100 pounds to lose.



  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    I have lost 185 Pounds in 15 months.I t CAN & WILL be achieved. Stick to a daily workout routine. Drink lots of water, cut out deep fried food, fast food, soda, pop. . . Start taking note on how many calories are in the food you are eating! Look at the back of the products, it will help you make the right decision within yourself "If I eat this, I am willing to work it off by doing more exercises to compensate for the food that I WANT to eat NOT NEED?"

    I wish you all the best :)
  • DeeAnn2004
    HI! I am needing to lose 150 or so pounds. I want to lose 75 before June 12th. That is my goal. I am 18lbs down.
    I am counting calories and trying to exercise daily for at least an hour a day.
  • LeighRaeW
    LeighRaeW Posts: 42 Member
    Hi. I've got 50 kg (110 lbs) to lose as an initial goal (which I would like to achieve for my graduation in July 2015). From there I'll reassess, and probably another have 30-35 lbs to lose.
    My diary is open.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Don't put a time limit on yourself you didn't put it on instantly so it may take some time to come off. As for strategies that's no miracle way it's just eat at a sensible deficit and start to introduce some exercise. Find something you like doing that way you're more likely to keep at it. You need to be consistent and willing to do the work and if you are you will lose the weight and get healthier
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    I started with 164 pounds to lose. Today is the 6 month anniversary of my journey.
  • BeHappyRobin
    BeHappyRobin Posts: 10 Member
    I have 119 pounds to lose but remember its going take time its not gonna happen over night give yourself sometime and don't be hard on yourself you will get there with a healthy eating plan and exercisebest of luck to you ;)
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    I did my loss one pound at a time, one week at a time. Every time I predicted "I'll be at this weight by this date" I disappointed myself, s I don't do that anymore. The first 20 pounds I lost NO CLOTHING SIZES! But when spring came I stopped wearing 24 or 22 jeans - and in the fall I was in an 18. Now I'm in 16's and even one pair of 14's! People didn't notice (or comment) until 30 pounds off.

    Log your food, be honest with yourself, and park a little farther away from the door every day!
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    It's great to read all the comments made by such wonderfully motivated people who are undaunted by the journey ahead. We folks that are on the 100 pound plus weight loss plan can truly benefit from the support and tips of others. I like that you have a realistic goal of 5-10 pounds a month. That seems wise and will encourage you but not set you up for disappointment if you don't lose what you expected any particular time. I've lost 105 pounds in about 15 months averaging 7 pounds a month on 1200 calories a day and a sedentary lifestyle. I have no doubt that all of us here can do this!
  • GeordieRover
    GeordieRover Posts: 22 Member
    Approx 80lbs target have lost 13lbs since joining MFP by cycling both indoors and out.

    No added sugar little bread, no sugar soft drinks.

    You seem to be going well,just don,t go to quick,your heart needs time to adjust,as well as your skin.
  • Eatwellstayfit123
    I did not have 100 to lose, but have at least 62 to lose. Lost 12 lbs. since starting the end of Oct, Still have 50 to go for my first goal. You just have to be strict and limit yourself on high fats and high sugar foods. My fitness helps you do this because with everything figured for you, you know where to cut back. Try to stay with healthy salads, and limit bread,potatoes and pasta. I use cauliflower for mashed potatoes when I am serious about losing weight. There are many substitutes of food to use and try to stay away from the artificial sweeetners and pay closer attention to labels. Try reaching your goal in 5lb. increments. Don't think about the 100lbs. and you will actually lose the weight quicker. If you lose weight too fast you are more likely to gain back. Stick with low calorie foods that are high in protein too, Watch the carbs. Once you pay more attention to your diet with myfitness you will pay more attention to healthy eating and the weight will come off.
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 158 Member
    I started this journey October 18, 2009. I've been losing slowly, but I was 352+ pounds when I started. I say + because it took me nearly a week before I found the courage to step on the scale. It's been a long 4 1/2 years, but I have taken this in fits and starts. I CAN and WILL do this. I've lost 115+ pounds so far and I want to lose 60- 80 more.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    My goal is 100 lbs, down 13 since joining MFP 4 wks ago. I wish you much success in your journey.
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    Great job!! Keep that motivation going. You can do it.
  • purple180
    purple180 Posts: 130 Member
    I have lost 185 Pounds in 15 months.I t CAN & WILL be achieved. Stick to a daily workout routine. Drink lots of water, cut out deep fried food, fast food, soda, pop. . . Start taking note on how many calories are in the food you are eating! Look at the back of the products, it will help you make the right decision within yourself "If I eat this, I am willing to work it off by doing more exercises to compensate for the food that I WANT to eat NOT NEED?"

    I wish you all the best :)

    Great advice. I have lost over 125 pounds (see profile) I lost most of it prior to MFP. From June 2012 to June 2013 I lost over 100 pounds. The key thing is to get the tools you need to be successful (food scales are very important), I weigh and log everything....the good, bad and the ugly. Be honest with yourself and never give up.Also, try not to crash "diet" and eat very low calorie. Do some research on the forums and educate yourself on fitness and nutrition (this also helped me a great deal). Best wishes and good luck to you!
  • xXxNeVaGiVeUpxXx
    Hey my name is Leah and I am trying to loos 56 lbs. If you are keen to loose weight and want some motivation add me :)
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    It's a long journey. Don't expect it to happen quickly. It might help to just not think about how far you have to go. I've kind of stopped thinking about losing weight and just settled into a new healthy routine. Over time, the weight comes off.
  • lumyrainstar
    I have 230 pounds to lose!! Firstly it's good to see a doctor because there might be problems as to WHY you aren't losing weight. Start with the basics: Log your food, realize portion sizes as opposed to container sizes, quit soda, restrict drinking your calories, exercise more often ---even just walking is a good start. However, I was on a super low fat diet which was also low calorie and I GAINED 30 pounds from Nov-Jan. Turns out A. I have a thyroid problem, and B. I have metabolic syndrome. So I'm now on meds to treat both and I'm seeing a nutritionist to set up a better eating plan, and I'm rejoining my gym (had my gallbladder out in January so I had to take it easy for a bit). So if you start realizing you're putting in the correct effort and still not losing at all or are gaining--definitely do not hesitate to see a doctor. Just a word of advice.
  • Sutts2014
    Sutts2014 Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined MVP. I need to lose at least 100 pounds. I'd love some support and eating ideas.
  • Trip_loves_pandas
    For me I had 105 pounds to lose lost 25 so far so honestly consult with your doctor :) and will power, be strong set your self with a good daily calorie intake, I also suggest eating healthy and tons of water and disapline, but do not push your self to far yet how about for the end of June try to lose at least 28 pounds, then see where your progress takes you. If you lose 28 pounds then set a goal for 50 pounds, I hear if you lose weight quickly will leave access skin (obviously) and you have a greater chance to gain it twice as quick or much, I have a calorie intake for 1,200 calories a day, sounds crazy but my Dr & health coach completely agree that it is accurate. Leafy greens are your best friend,as well as water oh you want a soda or cookie reach fora pinnaple slice or apple, orange etc.... I wish you the best of luck :) nobody can do it but you. (Ps. On YouTube check out fitness blender there awesome they helpt me :)
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    I've lost 70+ but put 10 back on.....still have another 100 to go!! Let's do it!