In Need of Friends

Been trying alone and it's very difficult. My RL friends do not understand and just say 'you're fine, you don't need to lose weight' etc. Need some people who actually understand!


  • Friend request sent.
    We can do this!!
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    Been trying alone and it's very difficult. My RL friends do not understand and just say 'you're fine, you don't need to lose weight' etc. Need some people who actually understand!

    I totally hear you! It is hard when you're trying to do it on your own, even if the final responsibility rests on you. I understand completely!
  • hillcityjosh
    hillcityjosh Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place for all of us to help each other!
  • I know exactly what you mean, very hard to do it alone. People say you're doing fine, but they haven't seen me with my clothes off :P
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    I know exactly what you mean, very hard to do it alone. People say you're doing fine, but they haven't seen me with my clothes off :P

    ROFL I know I say that, too!
  • NidiaG24
    NidiaG24 Posts: 31 Member
    u got a friend right here
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    I know exactly what you mean, very hard to do it alone. People say you're doing fine, but they haven't seen me with my clothes off :P

    ROFL I know I say that, too!
  • I too have a very long journey ahead of me. We can do this! Friend Request sent.
  • Ambernstevo
    Ambernstevo Posts: 4 Member
    You can totally add me! I have one active friend on here and she is my RL friend.
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    RhysWill_I_Ams Posts: 245 Member
    Happy to help with any motivation, add away! :)
  • jsf57
    jsf57 Posts: 3 Member
    You can add me.
  • lymony
    lymony Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, Thanks everyone, I didnt expect such a response to be honest! I'm trying to follow a sensible diet. I got a cross trainer for christmas and so farr having been doing 30 minutes every other day on it and trying to eat around 1200-1400 cals a day. I have two major problems though.
    (1) I give in WAAY too easily to craving for bad things, espiecally hen I've been good for a couple of days becuase i justify it to myself
    (2) When I'm out for food with friends I let myself be persuaded into ordering bad things

    Obviously, both these things are self-control issues, can anyone offer any advice for me? :)
  • seaberry09
    seaberry09 Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me! Anyone :)
  • elainek79
    elainek79 Posts: 499 Member
    I really found MFP awesome!! It help me lose weight and got me into weight training there are so many great inspirational (that may be spelt wrong!! Sorry ) people , ive been seriously logging my calories and exercise for about 3 months and seen a massive improvement in my body...I really hope you have a good experience on MFP!! One tip is everything you put in your mouth you log it on mfp even if you go over your daily goal... :)
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Wow, Thanks everyone, I didnt expect such a response to be honest! I'm trying to follow a sensible diet. I got a cross trainer for christmas and so farr having been doing 30 minutes every other day on it and trying to eat around 1200-1400 cals a day. I have two major problems though.
    (1) I give in WAAY too easily to craving for bad things, espiecally hen I've been good for a couple of days becuase i justify it to myself
    (2) When I'm out for food with friends I let myself be persuaded into ordering bad things

    Obviously, both these things are self-control issues, can anyone offer any advice for me? :)

    My best advice / insight into weight loss is that it is a process, and just as much (if not more so) an emotional and psychological process as it is a physical one. I clearly remember when mine started. I was on my way to a fast food joint for junk and then I just said "NO", turned my car around, went to the store and bought a case of diet soda. The rest of the story - is in progress and has been an amazing challenge along the way.
  • NzBuilt
    NzBuilt Posts: 235 Member
    You have come to the best and right place everyone on here is so
    Helpful motivational and inspire at the same time feel free to add me i log
    Daily #LETS GO..