't because I cleaned before). Calories burned are quite high on the MFP estimates (at least for me - according to my HRM)
  • SandyBaldwin
    SandyBaldwin Posts: 12 Member
    Gardening too? Like, all day, sweating like a pig gardening? Mowing a huge sloping lawn?
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I use the data base, and my oh my, you can burn a nice amount of calories doing housework, especially when it is vigorous, heavy, like moving the sofa to clean under it lol
  • pixymom1963
    pixymom1963 Posts: 10 Member
    :smile: Thanks guys! You all rock!